Sunday, September 15, 2024

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 3

Maximum Puzzle Score: 285

Number of Answers: 55

Points Needed for Genius: 200

Genius requires between 26 and 47 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangrams, you need 83% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangrams, you only need 65% of the remaining points to reach genius.

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 285 was in the 92nd percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on September 8, 2024.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 55 possible answers rank it in the 86th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on September 8, 2024.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on September 14, 2024.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.7.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 179
  • loll 172
  • toot 164
  • naan 160
  • nana 160
  • lilt 128
  • till 128
  • tilt 128
  • tint 121
  • mama 114
  • mamma 114
  • acacia 110
  • acai 110
  • nene 109
  • anal 106
  • onto 106
  • toon 106
  • boob 104
  • booboo 104
  • onion 104
  • anon 102
  • lull 101
  • lulu 101
  • olio 100
  • baba 99
  • papa 97
  • call 96
  • calla 96
  • mitt 96
  • poop 96
  • dodo 95
  • allay 94
  • ally 94
  • ratatat 94
  • tart 94
  • tartar 94
  • tatty 94
  • attar 93
  • cocci 93
  • tact 91
  • mono 90
  • moon 90
  • nanny 90
  • epee 89
  • loon 89
  • peep 89
  • radar 89
  • tattoo 89
  • tutu 89
  • array 87

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 90,555 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,251 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • delime
  • delimed
  • deliming
  • deme
  • demining
  • denimed
  • elemi
  • gemmed
  • gemming
  • gimel
  • gimmie
  • gleemen
  • glim
  • glime
  • glimed
  • gliming
  • idem
  • imid
  • imide
  • imine
  • immingle
  • immingled
  • immingling
  • legmen
  • liegemen
  • limed
  • limen
  • liming
  • medii
  • meed
  • meinie
  • mell
  • melled
  • melling
  • midden
  • middled
  • midleg
  • midline
  • migg
  • miggle
  • milded
  • milden
  • mildened
  • mildening
  • milding
  • miling
  • mille
  • millieme
  • millime
  • milline
  • minimill
  • neem
  • nimmed
  • nimming

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. An opinion, a judgment, a surmise.
  1. To judge, to pass judgment on; to doom, to sentence.
  2. To adjudge, to decree.
  3. To dispense (justice); to administer (law).
  4. (ditransitive) To hold in belief or estimation; to adjudge as a conclusion; to regard as being; to evaluate according to one's beliefs; to account.
  5. To think, judge, or have or hold as an opinion; to decide or believe on consideration; to suppose.


  1. To judge, to pass judgment on; to doom, to sentence.
  2. To adjudge, to decree.
  3. To dispense (justice); to administer (law).
  4. (ditransitive) To hold in belief or estimation; to adjudge as a conclusion; to regard as being; to evaluate according to one's beliefs; to account.
  5. To think, judge, or have or hold as an opinion; to decide or believe on consideration; to suppose.
  1. An accreditation awarded to higher educational institutions in India.


  1. To judge, to pass judgment on; to doom, to sentence.
  2. To adjudge, to decree.
  3. To dispense (justice); to administer (law).
  4. (ditransitive) To hold in belief or estimation; to adjudge as a conclusion; to regard as being; to evaluate according to one's beliefs; to account.
  5. To think, judge, or have or hold as an opinion; to decide or believe on consideration; to suppose.


  1. A textile often made of cotton with a distinct diagonal pattern.


Etymology 1

  1. A coin worth one-tenth of a U.S. dollar.
  2. A coin worth one-tenth of a Canadian dollar.
  3. A small amount of money
  4. An assist
  5. A playing card with the rank of ten
  6. Ten dollars
  7. A thousand dollars
  8. A measurement of illicit drugs (usually marijuana) sold in ten dollar bags.
  9. Payment responsibility
  10. A beautiful woman (10 on a 10-point scale)
  11. A defensive formation with six defensive backs, one of whom is a dimeback.

Etymology 2

  1. (with "on") To inform on, to turn in to the authorities, to rat on, especially anonymously.
  2. To operate an audio amplifier (especially an electric guitar amplifier) at level "10" (typically the highest amplification level).


