Monday, December 2, 2024

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 130

Number of Answers: 40

Points Needed for Genius: 91

Genius requires between 15 and 36 words. You need at least a 6-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 80% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 66% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 130 was in the 31st percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this low was on November 29, 2024.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 40 possible answers rank it in the 54th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on November 29, 2024.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 6-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on November 27, 2024.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 4.7.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 187
  • loll 180
  • toot 172
  • naan 165
  • nana 165
  • lilt 130
  • till 130
  • tilt 130
  • tint 125
  • mama 121
  • mamma 121
  • nene 117
  • acacia 114
  • acai 114
  • onto 113
  • toon 113
  • anal 110
  • onion 107
  • anon 106
  • boob 106
  • booboo 106
  • olio 103
  • papa 102
  • baba 101
  • lull 101
  • lulu 101
  • dodo 100
  • mitt 99
  • poop 99
  • tact 98
  • allay 97
  • ally 97
  • call 97
  • calla 97
  • ratatat 96
  • tart 96
  • tartar 96
  • attar 95
  • cocci 95
  • tatty 95
  • tutu 95
  • tattoo 94
  • ammo 93
  • epee 93
  • momma 93
  • mono 93
  • moon 93
  • peep 93
  • loon 91
  • roar 91

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 93,936 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,355 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • acmic
  • alamo
  • alma
  • amia
  • amici
  • amylic
  • calami
  • camail
  • clammily
  • cocoyam
  • comal
  • comm
  • commo
  • commy
  • cyma
  • cymol
  • immy
  • lamia
  • limy
  • macaco
  • maill
  • maiolica
  • malacca
  • malm
  • malmy
  • mamilla
  • mammilla
  • mammy
  • maya
  • milia
  • milo
  • mimical
  • mola
  • molal
  • moly
  • momi
  • mool
  • myoma
  • oomiac
  • yomim

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


Etymology 1

  1. To shout; to call out.
  2. To express great approval (for).
  3. To salute or praise with great approval; to compliment; to applaud; to welcome enthusiastically.
  4. To claim.
  5. To declare by acclamations.
  6. To elect to an office by having no opposition.

Etymology 2

  1. An acclamation; a shout of applause.
  2. A claim.


  1. Ammunition.
  1. To load up on ammunition.


  1. Pentyl
  1. Of or pertaining to starch


  1. (in a person) The state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion.
  2. (in a place or situation) The state of being calm; absence of noise and disturbance.
  3. A period of time without wind.
  1. To make calm.
  2. To become calm.
  1. (of a person) Peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety.
  2. (of a place or situation) Free of noise and disturbance.
  3. (of water) with few or no waves on the surface; not rippled.
  4. Without wind or storm.


  1. In a calm manner.


  1. A camisole.


  1. A pattern on clothing consisting of irregularly shaped patches that are either greenish/brownish, brownish/whitish, or bluish/whitish, as used by ground combat forces.
  2. Clothes made from camouflage fabric, for concealment in combat or hunting.
  1. To camouflage.
  2. To put on camouflage clothing.


  1. A demand of ownership made for something.
  2. The thing claimed.
  3. The right or ground of demanding.
  4. A new statement of something one believes to be the truth, usually when the statement has yet to be verified or without valid evidence provided.
  5. A demand of ownership for previously unowned land.
  6. A legal demand for compensation or damages.
  1. To demand ownership of.
  2. To state a new fact, typically without providing evidence to prove it is true.
  3. To demand ownership or right to use for land.
  4. To demand compensation or damages through the courts.
  5. To be entitled to anything; to deduce a right or title; to have a claim.
  6. To cause the loss of, usually by violent means.
  7. To proclaim.
  8. To call or name.


Etymology 1

  1. A bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible; for example the soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria), the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), the sea clam or hen clam (Spisula solidissima), and other species. The name is said to have been given originally to the Tridacna gigas, a huge East Indian bivalve.
  2. Strong pincers or forceps.
  3. A kind of vise, usually of wood.
  4. A dollar (usually used in the plural).
  5. A Scientologist.
  6. A vagina.
  7. One who clams up; a taciturn person, one who refuses to speak.
  1. To dig for clams.

