Saturday, March 22, 2025

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 202

Number of Answers: 43

Points Needed for Genius: 141

Genius requires between 19 and 36 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 75% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 68% of the remaining points to reach genius.

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 202 was in the 67th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on March 19, 2025.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 43 possible answers rank it in the 61st percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on March 20, 2025.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on March 18, 2025.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.7.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 192
  • loll 185
  • toot 182
  • naan 168
  • nana 168
  • lilt 136
  • till 136
  • tilt 136
  • tint 134
  • mama 127
  • mamma 127
  • nene 127
  • acacia 120
  • acai 120
  • onto 118
  • toon 118
  • anal 113
  • onion 113
  • anon 109
  • boob 109
  • booboo 109
  • baba 107
  • olio 106
  • tact 104
  • dodo 103
  • lull 103
  • lulu 103
  • papa 103
  • call 102
  • calla 102
  • mitt 102
  • poop 102
  • ratatat 100
  • tart 100
  • tartar 100
  • tattoo 100
  • tatty 100
  • allay 99
  • ally 99
  • attar 99
  • tutu 99
  • mono 98
  • moon 98
  • ammo 97
  • cocci 97
  • epee 97
  • momma 97
  • peep 97
  • loot 93
  • lotto 93

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 98,794 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,539 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • dogdom
  • glim
  • gliming
  • gnomon
  • imid
  • imido
  • imino
  • immingling
  • liming
  • midnoon
  • migg
  • mignon
  • milding
  • miling
  • milo
  • minimill
  • modi
  • modillion
  • modioli
  • mogging
  • momi
  • mongo
  • mongol
  • mongoloid
  • monologging
  • mool
  • moondog
  • nimming
  • nomoi

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. To make something less bright.
  2. To become darker.
  3. To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct
  4. To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of.
  1. The process of becoming dim.


No Definition Found.


  1. Power or the use of power; sovereignty over something; stewardship, supremacy.
  2. Predominance; ascendancy
  3. (sometimes figurative) A kingdom, nation, or other sphere of influence; governed territory.
  4. An order of angel in Christian angelology, ranked above virtues and below thrones.


  1. A tile divided into two squares, each having 0 to 6 (or sometimes more) dots or pips (as in dice), used in the game of dominoes.
  2. A country that is expected to react to events in a neighboring country, according to the domino effect.
  3. A masquerade costume consisting of a hooded robe and a mask covering the upper part of the face.
  4. The mask itself.
  5. The person wearing the costume.
  6. A polyomino made up of two squares.
  7. A mistake in performing.
  1. To collapse in the manner of dominoes.
  2. To cause to collapse in the manner of dominoes.


  1. Destiny, especially terrible.
  2. An undesirable fate; an impending severe occurrence or danger that seems inevitable.
  3. A feeling of danger, impending danger, darkness or despair.
  4. A law.
  5. A judgment or decision.
  6. A sentence or penalty for illegal behaviour.
  7. Death.
  8. (sometimes capitalized) The Last Judgment; or, an artistic representation thereof.
  1. To pronounce sentence or judgment on; to condemn.
  2. To destine; to fix irrevocably the ill fate of.
  3. To judge; to estimate or determine as a judge.
  4. To ordain as a penalty; hence, to mulct or fine.
  5. To assess a tax upon, by estimate or at discretion.


  1. To pronounce sentence or judgment on; to condemn.
  2. To destine; to fix irrevocably the ill fate of.
  3. To judge; to estimate or determine as a judge.
  4. To ordain as a penalty; hence, to mulct or fine.
  5. To assess a tax upon, by estimate or at discretion.
  1. The act by which something is doomed or fated; a condemnation.


Etymology 1

  1. To steal, to grab.
  2. To stare.
  3. To attach.

Etymology 2

  1. Short for glomerulus.


  1. To steal, to grab.
  2. To stare.
  3. To attach.


  1. Darkness, dimness or obscurity.
  2. A melancholic, depressing or despondent atmosphere.
  3. Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness.
  4. A drying oven used in gunpowder manufacture.
  1. To be dark or gloomy.
  2. To look or feel sad, sullen or despondent.
  3. To render gloomy or dark; to obscure; to darken.
  4. To fill with gloom; to make sad, dismal, or sullen.
  5. To shine or appear obscurely or imperfectly; to glimmer.


