Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 146

Number of Answers: 44

Points Needed for Genius: 102

Genius requires between 17 and 39 words. You need at least a 6-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 77% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 67% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 146 was in the 39th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this low was on December 13, 2024.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 44 possible answers rank it in the 64th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on December 15, 2024.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 6-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on December 16, 2024.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 4.7.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 189
  • loll 180
  • toot 173
  • naan 165
  • nana 165
  • lilt 130
  • till 130
  • tilt 130
  • tint 126
  • mama 121
  • mamma 121
  • nene 119
  • acacia 115
  • acai 115
  • onto 114
  • toon 114
  • anal 110
  • onion 109
  • anon 107
  • boob 106
  • booboo 106
  • olio 103
  • papa 102
  • baba 101
  • lull 101
  • lulu 101
  • poop 101
  • dodo 100
  • mitt 100
  • tact 100
  • allay 98
  • ally 98
  • call 98
  • calla 98
  • ratatat 97
  • tart 97
  • tartar 97
  • attar 96
  • tatty 96
  • tutu 96
  • cocci 95
  • tattoo 95
  • ammo 94
  • epee 94
  • momma 94
  • mono 94
  • moon 94
  • peep 94
  • loon 91
  • roar 91

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 94,551 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,365 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • acyl
  • alae
  • alchymy
  • alec
  • alee
  • allee
  • allheal
  • allyl
  • alma
  • almah
  • alme
  • almeh
  • caecal
  • caecally
  • caleche
  • callee
  • calyceal
  • calycle
  • cecal
  • cecally
  • cella
  • cellae
  • chalah
  • chaleh
  • challa
  • chally
  • chela
  • chelae
  • chyle
  • clach
  • echelle
  • elmy
  • haemal
  • halacha
  • halala
  • halalah
  • hallah
  • hallal
  • hallel
  • halm
  • halma
  • hamal
  • hammal
  • hemal
  • hyla
  • lacey
  • lahal
  • lall
  • lamella
  • lamellae
  • leachy
  • leal
  • leally
  • lycea
  • lycee
  • lych
  • macle
  • malacca
  • mallee
  • malm
  • malmy
  • mell
  • mycele
  • ylem

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. The ancient search for a universal panacea, and of the philosopher's stone, that eventually developed into chemistry.
  2. The causing of any sort of mysterious sudden transmutation.
  3. Any elaborate transformation process or algorithm.


  1. Alleviation; abatement; check.
  2. An alloy.
  1. To make quiet or put at rest; to pacify or appease; to quell; to calm.
  2. To alleviate; to abate; to mitigate.
  3. To subside, abate, become peaceful.
  4. To mix (metals); to mix with a baser metal; to alloy; to deteriorate.
  5. (by extension) To make worse by the introduction of inferior elements.


  1. One of a number of alternative forms of the same gene occupying a given position, or locus, on a chromosome.


Etymology 1

  1. A narrow street or passageway, especially one through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings.
  2. The area between the outfielders.
  3. An establishment where bowling is played.
  4. An elongated wooden strip of floor along which a bowling ball is rolled.
  5. The extra area between the sidelines or tramlines on a tennis court that is used for doubles matches.
  6. A walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes.
  7. A passageway between rows of pews in a church.
  8. (perspective drawing) Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length.
  9. The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.

Etymology 2

  1. A glass marble or taw.


Etymology 1

  1. A person, group, or state (etc) which is associated with another for a common cause; one united to another by treaty or common purpose; a confederate.
  2. A person, group, concept (etc) which is associated with another as a helper; a supporter; an auxiliary.
  3. Anything akin to something else by structure, etc.
  4. A closely related species, usually within the same family.
  5. A relative; a kinsman.
  1. To unite, or form a connection between, as between families by marriage, or between princes and states by treaty, league, or confederacy.
  2. To connect or form a relation between by similitude, resemblance, friendship, or love.

Etymology 2

  1. A narrow street or passageway, especially one through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings.
  2. The area between the outfielders.
  3. An establishment where bowling is played.
  4. An elongated wooden strip of floor along which a bowling ball is rolled.
  5. The extra area between the sidelines or tramlines on a tennis court that is used for doubles matches.
  6. A walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes.
  7. A passageway between rows of pews in a church.
  8. (perspective drawing) Any passage having the entrance represented as wider than the exit, so as to give the appearance of length.
  9. The space between two rows of compositors' stands in a printing office.
  1. A glass marble or taw.