  1. To make something less bright.
  2. To become darker.
  3. To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct
  4. To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of.


  1. To make something less bright.
  2. To become darker.
  3. To render dim, obscure, or dark; to make less bright or distinct
  4. To deprive of distinct vision; to hinder from seeing clearly, either by dazzling or clouding the eyes; to darken the senses or understanding of.
  1. The process of becoming dim.


  1. To correct and revise (text or a document).


  1. To correct and revise (text or a document).


  1. To correct and revise (text or a document).


  1. That which is easily obtained, or certain to occur.


  1. A small Arctic and Subarctic rodent from any of six genera of similar rodents.
  2. Any member of a group given to conformity or groupthink, especially a group poised to follow a leader off a cliff.


Etymology 1

  1. Any inorganic material containing calcium, usually calcium oxide (quicklime) or calcium hydroxide (slaked lime).
  2. Any gluey or adhesive substance; something which traps or captures someone; sometimes a synonym for birdlime.
  1. To treat with calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide (lime).
  2. To smear with birdlime.
  3. To apply limewash.

Etymology 2

  1. A deciduous tree of the genus Tilia, especially Tilia × europaea; the linden tree, or its wood.

Etymology 3

  1. Any of several green citrus fruit, somewhat smaller and sharper-tasting than a lemon.
  2. Any of the trees that bear limes, especially Key lime, Citrus aurantiifolia.
  3. A brilliant, sometimes yellowish, green colour associated with the fruits of a lime tree.
  4. A fan fiction story which contains sexual references, but stops short of full, explicit descriptions of sexual activity (coined by analogy with lemon).
  1. Containing lime or lime juice.
  2. Having the aroma or flavor of lime.
  3. Lime-green.

Etymology 4

  1. To hang out/socialize in an informal, relaxed environment, especially with friends, for example at a party or on the beach.

Etymology 5

  1. A leash.


  1. To draw or paint; to delineate.
  2. To illuminate, as a manuscript; to decorate with gold or some other bright colour.


  1. To draw or paint; to delineate.
  2. To illuminate, as a manuscript; to decorate with gold or some other bright colour.
  1. Described or represented in a lifelike manner


  1. To draw or paint; to delineate.
  2. To illuminate, as a manuscript; to decorate with gold or some other bright colour.
  1. A depiction.


  1. A person who installs and repairs overhead cables (either power or telephone); a linesman
  2. A player who specializes in play at the line of scrimmage


  1. To interfere in or with; to concern oneself with unduly.
  2. To interest or engage oneself; to have to do (with), in a good sense.
  3. To mix (something) with some other substance; to commingle, combine, blend.
  4. To have sex.


  1. To interfere in or with; to concern oneself with unduly.
  2. To interest or engage oneself; to have to do (with), in a good sense.
  3. To mix (something) with some other substance; to commingle, combine, blend.
  4. To have sex.


  1. To interfere in or with; to concern oneself with unduly.
  2. To interest or engage oneself; to have to do (with), in a good sense.
  3. To mix (something) with some other substance; to commingle, combine, blend.
  4. To have sex.
  1. Unwanted interference
  1. That meddles.


Etymology 1

  1. To combine multiple similar objects into one

Etymology 2

  1. A combination of cards which is melded.
  1. In card games, especially of the rummy family, to announce or display a combination of cards.


  1. To combine multiple similar objects into one
  1. In card games, especially of the rummy family, to announce or display a combination of cards.


  1. To combine multiple similar objects into one
  1. In card games, especially of the rummy family, to announce or display a combination of cards.
  1. A composite or hybrid, the result of being melded.


  1. A battle fought at close range; hand-to-hand combat; brawling.
  2. A noisy, confused or tumultuous fight, argument or scrap.
  3. Any any confused, disorganised, disordered or chaotic situation.
  4. Lively contention or debate, skirmish.
  5. A cavalry exercise in which two groups of riders try to cut paper plumes off the helmets of their opponents, the contest continuing until no member of one group retains his plume.
  6. Small cut and polished gemstones sold in lots.
  1. To physically hit in close quarters, as opposed to shooting, blowing up, or other ranged means of damage. Often refers to the usage of a hand-to-hand weapon.