Etymology 2

  1. A crash or clangor made by ringing all the bells of a chime at once.
  1. To produce, in bellringing, a clam or clangor; to cause to clang.

Etymology 3

  1. Clamminess; moisture
  1. To be moist or glutinous; to stick; to adhere.
  2. To clog, as with glutinous or viscous matter.
  1. Clammy.

Etymology 4

  1. Acronym of Clip-on Load Adjusting Mechanism. A device that can be fitted onto an oar to adjust set.


  1. Cold and damp, usually referring to hands or palms.
  2. The quality of normal skin signs, epidermis that is neither diaphoretic nor dry.


Etymology 1

  1. A state of unconsciousness from which one may not wake up, usually induced by some form of trauma.

Etymology 2

  1. A cloud of dust surrounding the nucleus of a comet.
  2. A defect characterized by diffuse, pear-shaped images that in an ideal image would appear as points.
  3. A tuft or bunch, such as the assemblage of branches forming the head of a tree, a cluster of bracts when empty and terminating the inflorescence of a plant, or a tuft of long hairs on certain seeds.


  1. A comedian.
  2. A story composed of cartoon images arranged in sequence, usually with textual captions; a graphic novel.
  3. A children's newspaper.
  1. Funny; amusing; comical.
  2. Relating to comedy.


  1. Originally, relating to comedy.
  2. Funny, whimsically amusing.
  3. Laughable; ridiculous.


  1. In a comical manner


  1. The punctuation mark ⟨,⟩ used to indicate a set off parts of a sentence or between elements of a list.
  2. A similar-looking subscript diacritical mark.
  3. Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Polygonia, having a comma-shaped white mark on the underwings, especially Polygonia c-album and Polygonia c-aureum of North Africa, Europe, and Asia.
  4. A difference in the calculation of nearly identical intervals by different ways.
  5. A delimiting marker between items in a genetic sequence.
  6. In Ancient Greek rhetoric, a short clause, something less than a colon, originally denoted by comma marks. In antiquity it was defined as a combination of words having no more than eight syllables in all. It was later applied to longer phrases, e.g. the Johannine comma.
  7. A brief interval.
  1. To place a comma or commas within text; to follow, precede, or surround a portion of text with commas.


  1. (usually capitalized) A Shi'ite Muslim leader.
  2. One who leads the salat prayers in a mosque.


Etymology 1

  1. A master of Tibetan Buddhism.

Etymology 2

  1. A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.


No Definition Found.


  1. An automobile body with seats and permanent top like a coupe, and with the top projecting over the driver and a projecting front.
  2. An automobile with such a body.
  3. A luxury sedan or saloon car, especially one with a lengthened wheelbase or driven by a chauffeur.
  4. An automobile for transportation to or from an airport, including sedans, vans, and buses.


  1. A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.


  1. A type of soil; an earthy mixture of sand, silt and clay, with organic matter to which its fertility is chiefly due.
  2. A mixture of sand, clay, and other materials, used in making moulds for large castings, often without a pattern.
  1. To cover, smear, or fill with loam.
  1. Made of loam; consisting of loam.


  1. Consisting of loam; partaking of the nature of loam; resembling loam.


Etymology 1

  1. A utensil; tool; a weapon; (usually in compound) an article in general.
  2. A frame or machine of wood or other material, in which a weaver forms cloth out of thread; a machine for interweaving yarn or threads into a fabric, as in knitting or lace making.
  3. The part of an oar which is between the grip or handle and the blade, the shaft.

Etymology 2

  1. Loon (bird of order Gaviiformes)

Etymology 3

  1. A distorted appearance of something as seen indistinctly or from afar.
  1. To appear indistinctly, eg. when seen on the horizon or through the murk.
  2. To appear in an exaggerated or threatening form; to be imminent.
  3. To rise and to be eminent; to be elevated or ennobled, in a moral sense.