  1. Pentyl
  1. Of or pertaining to starch


  1. A telephone conversation.
  2. A short visit, usually for social purposes.
  3. A visit by a ship or boat to a port.
  4. A cry or shout.
  5. A decision or judgement.
  6. The characteristic cry of a bird or other animal.
  7. A beckoning or summoning.
  8. The right to speak at a given time during a debate or other public event; the floor.
  9. An option to buy stock at a specified price during or at a specified time.
  10. The act of calling to the other batsman.
  11. The state of being the batsman whose role it is to call (depends on where the ball goes.)
  12. A work shift which requires one to be available when requested (see on call).
  13. The act of jumping to a subprogram, saving the means to return to the original point.
  14. A statement of a particular state, or rule, made in many games such as bridge, craps, jacks, and so on.
  15. The act of matching a bet made by a player who has previously bet in the same round of betting.
  16. A note blown on the horn to encourage the dogs in a hunt.
  17. A whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate to summon the sailors to duty.
  18. A pipe or other instrument to call birds or animals by imitating their note or cry. A game call.
  19. An invitation to take charge of or serve a church as its pastor.
  20. Vocation; employment; calling.
  21. A reference to, or statement of, an object, course, distance, or other matter of description in a survey or grant requiring or calling for a corresponding object, etc., on the land.
  22. (prostitution) A meeting with a client for paid sex; hookup; job.
  1. (heading) To use one's voice.
  2. (heading) To visit.
  3. (heading) To name, identify or describe.
  4. (heading) Direct or indirect use of the voice.
  5. (sometimes with for) To require, demand.
  6. To announce the early extinction of a debt by prepayment, usually at a premium.
  7. To demand repayment of a loan.
  8. To jump to (another part of a program) to perform some operation, returning to the original point on completion.


  1. A marsh plant native to cooler areas throughout the northern hemisphere, Calla palustris, having pale green flowers in a white spathe.
  2. The calla lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica.


  1. (in a person) The state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion.
  2. (in a place or situation) The state of being calm; absence of noise and disturbance.
  3. A period of time without wind.
  1. To make calm.
  2. To become calm.
  1. (of a person) Peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety.
  2. (of a place or situation) Free of noise and disturbance.
  3. (of water) with few or no waves on the surface; not rippled.
  4. Without wind or storm.


  1. In a calm manner.


Etymology 1

  1. A beast of burden, much used in desert areas, of the genus Camelus.
  2. A light brownish color, like that of a camel (also called camel brown).
  3. Loaded vessels lashed tightly, one on each side of another vessel, and then emptied to reduce the draught of the ship in the middle.
  1. Of a light brown color like that of a camel.

Etymology 2

  1. A ruminant, of the genus Giraffa, of the African savannah with long legs and highly elongated neck, which make it the tallest living animal; yellow fur patterned with dark spots, often in the form of a network; and two or more short, skin-covered horns, so-called; strictly speaking the horn-like projections are ossicones.
  2. A giraffe unicycle.
  3. A laugh.


Etymology 1

  1. A single-room dwelling for a hermit.
  2. A small monastery or nunnery dependent on a larger religious establishment.
  3. A small room in a monastery or nunnery accommodating one person.
  4. A room in a prison or jail for one or more inmates.
  5. Each of the small hexagonal compartments in a honeycomb.
  6. Any of various chambers in a tissue or organism having specific functions.
  7. The discal cell of the wing of a lepidopteran insect.
  8. Specifically, any of the supposed compartments of the brain, formerly thought to be the source of specific mental capacities, knowledge, or memories.
  9. A section or compartment of a larger structure.
  10. Any small dwelling; a remote nook, a den.
  11. A device which stores electrical power; used either singly or together in batteries; the basic unit of a battery.
  12. The basic unit of a living organism, consisting of a quantity of protoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane, which is able to synthesize proteins and replicate itself.
  13. A small thunderstorm, caused by convection, that forms ahead of a storm front.
  14. The minimal unit of a cellular automaton that can change state and has an associated behavior.
  15. In FreeCell-type games, a space where one card can be placed.
  16. A small group of people forming part of a larger organization, often an outlawed one.
  17. (communication) A short, fixed-length packet as in asynchronous transfer mode.
  18. (communication) A region of radio reception that is a part of a larger radio network.
  19. A three-dimensional facet of a polytope.
  20. The unit in a statistical array (a spreadsheet, for example) where a row and a column intersect.
  21. The space between the ribs of a vaulted roof.
  22. A cella.
  23. An area of an insect wing bounded by veins
  1. To place or enclose in a cell.

