Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 195

Number of Answers: 47

Points Needed for Genius: 137

Genius requires between 21 and 41 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 76% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 68% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 195 was in the 64th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on December 31, 2024.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 47 possible answers rank it in the 71st percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on December 31, 2024.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on December 31, 2024.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.1.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 190
  • loll 181
  • toot 176
  • naan 166
  • nana 166
  • lilt 130
  • till 130
  • tilt 130
  • tint 127
  • mama 122
  • mamma 122
  • nene 121
  • acacia 115
  • acai 115
  • onto 115
  • toon 115
  • anal 110
  • onion 110
  • anon 107
  • boob 107
  • booboo 107
  • olio 104
  • baba 102
  • papa 102
  • lull 101
  • lulu 101
  • poop 101
  • tact 101
  • dodo 100
  • mitt 100
  • allay 99
  • ally 99
  • call 99
  • calla 99
  • ratatat 99
  • tart 99
  • tartar 99
  • attar 98
  • tattoo 97
  • tatty 97
  • tutu 97
  • cocci 96
  • mono 95
  • moon 95
  • ammo 94
  • epee 94
  • momma 94
  • peep 94
  • loon 91
  • nanny 91

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 95,233 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,382 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • alant
  • albata
  • anatto
  • annatto
  • anta
  • atabal
  • atlatl
  • balata
  • batata
  • batt
  • bota
  • bott
  • galloot
  • lota
  • loto
  • lotta
  • nontonal
  • nota
  • notal
  • otto
  • taggant
  • tala
  • talbot
  • tallol
  • tanga
  • tanto
  • tola
  • tolan
  • tolt
  • tonga

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. The superior or head of an abbey or monastery.
  2. The pastor and/or administrator of an order, including minor and major orders starting with the minor order of porter.
  3. A layman who received the abbey's revenues, after the closing of the monasteries.
  4. (British slang) A brothel-owner's husband or lover.
  5. (British slang) A ponce; a man employed by a prostitute to find clients, and who may also act as a bodyguard or equivalent to a bouncer.


  1. To distribute or apportion by (or as if by) lot.
  2. To assign or designate as a task or for a purpose.


  1. A musical part or section higher than tenor and lower than soprano, formerly the part that performed a countermelody above the tenor or main melody.
  2. A person or musical instrument that performs the alto part.
  3. An alto saxophone


  1. A type of island consisting of a ribbon reef that nearly or entirely surrounds a lagoon and supports, in most cases, one to many islets on the reef platform. Atolls have a unique geology, so not all islands with a reef and a lagoon are atolls


  1. Lacking a tonal center or key.
  2. Not tonal, lacking tones.


  1. Originally, a small ball placed in a container to cast a vote; now, by extension, a piece of paper or card used for this purpose, or some other means used to signify a vote.
  2. The process of voting, especially in secret; a round of voting.
  3. The total of all the votes cast in an election.
  4. A list of candidates running for office; a ticket.
  1. To vote or decide by ballot.
  2. To draw lots.


  1. A staff or truncheon, used for various purposes
  2. The stick of a conductor in musical performances.
  3. An object transferred by runners in a relay race.
  4. A short stout club used primarily by policemen; a truncheon (UK).
  5. An abatement in coats of arms to denote illegitimacy. (Also spelled batune, baston).
  6. A riband with the ends cut off, resembling a baton, as shown on a coat of arms.
  7. A short vertical lightweight post, not set into the ground, used to separate wires in a fence.
  1. To strike with a baton.


Etymology 1

  1. To cry, as a calf or sheep; to bleat.
  2. To make a senseless noise.
  3. To talk inconsiderately.
  4. To produce an overrich or overblown sound on a brass instrument such as a trumpet, trombone, or tuba.

Etymology 2

  1. Connections; relationships; one's social or business network (in Russian or Soviet society).


  1. Bellowing; disagreeably clamorous; sounding loudly and harshly.
  2. Obvious, on show; unashamed; loudly obtrusive or offensive.


  1. Distention of the abdomen from death.
  2. Pathological overdistention of rumen with gas in a ruminant.
  3. Wasteful use of space or other resources.
  4. A worthless, dissipated fellow.
  1. To cause to become distended.
  2. (veterinary medicine) to get an overdistended rumen, talking of a ruminant.
  3. To fill soft substance with gas, water, etc.; to cause to swell.
  4. To become distended; to swell up.
  5. To fill with vanity or conceit.
  6. To preserve by slightly salting and lightly smoking.
  1. Bloated.