Etymology 1

  1. A bag or wallet.
  2. A bag containing letters to be delivered by post.
  3. The material conveyed by the postal service.
  4. A stagecoach, train or ship that delivers such post.
  5. The postal service or system in general.
  6. The letters, parcels, etc. delivered to a particular address or person.
  7. Electronic mail, e-mail: a computer network–based service for sending, storing, and forwarding electronic messages.
  8. A trunk, box, or bag, in which clothing, etc., may be carried.
  1. (ditransitive) To send (a letter, parcel, etc.) through the mail.
  2. (ditransitive) To send by electronic mail.
  3. To contact (a person) by electronic mail.

Etymology 2

  1. Armour consisting of metal rings or plates linked together.
  2. A contrivance of interlinked rings, for rubbing off the loose hemp on lines and white cordage.
  3. Any hard protective covering of an animal, as the scales and plates of reptiles, shell of a lobster, etc.
  4. A spot on a bird's feather; by extension, a spotted feather.
  1. To arm with mail.
  2. To pinion.

Etymology 3

  1. An old French coin worth half a denier.
  2. A monetary payment or tribute.
  3. Rent.
  4. Tax.


  1. A serious wound
  1. To wound seriously; to cause permanent loss of function of a limb or part of the body.


No Definition Found.


  1. A pedestrianised street, especially a shopping precinct.
  2. An enclosed shopping centre.
  3. An alley where the game of pall mall was played.
  4. A public walk; a level shaded walk, a promenade.
  5. A heavy wooden mallet or hammer used in the game of pall mall.
  6. The game of polo.
  7. An old game played with malls or mallets and balls; pall mall.
  1. To beat with a mall, or mallet; to beat with something heavy; to bruise
  2. To build up with the development of shopping malls
  3. To shop at the mall


  1. (hypocoristic, usually childish) Mother, female parent.


Etymology 1

  1. The milk-secreting organ of female humans and other mammals which includes the mammary gland and the nipple or teat; a breast; an udder. (plural: mammae)
  2. An accessory cloud like a mammary in appearance, which can form on the underside of most cloud genera

Etymology 2

  1. (hypocoristic, usually childish) Mother, female parent.


  1. An animal of the class Mammalia, characterized by being warm-blooded, having hair and feeding milk to its young.
  2. A vertebrate with three bones in the inner ear and one in the jaw.


  1. A white person.
  1. A dressing made from vegetable oil, raw egg yolks and seasoning, used on salads, with french fries, in sandwiches etc.
  2. Any cold dish with that dressing as an ingredient.
  3. Any cream, for example for moisturizing the face or conditioning the hair, for which the base is egg yolks and oil.


  1. Any of a group of hydrous aluminosilicate minerals characterized by highly perfect cleavage, so that they readily separate into very thin leaves, more or less elastic.


Etymology 1

  1. A grinding apparatus for substances such as grains, seeds, etc.
  2. The building housing such a grinding apparatus.
  3. A machine used for expelling the juice, sap, etc., from vegetable tissues by pressure, or by pressure in combination with a grinding, or cutting process.
  4. A machine for grinding and polishing.
  5. The raised or ridged edge or surface made in milling anything, such as a coin or screw.
  6. A manufacturing plant for paper, steel, textiles, etc.
  7. A building housing such a plant.
  8. An establishment that handles a certain type of situation or procedure routinely, or produces large quantities of an item without much regard to quality, such as a divorce mill, a puppy mill, etc.
  9. An institution awarding educational certificates not officially recognised
  10. An engine.
  11. A boxing match, fistfight.
  12. (die sinking) A hardened steel roller with a design in relief, used for imprinting a reversed copy of the design in a softer metal, such as copper.
  13. An excavation in rock, transverse to the workings, from which material for filling is obtained.
  14. A passage underground through which ore is shot.
  15. A milling cutter.
  16. A treadmill.
  17. A typewriter used to transcribe messages received.
  1. To grind or otherwise process in a mill or other machine.
  2. To shape, polish, dress or finish using a machine.
  3. To engrave one or more grooves or a pattern around the edge of (a cylindrical object such as a coin).
  4. (followed by around, about, etc.) To move about in an aimless fashion.
  5. To cause to mill, or circle around.
  6. (of air-breathing creatures) To swim underwater.
  7. (of a whale) To swim suddenly in a new direction.
  8. To beat; to pound.
  9. To pass through a fulling mill; to full, as cloth.
  10. To roll (steel, etc.) into bars.
  11. To make (drinking chocolate) frothy, as by churning.
  12. To undergo hulling.
  13. To take part in a fistfight; to box.
  14. To fill (a winze or interior incline) with broken ore, to be drawn out at the bottom.
  15. (thieves' cant) To commit burglary.

