Saturday, November 30, 2024

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 2

Maximum Puzzle Score: 348

Number of Answers: 61

Points Needed for Genius: 244

Genius requires between 32 and 51 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangrams, you need 78% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangrams, you only need 67% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 348 was in the 98th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on September 8, 2024.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 61 possible answers rank it in the 93rd percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on November 21, 2024.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on November 29, 2024.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 6.0.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 187
  • loll 180
  • toot 172
  • naan 165
  • nana 165
  • lilt 130
  • till 130
  • tilt 130
  • tint 125
  • mama 120
  • mamma 120
  • nene 117
  • acacia 114
  • acai 114
  • onto 113
  • toon 113
  • anal 110
  • onion 107
  • anon 106
  • boob 106
  • booboo 106
  • olio 103
  • papa 102
  • lull 101
  • lulu 101
  • baba 100
  • dodo 100
  • mitt 99
  • poop 99
  • tact 98
  • allay 97
  • ally 97
  • call 97
  • calla 97
  • ratatat 96
  • tart 96
  • tartar 96
  • attar 95
  • cocci 95
  • tatty 95
  • tutu 95
  • tattoo 94
  • epee 93
  • mono 93
  • moon 93
  • peep 93
  • ammo 92
  • momma 92
  • loon 91
  • roar 91

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 93,854 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,355 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • acini
  • acinic
  • aclinic
  • acmatic
  • acmic
  • acta
  • actin
  • actinal
  • actinia
  • actinian
  • actinic
  • alcaic
  • allicin
  • amici
  • aminic
  • amnic
  • anaclitic
  • analcimic
  • ancilla
  • animalic
  • anticlimactical
  • anticlinal
  • atactic
  • caca
  • cain
  • calamata
  • calami
  • calamint
  • calcic
  • calcitic
  • callan
  • callant
  • camail
  • cantal
  • cantala
  • cantic
  • catalatic
  • catlin
  • cicala
  • cinnamic
  • clamant
  • climatal
  • clinal
  • clit
  • clitic
  • ictic
  • illitic
  • incitant
  • lactam
  • limnic
  • linac
  • malacca
  • mannitic
  • mantic
  • mimical
  • nictitant
  • tacan
  • tantalic
  • tical
  • tictac
  • tincal

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


Etymology 1

  1. A shrub or tree of the tribe Acacieae.
  2. The thickened or dried juice of several species in Acacieae, in particular Vachellia nilotica (syn. Acacia nilotica), the Egyptian acacia.
  3. A false acacia; robinia tree, Robinia pseudoacacia.
  4. Gum arabic; gum acacia.
  5. Any of several related trees, such as the locust tree.
  6. A light to moderate greenish yellow with a hint of red.

Etymology 2

  1. (history) A roll or bag, filled with dust, borne by Byzantine emperors, as a memento of mortality. It is represented on medals.


  1. Any of several South American palms, of the genus Euterpe, having a dark purple drupe.
  2. The fruit of these trees, harvested for its juice.


Etymology 1

  1. To shout; to call out.
  2. To express great approval (for).
  3. To salute or praise with great approval; to compliment; to applaud; to welcome enthusiastically.
  4. To claim.
  5. To declare by acclamations.
  6. To elect to an office by having no opposition.

Etymology 2

  1. An acclamation; a shout of applause.
  2. A claim.


  1. A book or table listing nautical, astronomical, astrological or other events for the year; sometimes, but not essentially, containing historical and statistical information.
  2. A handbook, typically published annually, containing information on a particular subject
  3. A GPS signal consisting of coarse orbit and status information for each satellite in the constellation.


Etymology 1

  1. A grotesque representation of a figure; a gargoyle.
  2. A caricature.
  3. (often in plural) A ludicrous gesture or act; ridiculous behaviour; caper.
  4. A grotesque performer or clown, buffoon.
  1. To perform antics, caper.
  2. To make a fool of, to cause to look ridiculous.
  3. To perform (an action) as an antic; to mimic ridiculously.
  1. Playful, funny, absurd
  2. Grotesque, incongruous.
  3. Grotesque, bizarre
  1. Having existed in ancient times, descended from antiquity; used especially in reference to Greece and Rome.
  2. Belonging to former times, not modern, out of date, old-fashioned.
  3. Designating a style of type.
  4. Embossed without gilt.

Etymology 2

  1. A pose, often exaggerated, in anticipation of an action; for example, a brief squat before jumping


  1. Lacking climax, disappointing or ironically insignificant following of impressive foreshadowing.


  1. The space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof in the uppermost part of a house or other building, generally used for storage or habitation.