  1. A blemish, spot or stain made by a coloured substance.
  2. (by extension) A stain on someone's reputation or character; a disgrace.
  3. A method of transferring proteins, DNA or RNA, onto a carrier.
  4. An exposed piece in backgammon.
  1. To cause a blot (on something) by spilling a coloured substance.
  2. To soak up or absorb liquid.
  3. To dry (writing, etc.) with blotting paper.
  4. To spot, stain, or bespatter, as with ink.
  5. To impair; to damage; to mar; to soil.
  6. To stain with infamy; to disgrace.
  7. To obliterate, as writing with ink; to cancel; to efface; generally with out.
  8. To obscure; to eclipse; to shadow.


Etymology 1

  1. A person who is (very) drunk or intoxicated.
  2. An artwork created using blots of ink or paint.
  1. To become or cause to become (very) drunk or intoxicated.
  2. To be annihilated or destroyed; to be blotted out.
  1. (Very) drunk or intoxicated.

Etymology 2

  1. A reagent made from non-fat dry milk, phosphate buffered saline, and sodium azide, which is used to block protein binding sites for laboratory techniques such as blots and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Etymology 3

  1. On Sulawesi: a hollowed-out tree trunk used as a boat.


  1. A craft used for transportation of goods, fishing, racing, recreational cruising, or military use on or in the water, propelled by oars or outboard motor or inboard motor or by wind.
  2. A full house.
  3. A vehicle, utensil, or dish somewhat resembling a boat in shape.
  4. One of two possible conformations of cyclohexane rings (the other being chair), shaped roughly like a boat.
  5. The refugee boats arriving in Australian waters, and by extension, refugees generally.
  1. To travel by boat.
  2. To transport in a boat.
  3. To place in a boat.


Etymology 1

  1. A (usually) metal fastener consisting of a cylindrical body that is threaded, with a larger head on one end. It can be inserted into an unthreaded hole up to the head, with a nut then threaded on the other end; a heavy machine screw.
  2. A sliding pin or bar in a lock or latch mechanism.
  3. A bar of wood or metal dropped in horizontal hooks on a door and adjoining wall or between the two sides of a double door, to prevent the door(s) from being forced open.
  4. A sliding mechanism to chamber and unchamber a cartridge in a firearm.
  5. A small personal-armour-piercing missile for short-range use, or (in common usage though deprecated by experts) a short arrow, intended to be shot from a crossbow or a catapult.
  6. A lightning spark, i.e., a lightning bolt.
  7. A sudden event, action or emotion.
  8. A large roll of fabric or similar material, as a bolt of cloth.
  9. A sudden spring or start; a sudden leap aside.
  10. A sudden flight, as to escape creditors.
  11. A refusal to support a nomination made by the party with which one has been connected; a breaking away from one's party.
  12. An iron to fasten the legs of a prisoner; a shackle; a fetter.
  13. A burst of speed or efficiency.
  1. To connect or assemble pieces using a bolt.
  2. To secure a door by locking or barring it.
  3. To flee, to depart, to accelerate suddenly.
  4. To cause to start or spring forth; to dislodge (an animal being hunted).
  5. To strike or fall suddenly like a bolt.
  6. To escape.
  7. Of a plant, to grow quickly; to go to seed.
  8. To swallow food without chewing it.
  9. To drink one's drink very quickly; to down a drink.
  10. To refuse to support a nomination made by a party or caucus with which one has been connected; to break away from a party.
  11. To utter precipitately; to blurt or throw out.
  1. Suddenly; straight; unbendingly.

Etymology 2

  1. A sieve, especially a long fine sieve used in milling for bolting flour and meal; a bolter.
  1. To sift, especially through a cloth.
  2. To sift the bran and germ from wheat flour.
  3. To separate, assort, refine, or purify by other means.
  4. To discuss or argue privately, and for practice, as cases at law.