Etymology 2

  1. A cellular phone.


  1. A traditional bread eaten by Ashkenazi Jews, usually braided for the Sabbath and round for Yom Tov.
  2. The commandment to separate a portion of bread or bread dough for the cohanim (Numbers 15:17–21); in contemporary practice, the portion is burned until inedible.
  3. The portion separated in fulfillment of the above.


Etymology 1

  1. A bivalve mollusk of many kinds, especially those that are edible; for example the soft-shell clam (Mya arenaria), the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), the sea clam or hen clam (Spisula solidissima), and other species. The name is said to have been given originally to the Tridacna gigas, a huge East Indian bivalve.
  2. Strong pincers or forceps.
  3. A kind of vise, usually of wood.
  4. A dollar (usually used in the plural).
  5. A Scientologist.
  6. A vagina.
  7. One who clams up; a taciturn person, one who refuses to speak.
  1. To dig for clams.

Etymology 2

  1. A crash or clangor made by ringing all the bells of a chime at once.
  1. To produce, in bellringing, a clam or clangor; to cause to clang.

Etymology 3

  1. Clamminess; moisture
  1. To be moist or glutinous; to stick; to adhere.
  2. To clog, as with glutinous or viscous matter.
  1. Clammy.

Etymology 4

  1. Acronym of Clip-on Load Adjusting Mechanism. A device that can be fitted onto an oar to adjust set.


  1. Cold and damp, usually referring to hands or palms.
  2. The quality of normal skin signs, epidermis that is neither diaphoretic nor dry.


  1. A mineral substance made up of small crystals of silica and alumina, that is ductile when moist; the material of pre-fired ceramics.
  2. An earth material with ductile qualities.
  3. A tennis court surface made of crushed stone, brick, shale, or other unbound mineral aggregate.
  4. The material of the human body.
  5. A particle less than 3.9 microns in diameter, following the Wentworth scale.
  6. A clay pipe for smoking tobacco.
  7. A clay pigeon.
  8. Land or territory of a country or other political region, especially when subject to territorial claims
  1. To add clay to, to spread clay onto.
  2. (of sugar) To purify using clay.


  1. Resembling or containing clay.


  1. An interval of space or time in which one set of events or phenomena is completed.
  2. A complete rotation of anything.
  3. A process that returns to its beginning and then repeats itself in the same sequence.
  4. The members of the sequence formed by such a process.
  5. In musical set theory, an interval cycle is the set of pitch classes resulting from repeatedly applying the same interval class to the starting pitch class.
  6. A series of poems, songs or other works of art.
  7. A programme on a washing machine, dishwasher, or other such device.
  8. A pedal-powered vehicle, such as a unicycle, bicycle, or tricycle, or a motorized vehicle that has either two or three wheels.
  9. A single, a double, a triple, and a home run hit by the same player in the same game.
  10. A closed walk or path, with or without repeated vertices allowed.
  11. (algebraic topology) A chain whose boundary is zero.
  12. An imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens; one of the celestial spheres.
  13. An age; a long period of time.
  14. An orderly list for a given time; a calendar.
  15. One entire round in a circle or a spire.
  16. A discharge of a taser.
  1. To ride a bicycle or other cycle.
  2. To go through a cycle or to put through a cycle.
  3. To turn power off and back on
  4. To maintain a team's possession of the puck in the offensive zone by handling and passing the puck in a loop from the boards near the goal up the side boards and passing to back to the boards near the goal


No Definition Found.


  1. To make halal.
  1. Permissible, according to Muslim religious customs, to have or do.
  2. (of food) Fit to eat according to Muslim religious customs.
  1. In a halal manner; in accordance with Muslim religious customs.


Etymology 1

  1. Health, welfare.

Etymology 2

  1. Sound, entire, healthy; robust, not impaired.

Etymology 3

  1. To drag or pull, especially forcibly.


  1. A corridor; a hallway.
  2. A meeting room.
  3. A manor house (originally because a magistrate's court was held in the hall of his mansion).
  4. A building providing student accommodation at a university.
  5. The principal room of a secular medieval building.
  6. Cleared passageway through a crowd, as for dancing.
  7. A place for special professional education, or for conferring professional degrees or licences.
  8. A living room.


Etymology 1

  1. A spell or ability that restores hit points or removes a status ailment.
  2. Health
  1. To make better from a disease, wound, etc.; to revive or cure.
  2. To become better or healthy again.
  3. To reconcile, as a breach or difference; to make whole; to free from guilt.

Etymology 2

  1. To make better from a disease, wound, etc.; to revive or cure.
  2. To become better or healthy again.
  3. To reconcile, as a breach or difference; to make whole; to free from guilt.
  1. To hide, conceal, and keep secret, especially for a secret society (such as the masons).
  2. (now especially in the phrase "hele in") To cover or conceal (a seedling, plant, roots, etc).