  1. Any member of the family Cactaceae, a family of flowering New World succulent plants suited to a hot, semi-desert climate.
  2. Any succulent plant with a thick fleshy stem bearing spines but no leaves, such as euphorbs.


  1. Any of the relatively small crocodilians of genus Caiman, within family Alligatoridae.
  2. A semi-aquatic lizard, of the genus Dracaena, found in South America. To differentiate from caimans, they are referred to as caiman lizards.


  1. A telephone conversation.
  2. A short visit, usually for social purposes.
  3. A visit by a ship or boat to a port.
  4. A cry or shout.
  5. A decision or judgement.
  6. The characteristic cry of a bird or other animal.
  7. A beckoning or summoning.
  8. The right to speak at a given time during a debate or other public event; the floor.
  9. An option to buy stock at a specified price during or at a specified time.
  10. The act of calling to the other batsman.
  11. The state of being the batsman whose role it is to call (depends on where the ball goes.)
  12. A work shift which requires one to be available when requested (see on call).
  13. The act of jumping to a subprogram, saving the means to return to the original point.
  14. A statement of a particular state, or rule, made in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on.
  15. The act of matching a bet made by a player who has previously bet in the same round of betting.
  16. A note blown on the horn to encourage the dogs in a hunt.
  17. A whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate to summon the sailors to duty.
  18. A pipe or other instrument to call birds or animals by imitating their note or cry. A game call.
  19. An invitation to take charge of or serve a church as its pastor.
  20. Vocation; employment; calling.
  21. A reference to, or statement of, an object, course, distance, or other matter of description in a survey or grant requiring or calling for a corresponding object, etc., on the land.
  22. (prostitution) A meeting with a client for paid sex; hookup; job.
  1. (heading) To use one's voice.
  2. (heading) To visit.
  3. (heading) To name, identify or describe.
  4. (heading) Direct or indirect use of the voice.
  5. (sometimes with for) To require, demand.
  6. To announce the early extinction of a debt by prepayment, usually at a premium.
  7. To demand repayment of a loan.
  8. To jump to (another part of a program) to perform some operation, returning to the original point on completion.


  1. A marsh plant native to cooler areas throughout the northern hemisphere, Calla palustris, having pale green flowers in a white spathe.
  2. The calla lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica.


  1. (in a person) The state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion.
  2. (in a place or situation) The state of being calm; absence of noise and disturbance.
  3. A period of time without wind.
  1. To make calm.
  2. To become calm.
  1. (of a person) Peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety.
  2. (of a place or situation) Free of noise and disturbance.
  3. (of water) with few or no waves on the surface; not rippled.
  4. Without wind or storm.


  1. A camisole.


  1. An artificial waterway or artificially improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation.
  2. A tubular channel within the body.
  3. One of the faint, hazy markings resembling straight lines on early telescopic images of the surface of Mars.
  1. To dig an artificial waterway in or to (a place), especially for drainage
  2. To travel along a canal by boat


  1. A high-kicking chorus line dance originating in France.
  2. (motocross) A trick where one leg is brought over the seat, so that both legs are on one side.
  1. To dance the cancan.


Etymology 1

  1. Any member of the genus Canna of tropical plants with large leaves and often showy flowers.

Etymology 2

  1. A measure of length in Italy, varying from six to seven feet.


Etymology 1

  1. An argot, the jargon of a particular class or subgroup.
  2. A private or secret language used by a religious sect, gang, or other group.
  3. A language spoken by some Irish Travellers; Shelta.
  4. Empty, hypocritical talk.
  5. Whining speech, such as that used by beggars.
  6. A blazon of a coat of arms that makes a pun upon the name (or, less often, some attribute or function) of the bearer, canting arms.
  7. A call for bidders at a public fair; an auction.
  1. To speak with the jargon of a class or subgroup.
  2. To speak in set phrases.
  3. To preach in a singsong fashion, especially in a false or empty manner.
  4. Of a blazon, to make a pun that references the bearer of a coat of arms.
  5. To sell by auction, or bid at an auction.

Etymology 2

  1. Side, edge, corner, niche.
  2. Slope, the angle at which something is set.
  3. A corner (of a building).
  4. An outer or external angle.
  5. An inclination from a horizontal or vertical line; a slope or bevel; a tilt.
  6. A movement or throw that overturns something.
  7. A sudden thrust, push, kick, or other impulse, producing a bias or change of direction; also, the bias or turn so given.
  8. (coopering) A segment forming a side piece in the head of a cask.
  9. A segment of the rim of a wooden cogwheel.
  10. A piece of wood laid upon the deck of a vessel to support the bulkheads.
  1. To set (something) at an angle.
  2. To give a sudden turn or new direction to.
  3. To bevel an edge or corner.
  4. To overturn so that the contents are emptied.