Etymology 1

  1. A heavy shoe that covers part of the leg.
  2. A blow with the foot; a kick.
  3. A flexible cover of rubber or plastic, which may be preformed to a particular shape and used to protect a shaft, lever, switch, or opening from dust, dirt, moisture, etc.
  4. (usually preceded by definite article) A torture device used on the feet or legs, such as a Spanish boot.
  5. A parking enforcement device used to immobilize a car until it can be towed or a fine is paid; a wheel clamp.
  6. A rubber bladder on the leading edge of an aircraft’s wing, which is inflated periodically to remove ice buildup. A deicing boot.
  7. A place at the side of a coach, where attendants rode; also, a low outside place before and behind the body of the coach.
  8. A place for baggage at either end of an old-fashioned stagecoach.
  9. (police) A recently arrived recruit; a rookie.
  10. The luggage storage compartment of a sedan or saloon car.
  11. The act or process of removing or firing someone (give someone the boot).
  12. Unattractive person, ugly woman (usually as "old boot")
  13. A hard plastic case for a long firearm, typically moulded to the shape of the gun and intended for use in a vehicle.
  14. A bobbled ball.
  15. The inflated flag leaf sheath of a wheat plant.
  1. To kick.
  2. To put boots on, especially for riding.
  3. To apply corporal punishment (compare slippering).
  4. To forcibly eject.
  5. To disconnect forcibly; to eject from an online service, conversation, etc.
  6. To vomit.
  7. (criminal slang) To shoot, to kill by gunfire.

Etymology 2

  1. Remedy, amends.
  2. Profit, plunder.
  3. That which is given to make an exchange equal, or to make up for the deficiency of value in one of the things exchanged; compensation; recompense.
  4. Profit; gain; advantage; use.
  5. Repair work; the act of fixing structures or buildings.
  6. A medicinal cure or remedy.
  1. To avail, benefit, profit.
  2. To benefit, to enrich; to give in addition.

Etymology 3

  1. The act or process of bootstrapping; the starting or re-starting of a computing device.
  1. To bootstrap; to start a system, e.g. a computer, by invoking its boot process or bootstrap.

Etymology 4

  1. A bootleg recording.


Etymology 1

  1. Brave, valiant.
  2. Honorable.
  3. Grand, noble.
  4. Showy; splendid; magnificent; gay; well-dressed.

Etymology 2

  1. A fashionable young man who is polite and attentive to women.
  2. One who woos, a lover, a suitor, a seducer.
  3. Topgallant
  1. To attend or wait on (a lady).
  2. To handle with grace or in a modish manner.
  1. Polite and attentive to ladies; courteous to women; chivalrous.


  1. A clumsy or uncouth person.


  1. An act or instance of gloating.
  1. To exhibit a conspicuous (sometimes malevolent) pleasure or sense of self-satisfaction, often at an adversary's misfortune.
  2. To triumph, crow, relish, glory, revel.


  1. A sound made with the glottis
  1. Of or relating to the glottis.
  2. Articulated with the glottis.


  1. Any small insect of the order Diptera, specifically within the suborder Nematocera.


  1. A mammal, Capra aegagrus hircus, and similar species of the genus Capra.
  2. A lecherous man.
  3. A scapegoat.
  4. A Pontiac GTO car.
  5. (speech recognition) A person who is not easily understood by a speech recognition system; contrasted with sheep.
  6. A fool, loser, or object of ridicule.
  1. To allow goats to feed on.
  2. To scapegoat.


  1. Any member of the genus Lantana of perennial verbenas with aromatic flower clusters.


  1. Among the boats carried by a ship the largest, thus the most capable of boats carried on a ship.


Etymology 1

  1. A kind of scoop or ladle, chiefly used to remove the scum from brine-pans in saltworks.

Etymology 2

  1. The act of plundering.
  2. Plunder, booty, especially from a ransacked city.
  3. Any prize or profit received for free, especially Christmas presents
  4. Items dropped by defeated enemies.
  1. To steal, especially as part of war, riot or other group violence.
  2. To steal from.
  3. To examine the corpse of a fallen enemy for loot.


  1. A game of chance similar to bingo
  2. A lottery


  1. A very small autonomous robot, typically the size of a biological cell, designed to work alone or in very large numbers to achieve some task.


Etymology 1

  1. Of or relating to birth.

Etymology 2

  1. Of or relating to the buttocks.


  1. Floating or swimming (in water)
  2. In a horizontal position, as if swimming


  1. (of a function) Assuming each of the values in its codomain; having its range equal to its codomain.
  1. Upon; on top of.
  2. Aware of.
  3. Being an onto function with a codomain of (see below).


  1. A pair of tuned hand drums, used in various musical genres of the Indian subcontinent, that are similar to bongos.


  1. An inhibition or ban that results from social custom or emotional aversion.
  2. (in Polynesia) Something which may not be used, approached or mentioned because it is sacred.
  1. To mark as taboo.
  2. To ban.
  3. To avoid.
  1. Excluded or forbidden from use, approach or mention.
  2. Culturally forbidden.