Etymology 1

  1. To be dark or gloomy.
  2. To look or feel sad, sullen or despondent.
  3. To render gloomy or dark; to obscure; to darken.
  4. To fill with gloom; to make sad, dismal, or sullen.
  5. To shine or appear obscurely or imperfectly; to glimmer.

Etymology 2

  1. Twilight of morning or evening; the gloaming.
  2. Gloomy behaviour; melancholy.


  1. A manner of speaking, a mode of expression peculiar to a language, person, or group of people.
  2. A language or language variety; specifically, a restricted dialect used in a given historical period, context etc.
  3. An established expression whose meaning is not deducible from the literal meanings of its component words, often peculiar to a given language.
  4. An artistic style (for example, in art, architecture, or music); an instance of such a style.
  5. A programming construct or phraseology that is characteristic of the language.


  1. To draw or paint; to delineate.
  2. To illuminate, as a manuscript; to decorate with gold or some other bright colour.


  1. To draw or paint; to delineate.
  2. To illuminate, as a manuscript; to decorate with gold or some other bright colour.
  1. A depiction.


  1. An automobile body with seats and permanent top like a coupe, and with the top projecting over the driver and a projecting front.
  2. An automobile with such a body.
  3. A luxury sedan or saloon car, especially one with a lengthened wheelbase or driven by a chauffeur.
  4. An automobile for transportation to or from an airport, including sedans, vans, and buses.


Etymology 1

  1. A utensil; tool; a weapon; (usually in compound) an article in general.
  2. A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver forms cloth out of thread; a machine for interweaving yarn or threads into a fabric, as in knitting or lace making.
  3. The part of an oar which is between the grip or handle and the blade, the shaft.

Etymology 2

  1. Loon (bird of order Gaviiformes)

Etymology 3

  1. A distorted appearance of something as seen indistinctly or from afar.
  1. To appear indistinctly, eg. when seen on the horizon or through the murk.
  2. To appear in an exaggerated or threatening form; to be imminent.
  3. To rise and to be eminent; to be elevated or ennobled, in a moral sense.


  1. To appear indistinctly, eg. when seen on the horizon or through the murk.
  2. To appear in an exaggerated or threatening form; to be imminent.
  3. To rise and to be eminent; to be elevated or ennobled, in a moral sense.
  1. The condition of something that looms or towers.


  1. Something of intermediate or average size, position, or quality.
  1. Of intermediate or average size, position, or quality; mediocre.
  2. In fairly good health.
  1. Fairly, moderately, somewhat.
  2. Not too badly, with modest success.


  1. A native or inhabitant of Berlin.
  2. A doughnut with a sweet filling.
  3. A newspaper format with pages normally measuring about 315 by 470 millimetres (12.4 in × 18.5 inches), slightly taller and wider than a tabloid but narrower and shorter than a broadsheet.
  1. A coat or skirt having such a hemline.
  1. Having a hemline at mid-calf length.


  1. A relatively low-gravity beer, often with a dark colour; mild ale
  1. Gentle and not easily angered.
  2. (of a rule or punishment) Of only moderate severity; not strict.
  3. Not overly felt or seriously intended.
  4. (of an illness or pain) Not serious or dangerous.
  5. (of weather) Moderately warm, especially less cold than expected.
  6. (of a medicine or cosmetic) Acting gently and without causing harm.
  7. (of food, drink, or a drug) Not sharp or bitter; not strong in flavor.


Etymology 1

  1. A grinding apparatus for substances such as grains, seeds, etc.
  2. The building housing such a grinding apparatus.
  3. A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process.
  4. A machine for grinding and polishing.
  5. The raised or ridged edge or surface made in milling anything, such as a coin or screw.
  6. A manufacturing plant for paper, steel, textiles, etc.
  7. A building housing such a plant.
  8. An establishment that handles a certain type of situation or procedure routinely, or produces large quantities of an item without much regard to quality, such as a divorce mill, a puppy mill, etc.
  9. An institution awarding educational certificates not officially recognised
  10. An engine.
  11. A boxing match, fistfight.
  12. (die sinking) A hardened steel roller with a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, such as copper.
  13. An excavation in rock, transverse to the workings, from which material for filling is obtained.
  14. A passage underground through which ore is shot.
  15. A milling cutter.
  16. A treadmill.
  17. A typewriter used to transcribe messages received.
  1. To grind or otherwise process in a mill or other machine.
  2. To shape, polish, dress or finish using a machine.
  3. To engrave one or more grooves or a pattern around the edge of (a cylindrical object such as a coin).
  4. (followed by around, about, etc.) To move about in an aimless fashion.
  5. To cause to mill, or circle around.
  6. (of air-breathing creatures) To swim underwater.
  7. (of a whale) To swim suddenly in a new direction.
  8. To beat; to pound.
  9. To pass through a fulling mill; to full, as cloth.
  10. To roll (steel, etc.) into bars.
  11. To make (drinking chocolate) frothy, as by churning.
  12. To undergo hulling.
  13. To take part in a fistfight; to box.
  14. To fill (a winze or interior incline) with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  15. (thieves' cant) To commit burglary.