Etymology 3

  1. A parcel, a division.
  1. To divide or parcel out.

Etymology 4

  1. Lively, lusty.


  1. A vocal composition accompanied by instruments and generally containing more than one movement, typical of 17th and 18th century Italian music.


  1. A drinking establishment, often specifically of the type found in Latin America.
  2. Abbreviated form of cantina truck, cantina wagon or cantina trailer


Etymology 1

  1. A shout or whistle expressing dislike, especially from a crowd or audience; a jeer, a boo.
  2. A shout, whistle, or comment of a sexual nature, usually made toward a passing woman.
  3. A whistle blown by a theatre-goer to express disapproval.
  1. To make such an exclamation.

Etymology 2

  1. In the Eiffel programming language, a run-time error caused by use of the wrong data type.


  1. Any of the about 250 species of flowering plant of the genus Nepeta, family Lamiaceae, certain of which are said to have medicinal qualities.
  2. Something that causes excitement or interest.


  1. Any of several perennial herbs, of the genus Typha, that have long flat leaves, and grow in marshy places


  1. Hairs or similar protrusions along the margin of a plant organ.
  2. A hairlike organelle projecting from a eukaryotic cell (such as a unicellular organism or one cell of a multicelled organism). These structures serve either for locomotion by moving or as sensors.
  3. One of the fine hairs along an insect's wing.


  1. A demand of ownership made for something.
  2. The thing claimed.
  3. The right or ground of demanding.
  4. A new statement of something one believes to be the truth, usually when the statement has yet to be verified or without valid evidence provided.
  5. A demand of ownership for previously unowned land.
  6. A legal demand for compensation or damages.
  1. To demand ownership of.
  2. To state a new fact, typically without providing evidence to prove it is true.
  3. To demand ownership or right to use for land.
  4. To demand compensation or damages through the courts.
  5. To be entitled to anything; to deduce a right or title; to have a claim.
  6. To cause the loss of, usually by violent means.
  7. To proclaim.
  8. To call or name.


  1. One who claims; one who makes a claim.
  2. A person receiving money from the government, in a form of unemployment benefits, disability benefits or similar.
  3. The party who initiates a lawsuit before a court.


Etymology 1

  1. A bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible; for example the soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria), the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), the sea clam or hen clam (Spisula solidissima), and other species. The name is said to have been given originally to the Tridacna gigas, a huge East Indian bivalve.
  2. Strong pincers or forceps.
  3. A kind of vise, usually of wood.
  4. A dollar (usually used in the plural).
  5. A Scientologist.
  6. A vagina.
  7. One who clams up; a taciturn person, one who refuses to speak.
  1. To dig for clams.

Etymology 2

  1. A crash or clangor made by ringing all the bells of a chime at once.
  1. To produce, in bellringing, a clam or clangor; to cause to clang.

Etymology 3

  1. Clamminess; moisture
  1. To be moist or glutinous; to stick; to adhere.
  2. To clog, as with glutinous or viscous matter.
  1. Clammy.

Etymology 4

  1. Acronym of Clip-on Load Adjusting Mechanism. A device that can be fitted onto an oar to adjust set.


  1. A group of people all descended from a common ancestor, in fact or belief.
  2. A traditional social group of families in the Scottish Highlands having a common hereditary chieftain
  3. Any group defined by family ties with some sort of political unity.
  4. A group of players who habitually play on the same team in multiplayer games.
  5. A badger colony.


  1. Of, pertaining to, or constituting a climax; reaching a decisive moment or point of greatest tension.


  1. Of, relating to or influenced by climate.


  1. A medical facility, such as a hospital, especially one for the treatment and diagnosis of outpatients.
  2. (by extension) A hospital session to diagnose or treat patients.
  3. A school, or a session of a school or class, in which medicine or surgery is taught by the examination and treatment of patients in the presence of the pupils.
  4. A group practice of several physicians.
  5. A meeting for the diagnosis of problems, or training, on a particular subject.
  6. A temporary office arranged on a regular basis to allow politicians to meet their constituents.
  7. A series of workouts used to build skills of practitioners regardless of team affiliation.
  8. One confined to bed by sickness.
  9. One who receives baptism on a sickbed.


  1. A medical student's session spent in a real-world nursing environment.
  1. Of or pertaining to a medical clinic or facility.
  2. Dealing with practical management of patients; contrasting with prehealth sciences.
  3. Cool and emotionless.
  4. Of or relating to a bed.