  1. Any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another in a comparable way to the transmission of genes.
  2. Something, usually humorous, which is copied and circulated online with slight adaptations, including quizzes, basic pictures, video templates etc.
  3. A myth circulating as truth; something ineffective presented as effective, or similar.
  1. To turn into a meme; to use a meme, especially to achieve something in real life.
  2. To create and use humorous memes.
  3. To joke around.


  1. A place, as in clothing, which has been repaired by mending.
  2. The act of repairing.
  1. To repair, as anything that is torn, broken, defaced, decayed, or the like; to restore from partial decay, injury, or defacement.
  2. To alter for the better; to set right; to reform; hence, to quicken; as, to mend one's manners or pace.
  3. To help, to advance, to further; to add to.
  4. To grow better; to advance to a better state; to become improved.


  1. To repair, as anything that is torn, broken, defaced, decayed, or the like; to restore from partial decay, injury, or defacement.
  2. To alter for the better; to set right; to reform; hence, to quicken; as, to mend one's manners or pace.
  3. To help, to advance, to further; to add to.
  4. To grow better; to advance to a better state; to become improved.


  1. To repair, as anything that is torn, broken, defaced, decayed, or the like; to restore from partial decay, injury, or defacement.
  2. To alter for the better; to set right; to reform; hence, to quicken; as, to mend one's manners or pace.
  3. To help, to advance, to further; to add to.
  4. To grow better; to advance to a better state; to become improved.
  1. The act by which something is mended or repaired.


  1. A centre, midpoint.
  2. The part between the beginning and the end.
  3. The middle stump.
  4. The central part of a human body; the waist.
  5. (grammar) The middle voice.
  1. To take a middle view of.
  2. To double (a rope) into two equal portions; to fold in the middle.
  1. Located in the middle; in between.
  2. Central.
  3. (grammar) Pertaining to the middle voice.


  1. An intermediary, agent between two (or more) parties.
  2. An intermediate dealer between the manufacturer and the retailer or customer.
  3. One who rents land in large tracts, and lets it in small portions to the peasantry.


  1. Something of intermediate or average size, position, or quality.
  1. Of intermediate or average size, position, or quality; mediocre.
  2. In fairly good health.
  1. Fairly, moderately, somewhat.
  2. Not too badly, with modest success.


  1. Any of various small two-winged flies, for example, from the family Chironomidae or non-biting midges, the family Chaoboridae or phantom midges, and the family Ceratopogonidae or biting midges, all belonging to the order Diptera
  2. Any bait or lure designed to resemble a midge


  1. A native or inhabitant of Berlin.
  2. A doughnut with a sweet filling.
  3. A newspaper format with pages normally measuring about 315 by 470 millimetres (12.4 in × 18.5 inches), slightly taller and wider than a tabloid but narrower and shorter than a broadsheet.
  1. A coat or skirt having such a hemline.
  1. Having a hemline at mid-calf length.


  1. Demeanor; facial expression or attitude, especially one which is intended by its bearer.
  2. A specific facial expression.


  1. A relatively low-gravity beer, often with a dark colour; mild ale
  1. Gentle and not easily angered.
  2. (of a rule or punishment) Of only moderate severity; not strict.
  3. Not overly felt or seriously intended.
  4. (of an illness or pain) Not serious or dangerous.
  5. (of weather) Moderately warm, especially less cold than expected.
  6. (of a medicine or cosmetic) Acting gently and without causing harm.
  7. (of food, drink, or a drug) Not sharp or bitter; not strong in flavor.


