Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 126

Number of Answers: 28

Points Needed for Genius: 88

Genius requires between 12 and 24 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 79% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 66% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 126 was in the 29th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this low was on September 5, 2024.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 28 possible answers rank it in the 21st percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were fewer answers than this was on August 26, 2024.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on September 6, 2024.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.4.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 179
  • loll 172
  • toot 164
  • naan 159
  • nana 159
  • lilt 128
  • till 128
  • tilt 128
  • tint 121
  • mama 114
  • mamma 114
  • acacia 110
  • acai 110
  • nene 109
  • onto 106
  • toon 106
  • anal 105
  • onion 104
  • boob 103
  • booboo 103
  • anon 102
  • lull 101
  • lulu 101
  • olio 100
  • baba 98
  • papa 97
  • call 96
  • calla 96
  • mitt 96
  • poop 96
  • dodo 95
  • allay 94
  • ally 94
  • ratatat 94
  • tart 94
  • tartar 94
  • tatty 94
  • attar 93
  • cocci 93
  • tact 91
  • mono 90
  • moon 90
  • nanny 90
  • epee 89
  • loon 89
  • peep 89
  • radar 89
  • tattoo 89
  • tutu 89
  • array 87

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 90,322 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,233 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • clit
  • clitic
  • cloddy
  • cloot
  • clotty
  • coccic
  • coccid
  • coccoid
  • coco
  • colitic
  • colly
  • coly
  • coocoo
  • cooly
  • cotyloid
  • coyotillo
  • cyclicity
  • cyclicly
  • cyclitol
  • cyclo
  • cycloid
  • cytolytic
  • dicot
  • dicotyl
  • dicty
  • dicyclic
  • dicycly
  • dolci
  • ictic
  • illitic
  • iodic
  • litotic
  • lotic
  • lytic
  • ocotillo
  • octyl
  • odic
  • oolitic
  • otic
  • otitic
  • tictoc
  • toco

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. A large settlement, bigger than a town; sometimes with a specific legal definition, depending on the place.
  2. A settlement granted special status by royal charter or letters patent; traditionally, a settlement with a cathedral regardless of size.
  3. The central business district; downtown.
  4. A large amount of something (used after the noun).


  1. A lump of something, especially of earth or clay.
  2. The ground; the earth; a spot of earth or turf.
  3. A stupid person; a dolt.
  4. Part of a shoulder of beef, or of the neck piece near the shoulder.
  1. To pelt with clods.
  2. To throw violently; to hurl.
  3. To collect into clods, or into a thick mass; to coagulate; to clot.


  1. A thrombus, solidified mass of blood.
  2. A solidified mass of any liquid.
  3. A silly person.
  1. To form a clot or mass.
  2. To cause to clot or form into a mass.


  1. To fill up or choke up; to stop up.
  2. To clog, to glut, or satisfy, as the appetite; to satiate.
  3. To fill to loathing; to surfeit.


Etymology 1

  1. Any approximately spherical bacterium.
  2. One of the carpels or seed-vessels of a dry fruit.

Etymology 2

  1. Coccidioidomycosis


  1. An addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one.


Etymology 1

  1. Something wound in the form of a helix or spiral.
  2. Any intrauterine device (Abbreviation: IUD)—the first IUDs were coil-shaped.
  3. A coil of electrically conductive wire through which electricity can flow.
  4. Entanglement; perplexity.
  1. To wind or reel e.g. a wire or rope into regular rings, often around a centerpiece.
  2. To wind into loops (roughly) around a common center.
  3. To wind cylindrically or spirally.
  4. To encircle and hold with, or as if with, coils.

Etymology 2

  1. A noise, tumult, bustle, or turmoil.


Etymology 1

  1. (of a thing) Having a low temperature.
  2. (of the weather) Causing the air to be cold.
  3. (of a person or animal) Feeling the sensation of coldness, especially to the point of discomfort.
  4. Unfriendly, emotionally distant or unfeeling.
  5. Dispassionate, not prejudiced or partisan, impartial.
  6. Completely unprepared; without introduction.
  7. Unconscious or deeply asleep; deprived of the metaphorical heat associated with life or consciousness.
  8. (usually with "have" or "know" transitively) Perfectly, exactly, completely; by heart.
  9. (usually with "have" transitively) Cornered, done for.
  10. Not pungent or acrid.
  11. Unexciting; dull; uninteresting.
  12. Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) only feebly; having lost its odour.
  13. Not sensitive; not acute.
  14. Distant; said, in the game of hunting for some object, of a seeker remote from the thing concealed. Compare warm and hot.
  15. Having a bluish effect; not warm in colour.
  16. Rarely used or accessed, and thus able to be relegated to slower storage.
  17. Without compassion; heartless; ruthless

Etymology 2

  1. A condition of low temperature.
  2. (with 'the') A harsh place; a place of abandonment.
  3. A common, usually harmless, viral illness, usually with congestion of the nasal passages and sometimes fever.
  4. Rheum, sleepy dust

Etymology 3

  1. While at low temperature.
  2. Without preparation.
  3. With finality.
  4. In a cold, frank, or realistically honest manner.