  1. A healthcare provider working in a clinic or hospital.


  1. Of or pertaining to the ilium.


  1. A banned or unlawful item.
  1. Not approved by law, but not invalid.
  2. Breaking social norms.
  3. Unlawful.


  1. To state solemnly, to chant.
  2. To recite an incantation.


  1. Harmful in effect.
  2. Unfriendly, hostile.


  1. Left complete or whole; not touched, defiled, sullied or otherwise damaged
  2. Of animals, not castrated: an intact bull.
  3. Uncircumcised; commonly used to describe a penis with a foreskin in intactivism.


  1. A typeface in which the letters slant to the right.
  2. An oblique handwriting style, such as used by Italian calligraphers of the Renaissance.
  1. (of a typeface or font) Designed to resemble a handwriting style developed in Italy in the 16th century.
  2. (of a typeface or font) Having letters that slant or lean to the right; oblique.


  1. Of, relating to, or derived from milk
  2. (of fermentation) That produces lactic acid


  1. A layperson, as opposed to a member of the clergy.
  1. Lay, relating to laypersons, as opposed to clerical.


No Definition Found.


  1. Not forbidden by formal or informal rules.
  2. Explicitly established or constituted by law.


  1. A large shrub of the genus Syringa, especially Syringa vulgaris, bearing white, pale-pink or purple flowers.
  2. A flower of the lilac shrub.
  3. (color) A pale purple color, the color of some lilac flowers.
  1. Having a pale purple colour.


No Definition Found.


  1. An insane person, especially one who suffers from a mania.
  2. A fanatic, a person with an obsession.


  1. Like a maniac; insane; frenzied.


  1. Of or pertaining to someone who exhibits mania or craziness; wicked.
  2. Suffering from mania, the state of an abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal, and/or energy levels.


  1. Any of a group of hydrous aluminosilicate minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic.


  1. A person who practices mimicry, or mime.
  2. An imitation.
  1. To imitate, especially in order to ridicule.
  2. To take on the appearance of another, for protection or camouflage.
  1. Pertaining to mimicry; imitative.
  2. Mock, pretended.
  3. Imitative; characterized by resemblance to other forms; applied to crystals which by twinning resemble simple forms of a higher grade of symmetry.


  1. A small movie camera.


  1. A water-soluble vitamin, a component of vitamin B complex, found in meat, yeast, and dairy products; it is essential to metabolism.


  1. Expressed in silence; implied, but not made explicit; silent.
  2. Not derived from formal principles of reasoning; based on induction rather than deduction.


  1. The sense of touch; feeling.
  2. The stroke in beating time.
  3. Sensitive mental touch; special skill or faculty; keen perception or discernment; ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances; the ability to say the right thing.
  4. A verbal operant which is controlled by a nonverbal stimulus (such as an object, event, or property of an object) and is maintained by nonspecific social reinforcement (praise).
  1. To use a tact (a kind of verbal operant; see noun sense).
  1. A maneuver, or action calculated to achieve some end.
  2. A maneuver used against an enemy.
  3. A sequence of moves that limits the opponent's options and results in an immediate and tangible advantage, typically in the form of material.


  1. A maneuver, or action calculated to achieve some end.
  2. A maneuver used against an enemy.
  3. A sequence of moves that limits the opponent's options and results in an immediate and tangible advantage, typically in the form of material.
  1. Tactical; of or relating to the art of military and naval tactics.
  2. Describing a polymer whose repeat units are identical.


  1. A combinator of proof tactics.
  2. A private war reenactment event involving mock battles or skirmishes.
  1. Of, or relating to tactics
  2. Of, or relating to military operations that are smaller or more local than strategic ones
  3. Adroit, skilful or ingenious
  4. Having a military appearance, typically with accessories such as a bipod, adjustable stock, detachable magazine or black coloration


  1. A person skilled in the planning and execution of tactics.


  1. Originally a large range of transparent or glistening foliated minerals. Examples include mica, selenite and the hydrated magnesium silicate that the term talc generally has referred to in modern times (see below). Also an item made of such a mineral and depending for its function on the special nature of the mineral (see next). Mediaeval writers adopted the term from the Arabic.
  2. A microscope slide made of a plate of mica, generally in use from the start of modern microscopy until the early nineteenth century, after which glass slides became the standard medium.
  3. A soft mineral, composed of hydrated magnesium silicate, that has a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or grayish color, and usually occurs in foliated masses.
  4. Talcum powder.
  1. To apply talc to.


  1. Pertaining to, containing, or obtained from tannin.


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. Having great size, or great strength, force or power.

Etymology 2

  1. Of or relating to titanium, especially tetravalent titanium


No Definition Found.