  1. The international mile: a unit of length precisely equal to 1.609344 kilometers established by treaty among Anglophone nations in 1959, divided into 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards.
  2. Any of several customary units of length derived from the 1593 English statute mile of 8 furlongs, equivalent to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards of various precise values.
  3. Any of many customary units of length derived from the Roman mile (mille passus) of 8 stades or 5,000 Roman feet.
  4. The Scandinavian mile: a unit of length precisely equal to 10 kilometers defined in 1889.
  5. Any of many customary units of length from other measurement systems of roughly similar values, as the Chinese (里) or Arabic mile (al-mīl).
  6. (travel) An airline mile in a frequent flier program.
  7. Any similarly large distance.
  8. A race of 1 mile's length; a race of around 1 mile's length (usually 1500 or 1600 meters)
  9. One mile per hour, as a measure of speed.


Etymology 1

  1. A grinding apparatus for substances such as grains, seeds, etc.
  2. The building housing such a grinding apparatus.
  3. A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process.
  4. A machine for grinding and polishing.
  5. The raised or ridged edge or surface made in milling anything, such as a coin or screw.
  6. A manufacturing plant for paper, steel, textiles, etc.
  7. A building housing such a plant.
  8. An establishment that handles a certain type of situation or procedure routinely, or produces large quantities of an item without much regard to quality, such as a divorce mill, a puppy mill, etc.
  9. An institution awarding educational certificates not officially recognised
  10. An engine.
  11. A boxing match, fistfight.
  12. (die sinking) A hardened steel roller with a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, such as copper.
  13. An excavation in rock, transverse to the workings, from which material for filling is obtained.
  14. A passage underground through which ore is shot.
  15. A milling cutter.
  16. A treadmill.
  17. A typewriter used to transcribe messages received.
  1. To grind or otherwise process in a mill or other machine.
  2. To shape, polish, dress or finish using a machine.
  3. To engrave one or more grooves or a pattern around the edge of (a cylindrical object such as a coin).
  4. (followed by around, about, etc.) To move about in an aimless fashion.
  5. To cause to mill, or circle around.
  6. (of air-breathing creatures) To swim underwater.
  7. (of a whale) To swim suddenly in a new direction.
  8. To beat; to pound.
  9. To pass through a fulling mill; to full, as cloth.
  10. To roll (steel, etc.) into bars.
  11. To make (drinking chocolate) frothy, as by churning.
  12. To undergo hulling.
  13. To take part in a fistfight; to box.
  14. To fill (a winze or interior incline) with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  15. (thieves' cant) To commit burglary.

Etymology 2

  1. An obsolete coin worth one thousandth of a US dollar, or one tenth of a cent.
  2. One thousandth part, particularly in millage rates of property tax.

Etymology 3

  1. An angular mil, a unit of angular measurement equal to 1⁄6400 of a complete circle. At 1000 metres one mil subtends about one metre (0.98 m). Also 1⁄6000 and 1⁄6300 are used in other countries.
  2. A unit of measurement equal to 1⁄1000 of an inch, usually used for thin objects, such as sheets of plastic.
  3. A former subdivision (1/1000) of the Maltese lira
  4. (plural "mil") Abbreviation of million.
  1. A unit of measure of capacity, being one thousandth of a litre. Symbol: ml

Etymology 4

  1. A line of three matching pieces in nine men's morris and related games.

Etymology 5

  1. (trading card games) Discarding a card from one's deck.
  2. (trading card games) A strategy centered on depleting the opponent's deck.
  1. (trading card games) To move (a card) from a deck to the discard pile.
  2. (Hearthstone) To destroy (a card) due to having a full hand.


  1. To grind or otherwise process in a mill or other machine.
  2. To shape, polish, dress or finish using a machine.
  3. To engrave one or more grooves or a pattern around the edge of (a cylindrical object such as a coin).
  4. (followed by around, about, etc.) To move about in an aimless fashion.
  5. To cause to mill, or circle around.
  6. (of air-breathing creatures) To swim underwater.
  7. (of a whale) To swim suddenly in a new direction.
  8. To beat; to pound.
  9. To pass through a fulling mill; to full, as cloth.
  10. To roll (steel, etc.) into bars.
  11. To make (drinking chocolate) frothy, as by churning.
  12. To undergo hulling.
  13. To take part in a fistfight; to box.
  14. To fill (a winze or interior incline) with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  15. (thieves' cant) To commit burglary.
  1. (trading card games) To move (a card) from a deck to the discard pile.
  2. (Hearthstone) To destroy (a card) due to having a full hand.
  1. Ground by a mill.