Etymology 1

  1. The rear part of the foot, where it joins the leg.
  2. The part of a shoe's sole which supports the foot's heel.
  3. The rear part of a sock or similar covering for the foot.
  4. The part of the palm of a hand closest to the wrist.
  5. (usually in the plural) A woman's high-heeled shoe.
  6. The back, upper part of the stock.
  7. The last or lowest part of anything.
  8. A crust end-piece of a loaf of bread.
  9. The base of a bun sliced in half lengthwise.
  10. A contemptible, inconsiderate or thoughtless person.
  11. A headlining wrestler regarded as a "bad guy," whose ring persona embodies villainous or reprehensible traits and demonstrates characteristics of a braggart and a bully.
  12. The cards set aside for later use in a patience or solitaire game.
  13. Anything resembling a human heel in shape; a protuberance; a knob.
  14. The lower end of a timber in a frame, as a post or rafter.
  15. (specifically) The obtuse angle of the lower end of a rafter set sloping.
  16. (workman slang) A cyma reversa.
  17. The short side of an angled cut.
  18. The part of a club head's face nearest the shaft.
  19. The lower end of the bit (cutting edge) of an axehead; as opposed to the toe (upper end).
  20. In a carding machine, the part of a flat nearest the cylinder.
  1. To follow at somebody's heels; to chase closely.
  2. To add a heel to, or increase the size of the heel of (a shoe or boot).
  3. To kick with the heel.
  4. To perform by the use of the heels, as in dancing, running, etc.
  5. To arm with a gaff, as a cock for fighting.
  6. To hit (the ball) with the heel of the club.
  7. To make (a fair catch) standing with one foot forward, the heel on the ground and the toe up.

Etymology 2

  1. The act of inclining or canting from a vertical position; a cant.
  1. To incline to one side; to tilt.

Etymology 3

  1. To make better from a disease, wound, etc.; to revive or cure.
  2. To become better or healthy again.
  3. To reconcile, as a breach or difference; to make whole; to free from guilt.
  1. To hide, conceal, and keep secret, especially for a secret society (such as the masons).
  2. (now especially in the phrase "hele in") To cover or conceal (a seedling, plant, roots, etc).


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. The steering apparatus of a ship, especially the tiller or wheel.
  2. (maritime) The member of the crew in charge of steering the boat.
  3. A position of leadership or control.
  4. One at the place of direction or control; a guide; a director.
  5. A helve.
  1. To be a helmsman or a member of the helm; to be in charge of steering the boat.
  2. (by extension) To lead (a project, etc.).

Etymology 2

  1. A helmet.
  2. A helmet.
  3. A heavy cloud lying on the brow of a mountain.

Etymology 3

  1. The stems of various cultivated plants, left after harvesting the crop to be used as animal litter or for thatching.
  2. An individual plant stem.
  3. Part of a harness; a hame.


Etymology 1

  1. A light fabric containing patterns of holes, usually built up from a single thread. Wp
  2. A cord or ribbon passed through eyelets in a shoe or garment, pulled tight and tied to fasten the shoe or garment firmly. Wp
  3. A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a net.
  4. Spirits added to coffee or another beverage.

Etymology 2

  1. To fasten (something) with laces.
  2. To add alcohol, poison, a drug or anything else potentially harmful to (food or drink).
  3. To interweave items.
  4. To interweave the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
  5. To beat; to lash; to make stripes on.
  6. To adorn with narrow strips or braids of some decorative material.


  1. Made of lace or decorated with it.
  2. Looking like lace.


Etymology 1

  1. A master of Tibetan Buddhism.

Etymology 2

  1. A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.


Etymology 1

  1. A stupid or undesirable person.
  1. To cause (a person or animal) to become lame.
  1. Unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs.
  2. Moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect or temporary obstruction of a function.
  3. (by extension) Hobbling; limping; inefficient; imperfect.
  4. Unconvincing or unbelievable.
  5. Failing to be cool, funny, interesting or relevant.

Etymology 2

  1. A lamina; a thin layer or plate of material, as in certain kinds of armor.
  2. (in the plural) A set of joined overlapping metal plates.

Etymology 3

  1. To shine.


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. A quantity of wood ashes, through which water passes, and thus imbibes the alkali.
  2. A tub or vat for leaching ashes, bark, etc.
  3. A jelly-like sweetmeat popular in the fifteenth century.
  1. An aquatic blood-sucking annelid of class Hirudinea, especially Hirudo medicinalis.
  2. A person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion.
  3. A glass tube designed for drawing blood from damaged tissue by means of a vacuum.
  1. A physician.
  2. (Heathenry) A healer.
  1. The vertical edge of a square sail.
  2. The aft edge of a triangular sail.