Etymology 2

  1. An obsolete coin worth one thousandth of a US dollar, or one tenth of a cent.
  2. One thousandth part, particularly in millage rates of property tax.

Etymology 3

  1. An angular mil, a unit of angular measurement equal to 1⁄6400 of a complete circle. At 1000 metres one mil subtends about one metre (0.98 m). Also 1⁄6000 and 1⁄6300 are used in other countries.
  2. A unit of measurement equal to 1⁄1000 of an inch, usually used for thin objects, such as sheets of plastic.
  3. A former subdivision (1/1000) of the Maltese lira
  4. (plural "mil") Abbreviation of million.
  1. A unit of measure of capacity, being one thousandth of a litre. Symbol: ml

Etymology 4

  1. A line of three matching pieces in nine men's morris and related games.

Etymology 5

  1. (trading card games) Discarding a card from one's deck.
  2. (trading card games) A strategy centered on depleting the opponent's deck.
  1. (trading card games) To move (a card) from a deck to the discard pile.
  2. (Hearthstone) To destroy (a card) due to having a full hand.


  1. To grind or otherwise process in a mill or other machine.
  2. To shape, polish, dress or finish using a machine.
  3. To engrave one or more grooves or a pattern around the edge of (a cylindrical object such as a coin).
  4. (followed by around, about, etc.) To move about in an aimless fashion.
  5. To cause to mill, or circle around.
  6. (of air-breathing creatures) To swim underwater.
  7. (of a whale) To swim suddenly in a new direction.
  8. To beat; to pound.
  9. To pass through a fulling mill; to full, as cloth.
  10. To roll (steel, etc.) into bars.
  11. To make (drinking chocolate) frothy, as by churning.
  12. To undergo hulling.
  13. To take part in a fistfight; to box.
  14. To fill (a winze or interior incline) with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  15. (thieves' cant) To commit burglary.
  1. (trading card games) To move (a card) from a deck to the discard pile.
  2. (Hearthstone) To destroy (a card) due to having a full hand.
  1. A grinding process using a mill.
  2. The series of notches around the edge of a coin, placed there during minting so that it can be told if some of the metal from the edge is removed. Removing metal from a coin was common practice during earlier times when coins made of precious metals circulated.
  3. A circular or random motion of a herd or a crowd.


  1. (long and short scales) The cardinal number 1,000,000: 106; a thousand thousand.
  2. An unspecified very large number.


  1. To mimic.
  2. To act without words.
  3. To represent an action or object through gesture, without the use of sound.
  1. A performance in mime.


  1. The ability for rational thought.
  2. The ability to be aware of things.
  3. The ability to remember things.
  4. The ability to focus the thoughts.
  5. Somebody that embodies certain mental qualities.
  6. Judgment, opinion, or view.
  7. Desire, inclination, or intention.
  8. A healthy mental state.
  9. The non-material substance or set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based.
  10. Continual prayer on a dead person's behalf for a period after their death.
  1. (originally and chiefly in negative or interrogative constructions) To dislike, to object to; to be bothered by.
  2. To look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time.
  3. (chiefly in the imperative) To make sure, to take care (that).
  4. To be careful about.
  5. Take note; used to point out an exception or caveat.
  6. To attend to, concern oneself with, heed, be mindful of.
  7. To remember.
  8. To have in mind; to intend.
  9. To put in mind; to remind.


Etymology 1

  1. The act of taking heed of something.

Etymology 2

  1. (originally and chiefly in negative or interrogative constructions) To dislike, to object to; to be bothered by.
  2. To look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time.
  3. (chiefly in the imperative) To make sure, to take care (that).
  4. To be careful about.
  5. Take note; used to point out an exception or caveat.
  6. To attend to, concern oneself with, heed, be mindful of.
  7. To remember.
  8. To have in mind; to intend.
  9. To put in mind; to remind.