  1. To grind or otherwise process in a mill or other machine.
  2. To shape, polish, dress or finish using a machine.
  3. To engrave one or more grooves or a pattern around the edge of (a cylindrical object such as a coin).
  4. (followed by around, about, etc.) To move about in an aimless fashion.
  5. To cause to mill, or circle around.
  6. (of air-breathing creatures) To swim underwater.
  7. (of a whale) To swim suddenly in a new direction.
  8. To beat; to pound.
  9. To pass through a fulling mill; to full, as cloth.
  10. To roll (steel, etc.) into bars.
  11. To make (drinking chocolate) frothy, as by churning.
  12. To undergo hulling.
  13. To take part in a fistfight; to box.
  14. To fill (a winze or interior incline) with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  15. (thieves' cant) To commit burglary.
  1. (trading card games) To move (a card) from a deck to the discard pile.
  2. (Hearthstone) To destroy (a card) due to having a full hand.
  1. A grinding process using a mill.
  2. The series of notches around the edge of a coin, placed there during minting so that it can be told if some of the metal from the edge is removed. Removing metal from a coin was common practice during earlier times when coins made of precious metals circulated.
  3. A circular or random motion of a herd or a crowd.


  1. A form of acting without words; pantomime.
  2. A pantomime actor.
  3. A classical theatrical entertainment in the form of farce.
  4. A performer of such a farce.
  5. A person who mimics others in a comical manner.
  6. Any of various papilionid butterflies of the genus Chilasa or Papilio, that mimic other species in appearance.
  1. To mimic.
  2. To act without words.
  3. To represent an action or object through gesture, without the use of sound.


  1. To mimic.
  2. To act without words.
  3. To represent an action or object through gesture, without the use of sound.


  1. To mimic.
  2. To act without words.
  3. To represent an action or object through gesture, without the use of sound.
  1. A performance in mime.


  1. The ability for rational thought.
  2. The ability to be aware of things.
  3. The ability to remember things.
  4. The ability to focus the thoughts.
  5. Somebody that embodies certain mental qualities.
  6. Judgment, opinion, or view.
  7. Desire, inclination, or intention.
  8. A healthy mental state.
  9. The non-material substance or set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based.
  10. Continual prayer on a dead person's behalf for a period after their death.
  1. (originally and chiefly in negative or interrogative constructions) To dislike, to object to; to be bothered by.
  2. To look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time.
  3. (chiefly in the imperative) To make sure, to take care (that).
  4. To be careful about.
  5. Take note; used to point out an exception or caveat.
  6. To attend to, concern oneself with, heed, be mindful of.
  7. To remember.
  8. To have in mind; to intend.
  9. To put in mind; to remind.


  1. (originally and chiefly in negative or interrogative constructions) To dislike, to object to; to be bothered by.
  2. To look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time.
  3. (chiefly in the imperative) To make sure, to take care (that).
  4. To be careful about.
  5. Take note; used to point out an exception or caveat.
  6. To attend to, concern oneself with, heed, be mindful of.
  7. To remember.
  8. To have in mind; to intend.
  9. To put in mind; to remind.
  1. Having a mind (inclination) for something or a certain way of thinking about things.
  2. Having a preference for doing something; having a likelihood, or disposition to carry out an act.


Etymology 1

  1. The act of taking heed of something.

Etymology 2

  1. (originally and chiefly in negative or interrogative constructions) To dislike, to object to; to be bothered by.
  2. To look after, to take care of, especially for a short period of time.
  3. (chiefly in the imperative) To make sure, to take care (that).
  4. To be careful about.
  5. Take note; used to point out an exception or caveat.
  6. To attend to, concern oneself with, heed, be mindful of.
  7. To remember.
  8. To have in mind; to intend.
  9. To put in mind; to remind.