Etymology 2

  1. An obsolete coin worth one thousandth of a US dollar, or one tenth of a cent.
  2. One thousandth part, particularly in millage rates of property tax.

Etymology 3

  1. An angular mil, a unit of angular measurement equal to 1⁄6400 of a complete circle. At 1000 metres one mil subtends about one metre (0.98 m). Also 1⁄6000 and 1⁄6300 are used in other countries.
  2. A unit of measurement equal to 1⁄1000 of an inch, usually used for thin objects, such as sheets of plastic.
  3. A former subdivision (1/1000) of the Maltese lira
  4. (plural "mil") Abbreviation of million.
  1. A unit of measure of capacity, being one thousandth of a litre. Symbol: ml

Etymology 4

  1. A line of three matching pieces in nine men's morris and related games.

Etymology 5

  1. (trading card games) Discarding a card from one's deck.
  2. (trading card games) A strategy centered on depleting the opponent's deck.
  1. (trading card games) To move (a card) from a deck to the discard pile.
  2. (Hearthstone) To destroy (a card) due to having a full hand.


  1. A person who practices mimicry, or mime.
  2. An imitation.
  1. To imitate, especially in order to ridicule.
  2. To take on the appearance of another, for protection or camouflage.
  1. Pertaining to mimicry; imitative.
  2. Mock, pretended.
  3. Imitative; characterized by resemblance to other forms; applied to crystals which by twinning resemble simple forms of a higher grade of symmetry.


Etymology 1

  1. Hard work.
  2. Confusion, turmoil.
  3. A spot; a defilement.
  1. To toil, to work hard.
  2. To churn continually; to swirl.
  3. To defile or dirty.

Etymology 2

  1. The glass circling the tip of a blowpipe or punty, such as the residual glass after detaching a blown vessel, or the lower part of a gather.
  2. (blow molding) The excess material which adheres to the top, base, or rim of a glass object when it is cut or knocked off from a blowpipe or punty, or from the mold-filling process. Typically removed after annealing as part of the finishing process (e.g. scored and snapped off).
  3. The metallic oxide from a blowpipe which has adhered to a glass object.


Etymology 1

  1. A female companion of a gangster, especially a former or current prostitute.
  2. A prostitute or woman with loose sexual morals.
  3. Bitch, slut; an insulting epithet applied to a female.
  4. A girlfriend of a bikie.
  5. A girlfriend of a surfie; blends with pejorative sense.
  6. A female fan of extreme metal, grunge or hardcore punk, especially the girlfriend of a musician of those aforementioned genres.

Etymology 2

  1. Minor; in the minor mode


Etymology 1

  1. A woman or girl, especially of low status.
  2. An effeminate male, a male homosexual.
  3. Pure MDMA powder.
  4. A mollemoke.
  5. A female cat, a she-cat (usually spayed)
  6. A bird, the wagtail.
  7. A molly bolt.
  1. To engage in (male) homosexual activity with.

Etymology 2

  1. A fish of the genus Poecilia, except for those known as guppies.


  1. Mother
  2. A voluptuous woman.
  3. One's wife or girlfriend.


  1. (usually childish) Mother.
  1. To treat someone like a mother would; to mother someone.
  1. (chiefly in the superlative) Characteristic of a mother; motherly.


  1. Money, cash.