  1. To intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product
  2. To associate or unite in a figurative way, or by ties of relationship
  3. To cause or allow to intermarry
  4. To intermarry.
  5. To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate.
  6. To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of.
  7. To put together; to join.
  8. To become mixed or blended.
  9. To socialize with different people at a social event.
  1. A mixture; a blending.


Etymology 1

  1. Miniature, tiny, small.

Etymology 2

  1. A miniskirt.
  2. A minicomputer.


  1. A half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem.
  2. A unit of volume, in the Imperial and U.S. customary systems, 1/60 fluid drachm. Approximately equal to 1 drop, 62 μL or 0.9 grain (weight) of water.
  3. A short vertical stroke used in handwriting.
  4. Anything very minute; applied to animalcula and the like.
  5. The smallest kind of worker in a leaf-cutter ant colony.
  6. A little man or being; a dwarf.
  7. A small fish; a minnow.
  8. A short poetical encomium.


  1. To remove (ore) from the ground.
  2. To dig into, for ore or metal.
  3. To sow mines (the explosive devices) in (an area).
  4. To damage (a vehicle or ship) with a mine (an explosive device).
  5. To dig a tunnel or hole; to burrow in the earth.
  6. To dig away, or otherwise remove, the substratum or foundation of; to lay a mine under; to sap; to undermine.
  7. (by extension) To ruin or destroy by slow degrees or secret means.
  8. To pick one's nose.
  9. To earn new units of cryptocurrency by doing certain calculations.
  1. The activity of removing solid valuables from the earth.
  2. Any activity that extracts or undermines.
  3. The activity of placing explosives underground, rigged to explode
  4. Creation of new units of cryptocurrency by validating transactions and demonstrating proof-of-work


  1. The lowest limit.
  2. The smallest amount.
  3. A period of minimum brightness or energy intensity (of a star).
  4. A lower bound of a set which is also an element of that set.
  5. The smallest member of a batch or sample or the lower bound of a probability distribution.
  1. A loyal servant of another, usually a more powerful being.
  2. A sycophantic follower.
  3. A loved one; one highly esteemed and favoured.
  4. An ancient form of ordnance with a calibre of about three inches.
  5. The size of type between nonpareil and brevier, standardized as 7-point.
  1. Favoured, beloved; "pet".


Etymology 1

  1. Hard work.
  2. Confusion, turmoil.
  3. A spot; a defilement.
  1. To toil, to work hard.
  2. To churn continually; to swirl.
  3. To defile or dirty.

Etymology 2

  1. The glass circling the tip of a blowpipe or punty, such as the residual glass after detaching a blown vessel, or the lower part of a gather.
  2. (blow molding) The excess material which adheres to the top, base, or rim of a glass object when it is cut or knocked off from a blowpipe or punty, or from the mold-filling process. Typically removed after annealing as part of the finishing process (e.g. scored and snapped off).
  3. The metallic oxide from a blowpipe which has adhered to a glass object.


  1. To toil, to work hard.
  2. To churn continually; to swirl.
  3. To defile or dirty.


Etymology 1

  1. A hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance.
  2. A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped.
  3. Something that is made in or shaped on a mold.
  4. The shape or pattern of a mold.
  5. General shape or form.
  6. Distinctive character or type.
  7. A fixed or restrictive pattern or form.
  8. A group of moldings.
  9. A fontanelle.
  1. To shape in or on a mold; to form into a particular shape; to give shape to.
  2. To guide or determine the growth or development of; influence
  3. To fit closely by following the contours of.
  4. To make a mold of or from (molten metal, for example) before casting.
  5. To ornament with moldings.
  6. To be shaped in or as if in a mold.

Etymology 2

  1. A natural substance in the form of a woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi that appears when organic material lies for a long time exposed to (usually warm and moist) air.
  1. To cause to become moldy; to cause mold to grow upon.
  2. To become moldy; to be covered or filled, in whole or in part, with a mold.

Etymology 3

  1. Loose friable soil, rich in humus and fit for planting.
  2. (chiefly plural) Earth, ground.
  1. To cover with mold or soil.