Etymology 2

  1. To purge a soluble matter out of something by the action of a percolating fluid.
  2. To part with soluble constituents by percolation.


Etymology 1

  1. A strong, lecherous desire or craving.
  2. A lecher.
  1. To behave lecherously

Etymology 2

  1. The capstone of a cromlech.


Etymology 1

  1. An aquatic blood-sucking annelid of class Hirudinea, especially Hirudo medicinalis.
  2. A person who derives profit from others in a parasitic fashion.
  3. A glass tube designed for drawing blood from damaged tissue by means of a vacuum.
  1. To apply a leech medicinally, so that it sucks blood from the patient.
  2. To drain (resources) without giving back.

Etymology 2

  1. A physician.
  2. (Heathenry) A healer.

Etymology 3

  1. To treat, cure or heal.

Etymology 4

  1. The vertical edge of a square sail.
  2. The aft edge of a triangular sail.


Etymology 1

  1. A proposition proved or accepted for immediate use in the proof of some other proposition.
  2. The canonical form of an inflected word; i.e., the form usually found as the headword in a dictionary, such as the nominative singular of a noun, the bare infinitive of a verb, etc.
  3. (psycholinguistics) The theoretical abstract conceptual form of a word, representing a specific meaning, before the creation of a specific phonological form as the sounds of a lexeme, which may find representation in a specific written form as a dictionary or lexicographic word.

Etymology 2

  1. The outer shell of a fruit or similar body.
  2. One of the specialized bracts around the floret in grasses.


  1. A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.


  1. The Chinese tropical fruit tree Litchi chinensis, of the soapberry family.
  2. That tree's bright red oval fruit with a single stone surrounded by a fleshy white aril.
  3. A soft pink-red colour, like that of a lychee rind (also called lychee red).


  1. One of the male (masculine) sex or gender.
  1. Belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or to the gender which is typically associated with it.
  2. Characteristic of this sex/gender. (Compare masculine, manly.)
  3. Tending to lead to or regulate the development of sexual characteristics typical of this sex.
  4. (grammar, less common than 'masculine') Masculine; of the masculine grammatical gender.
  5. Of instruments, tools, or connectors: designed to fit into or penetrate a female counterpart, as in a connector, pipe fitting or laboratory glassware.


  1. A pedestrianised street, especially a shopping precinct.
  2. An enclosed shopping centre.
  3. An alley where the game of pall mall was played.
  4. A public walk; a level shaded walk, a promenade.
  5. A heavy wooden mallet or hammer used in the game of pall mall.
  6. The game of polo.
  7. An old game played with malls or mallets and balls; pall mall.
  1. To beat with a mall, or mallet; to beat with something heavy; to bruise
  2. To build up with the development of shopping malls
  3. To shop at the mall


  1. An animal of the class Mammalia, characterized by being warm-blooded, having hair and feeding milk to its young.
  2. A vertebrate with three bones in the inner ear and one in the jaw.


Etymology 1

  1. Food that is prepared and eaten, usually at a specific time, and usually in a comparatively large quantity (as opposed to a snack).
  2. Food served or eaten as a repast.
  3. A time or an occasion.

Etymology 2

  1. The coarse-ground edible part of various grains often used to feed animals; flour or a coarser blend than flour.
  1. To yield or be plentiful in meal.

Etymology 3

  1. A speck or spot.
  2. A part; a fragment; a portion.
  1. To defile or taint.


  1. Resembling meal (the foodstuff).


  1. A battle fought at close range; hand-to-hand combat; brawling.
  2. A noisy, confused or tumultuous fight, argument or scrap.
  3. Any any confused, disorganised, disordered or chaotic situation.
  4. Lively contention or debate, skirmish.
  5. A cavalry exercise in which two groups of riders try to cut paper plumes off the helmets of their opponents, the contest continuing until no member of one group retains his plume.
  6. Small cut and polished gemstones sold in lots.
  1. To physically hit in close quarters, as opposed to shooting, blowing up, or other ranged means of damage. Often refers to the usage of a hand-to-hand weapon.


Etymology 1

  1. A shout.
  2. A phrase to be shouted.
  1. Shout; holler; make a loud sound with the voice.
  2. To convey by shouting
  3. To tell someone off (in a loud and angry manner)

Etymology 2

  1. Dry (of cow)