Etymology 1

  1. My; belonging to me; that which belongs to me.

Etymology 2

  1. An excavation from which ore or solid minerals are taken, especially one consisting of underground tunnels.
  2. Any source of wealth or resources.
  3. A passage dug toward or underneath enemy lines, which is then packed with explosives.
  4. A device intended to explode when stepped upon or touched, or when approached by a ship, vehicle, or person.
  5. A type of firework that explodes on the ground, shooting sparks upward.
  6. The cavity made by a caterpillar while feeding inside a leaf.
  7. A machine or network of machines used to extract units of a cryptocurrency.
  1. To remove (ore) from the ground.
  2. To dig into, for ore or metal.
  3. To sow mines (the explosive devices) in (an area).
  4. To damage (a vehicle or ship) with a mine (an explosive device).
  5. To dig a tunnel or hole; to burrow in the earth.
  6. To dig away, or otherwise remove, the substratum or foundation of; to lay a mine under; to sap; to undermine.
  7. (by extension) To ruin or destroy by slow degrees or secret means.
  8. To pick one's nose.
  9. To earn new units of cryptocurrency by doing certain calculations.

Etymology 3

  1. Demeanor; facial expression or attitude, especially one which is intended by its bearer.
  2. A specific facial expression.


  1. To remove (ore) from the ground.
  2. To dig into, for ore or metal.
  3. To sow mines (the explosive devices) in (an area).
  4. To damage (a vehicle or ship) with a mine (an explosive device).
  5. To dig a tunnel or hole; to burrow in the earth.
  6. To dig away, or otherwise remove, the substratum or foundation of; to lay a mine under; to sap; to undermine.
  7. (by extension) To ruin or destroy by slow degrees or secret means.
  8. To pick one's nose.
  9. To earn new units of cryptocurrency by doing certain calculations.


  1. A mixture.
  2. The act of informally meeting numerous people in a group
  1. To intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product
  2. To associate or unite in a figurative way, or by ties of relationship
  3. To cause or allow to intermarry
  4. To intermarry.
  5. To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate.
  6. To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of.
  7. To put together; to join.
  8. To become mixed or blended.
  9. To socialize with different people at a social event.


  1. To intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product
  2. To associate or unite in a figurative way, or by ties of relationship
  3. To cause or allow to intermarry
  4. To intermarry.
  5. To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate.
  6. To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of.
  7. To put together; to join.
  8. To become mixed or blended.
  9. To socialize with different people at a social event.


  1. To intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product
  2. To associate or unite in a figurative way, or by ties of relationship
  3. To cause or allow to intermarry
  4. To intermarry.
  5. To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate.
  6. To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of.
  7. To put together; to join.
  8. To become mixed or blended.
  9. To socialize with different people at a social event.
  1. A mixture; a blending.


Etymology 1

  1. Miniature, tiny, small.

Etymology 2

  1. A miniskirt.
  2. A minicomputer.


  1. A half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem.
  2. A unit of volume, in the Imperial and U.S. customary systems, 1/60 fluid drachm. Approximately equal to 1 drop, 62 μL or 0.9 grain (weight) of water.
  3. A short vertical stroke used in handwriting.
  4. Anything very minute; applied to animalcula and the like.
  5. The smallest kind of worker in a leaf-cutter ant colony.
  6. A little man or being; a dwarf.
  7. A small fish; a minnow.
  8. A short poetical encomium.


  1. To remove (ore) from the ground.
  2. To dig into, for ore or metal.
  3. To sow mines (the explosive devices) in (an area).
  4. To damage (a vehicle or ship) with a mine (an explosive device).
  5. To dig a tunnel or hole; to burrow in the earth.
  6. To dig away, or otherwise remove, the substratum or foundation of; to lay a mine under; to sap; to undermine.
  7. (by extension) To ruin or destroy by slow degrees or secret means.
  8. To pick one's nose.
  9. To earn new units of cryptocurrency by doing certain calculations.
  1. The activity of removing solid valuables from the earth.
  2. Any activity that extracts or undermines.
  3. The activity of placing explosives underground, rigged to explode
  4. Creation of new units of cryptocurrency by validating transactions and demonstrating proof-of-work


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