  1. In a cold or uncaring manner; indifferently.


  1. Severe pains that grip the abdomen or the disease that causes such pains (due to intestinal or bowel-related problems).
  2. A medicinal plant used to relieve such symptoms.
  1. Relating to the colon; colonic.


  1. A stable system of two phases, one of which is dispersed in the other in the form of very small droplets or particles.
  2. An intimate mixture of two substances one of which, called the dispersed phase (or colloid), is uniformly distributed in a finely divided state throughout the second substance, called the dispersion medium (or dispersing medium).
  3. A particle less than 1 micron in diameter, following the Wentworth scale
  1. Glue-like; gelatinous.


  1. A young male horse.
  2. A young crane (bird).
  3. A youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.
  4. A short piece of rope once used by petty officers as an instrument of punishment.
  5. A young camel or donkey.
  1. To horse; to get with young.
  2. To befool.
  3. To frisk or frolic like a colt; to act licentiously or wantonly.


Etymology 1

  1. A moderate or refreshing state of cold; moderate temperature of the air between hot and cold; coolness.
  2. A calm temperament.
  3. The property of being cool, popular or in fashion.
  1. Having a slightly low temperature; mildly or pleasantly cold.
  2. Allowing or suggesting heat relief.
  3. Of a color, in the range of violet to green.
  4. Of a person, not showing emotion; calm and in control of oneself.
  5. Unenthusiastic, lukewarm, skeptical.
  6. Calmly audacious.
  7. Applied facetiously to a sum of money, commonly as if to give emphasis to the largeness of the amount.
  8. Of a person, knowing what to do and how to behave; considered popular by others.
  9. In fashion, part of or fitting the in crowd; originally hipster slang.
  10. Of an action, all right; acceptable; that does not present a problem.
  11. Of a person, not upset by circumstances that might ordinarily be upsetting.
  12. Quietly impudent, defiant, or selfish; deliberately presuming: said of persons and acts.

Etymology 2

  1. To lose heat, to get colder.
  2. To make cooler, less warm.
  3. To become less intense, e.g. less amicable or passionate.
  4. To make less intense, e.g. less amicable or passionate.
  5. To kill.


  1. Coolish; somewhat cool in temperature
  1. In a cool, unpanicked or collected manner.
  2. With calm impudence.


  1. Any of various aquatic birds of the genus Fulica that are mainly black with a prominent frontal shield on the forehead.
  2. A foolish or eccentric fellow
  3. (with the) A success; something excellent.
  4. Body louse (Pediculus humanus).


  1. In a coy manner.


  1. Characterized by, or moving in cycles, or happening at regular intervals.
  2. (of a compound) Having chains of atoms arranged in a ring.
  3. Having parts arranged in a whorl.
  4. (of a group) Being generated by only one element.
  5. (of a polygon) Able to be inscribed in a circle.


No Definition Found.


No Definition Found.


  1. The state or condition of being an idiot; the quality of having an intelligence level far below average; mental retardation.
  2. An act lacking intelligence or sense; an instance of senselessness; extremely foolish behaviour.


  1. (of a person or animal) Pertaining to or resembling an idiot; characterised with behaviour resembling idiocy.
  2. (of an action) Having the quality of idiocy; very foolish


  1. An idyllic state or situation. (A substantive use of the adjective)
  1. Of or pertaining to idylls.
  2. Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.


  1. A banned or unlawful item.
  1. Not approved by law, but not invalid.
  2. Breaking social norms.
  3. Unlawful.


  1. In an illicit manner; illegally, immorally or inappropriately.


  1. Not forbidden by formal or informal rules.
  2. Explicitly established or constituted by law.


No Definition Found.


  1. A place or locality, especially a centre of activity or the scene of a crime.
  2. The set of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given equation or condition.
  3. A fixed position on a chromosome that may be occupied by one or more genes.
  4. (chiefly in the plural) A passage in writing, especially in a collection of ancient sacred writings arranged according to a theme.


Etymology 1

  1. A direction in written or printed music to be returning to the proper pitch after having played an octave higher or lower.

Etymology 2

  1. A certain species of Astragalus or Oxytropis, capable of causing locoism.
  1. To poison with the loco plant; to affect with locoism.
  2. (by extension) To render insane.
  1. Crazy.
  2. Intoxicated by eating locoweed.

Etymology 3

  1. A locomotive.