  1. To shape in or on a mold; to form into a particular shape; to give shape to.
  2. To guide or determine the growth or development of; influence
  3. To fit closely by following the contours of.
  4. To make a mold of or from (molten metal, for example) before casting.
  5. To ornament with moldings.
  6. To be shaped in or as if in a mold.
  1. To cause to become moldy; to cause mold to grow upon.
  2. To become moldy; to be covered or filled, in whole or in part, with a mold.
  1. To cover with mold or soil.
  1. The act or process of shaping in or on a mold, or of making molds; the art or occupation of a molder.
  2. Anything cast in a mold, or which appears to be so, as grooved or ornamental bars of wood or metal.
  3. A plane, or curved, narrow surface, either sunk or projecting, used for decoration by means of the lights and shades upon its surface and to conceal joints, especially between unlike materials.
  4. (woodwork) A planing machine for making moldings.
  5. (founding) A machine to assist in making molds for castings.
  6. (milling) A mill for shaping timber.
  7. (founding) A kind of sand containing clay, used in making molds.


Etymology 1

  1. A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.
  2. A prostitute or woman with loose sexual morals.
  3. Bitch, slut; an insulting epithet applied to a female.
  4. A girlfriend of a bikie.
  5. A girlfriend of a surfie; blends with pejorative sense.
  6. A female fan of extreme metal, grunge or hardcore punk, especially the girlfriend of a musician of those aforementioned genres.

Etymology 2

  1. Minor; in the minor mode


Etymology 1

  1. A dialogue between master and student designed to obtain an intuitive truth.

Etymology 2

  1. Big, large; major, significant.
  1. Very, extremely, really.


Etymology 1

  1. A viral infection marked by extreme fatigue, high fever, and swollen lymph nodes.

Etymology 2

  1. A bicycle or motorcycle trick where the front wheel is lifted off the ground while riding

Etymology 3

  1. Monaural or monophonic; having only a single audio channel.

Etymology 4

  1. Monochrome.

Etymology 5

  1. An injective homomorphism
  2. The absence of sexual dimorphism
  3. A morphism n such that for any other morphisms f and g, if n \circ f = n \circ g then f = g.

Etymology 6

  1. A monogamous person.
  1. Monoamorous, monogamous.

Etymology 7

  1. Monosexual.


  1. (authorship) A long speech by one person in a play; sometimes a soliloquy; other times spoken to other characters.
  2. A long series of comic stories and jokes as an entertainment.
  3. A long, uninterrupted utterance that monopolizes a conversation.
  1. To deliver a monologue.


Etymology 1

  1. A mental or emotional state, composure.
  2. Emotional character (of a work of music, literature, or other art).
  3. A sullen, gloomy or angry mental state; a bad mood.
  4. A disposition to do something, a state of mind receptive or disposed to do something.
  5. A prevalent atmosphere, attitude, or feeling.
  6. A familiar, relatable feeling, experience, or thing.
  7. Courage, heart, valor; also vim and vigor.

Etymology 2

  1. (grammar) A verb form that depends on how its containing clause relates to the speaker’s or writer’s wish, intent, or assertion about reality.


  1. Of a cow or bull, to make its characteristic lowing sound.
  1. The action of the verb moo; a mooing sound.
  1. (of a steak) very rare


proper noun
  1. The Earth's moon Luna; the sole natural satellite of the Earth, represented in astronomy and astrology by ☾.
  2. The god of the Moon in Heathenry.
  3. A surname.
  4. The 54th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an.
  1. (by extension of Moon) Any natural satellite of a planet.
  2. A month, particularly a lunar month.
  3. A crescent-like outwork in a fortification.
  4. The eighteenth trump/major arcana card of the Tarot.
  5. The thirty-second Lenormand card.
  6. In hearts, the action of taking all the point cards in one hand.
  1. To display one's buttocks to, typically as a jest, insult, or protest.
  2. (usually followed by over or after) To fuss over something adoringly; to be infatuated with someone.
  3. To spend time idly, absent-mindedly.
  4. To expose to the rays of the Moon.
  5. To adorn with moons or crescents.
  6. (cryptocurrency) Of a coin or token: to rise in price rapidly.
  7. To shoot the moon.


  1. To display one's buttocks to, typically as a jest, insult, or protest.
  2. (usually followed by over or after) To fuss over something adoringly; to be infatuated with someone.
  3. To spend time idly, absent-mindedly.
  4. To expose to the rays of the Moon.
  5. To adorn with moons or crescents.
  6. (cryptocurrency) Of a coin or token: to rise in price rapidly.
  7. To shoot the moon.
  1. The act of showing one's buttocks.


  1. Said in supplication.
  2. (mildly blasphemous) An expression of anger, frustration, excitement, shock, awe, dismay, etc.