No Definition Found.


  1. (possibly nonstandard) Someone or something that is tall.
  1. (of a person) Having a vertical extent greater than the average. For example, somebody with a height of over 6 feet would generally be considered to be tall.
  2. (of a building, etc.) Having its top a long way up; having a great vertical (and often greater than horizontal) extent; high.
  3. (of a story) Hard to believe, such as a tall story or a tall tale.
  4. (of a cup of coffee) A cup of coffee smaller than grande, usually 8 ounces.
  5. Obsequious; obedient.
  6. Seemly; suitable; fitting, becoming, comely; attractive, handsome.
  7. Bold; brave; courageous; valiant.
  8. Fine; proper; admirable; great; excellent.


  1. A sharp, hooked claw of a bird of prey or other predatory animal.
  2. One of certain small prominences on the hind part of the face of an elephant's tooth.
  3. A kind of moulding, concave at the bottom and convex at the top; an ogee. (When the concave part is at the top, it is called an inverted talon.)
  4. The shoulder of the bolt of a lock on which the key acts to shoot the bolt.
  5. In various card games, the remaining stock of undealt cards.


Etymology 1

  1. A refreshingly sharp aroma or flavor.
  2. A strong or offensive taste; especially, a taste of something extraneous to the thing itself.
  3. A sharp, specific flavor or tinge.
  4. A projecting part of an object by means of which it is secured to a handle, or to some other part.
  5. The part of a knife, fork, file, or other small instrument, which is inserted into the handle.
  6. The projecting part of the breech of a musket barrel, by which the barrel is secured to the stock.
  7. The part of a sword blade to which the handle is fastened.
  8. A group of saltwater fish from the Acanthuridae family, especially the Zebrasoma genus.
  9. (games) A shuffleboard paddle.
  10. Tongue
  11. (by extension) Anything resembling a tongue in form or position such as the tongue of a buckle.

Etymology 2

  1. A sharp, twanging sound; an unpleasant tone; a twang.
  1. To strike two metal objects together loudly in order to persuade a swarm of honeybees to land so it may be captured by the beekeeper.
  2. To make a ringing sound; to ring.

Etymology 3

  1. Knotted wrack, Ascophyllum nodosum (coarse blackish seaweed)

Etymology 4

  1. The vagina.
  2. Intercourse with a woman


  1. A Standard ballroom dance in 4/4 time; or a social dance, the Argentine tango.
  2. A piece of music suited to such a dance.
  3. The letter T in the ICAO spelling alphabet.
  4. Enemy, used amongst special police forces, derived from the abbreviation of target using the NATO phonetic alphabet.
  5. A dark orange colour shade; deep tangerine
  1. To dance the tango.
  2. To mingle or interact (with each other).


Etymology 1

  1. An image made in the skin with ink and a needle.
  2. A method of decorating the skin by inserting colored substances under the surface with a sharp instrument (usually a solenoid-driven needle).
  1. To apply a tattoo to (someone or something).
  2. To hit the ball hard, as if to figuratively leave a tattoo on the ball.

Etymology 2

  1. A signal played five minutes before taps (lights out).
  2. A signal by drum or bugle ordering soldiers to return to their quarters.
  3. A military display or pageant.
  1. To tap rhythmically on, to drum.

Etymology 3

  1. A breed of pony from India; a pony of that breed.


  1. A long sled without runners, with the front end curled upwards, which may be pulled across snow by a cord or used to coast down hills.
  2. A similar sled of wood, pulled by dogs, possibly with steel runners, made to transport cargo.
  3. Something which, once it starts going (figuratively) downhill, is unstoppable until it reaches the bottom.
  4. (especially South Carolina, West Virginia) A knit cap, designed to provide warmth in cold weather.
  1. To slide down a hill on a toboggan or other object.
  2. To go downhill unstoppably until one reaches the bottom.


  1. A loose outer garment worn by the citizens of Ancient Rome.
  2. A loose wrap gown.
  3. An academic gown.


Etymology 1

  1. Loss or damage incurred through a disaster.
  2. A fee paid for some liberty or privilege, particularly for the privilege of passing over a bridge or on a highway, or for that of vending goods in a fair, market, etc.
  3. A fee for using any kind of material processing service.
  4. A tollbooth.
  5. A liberty to buy and sell within the bounds of a manor.
  6. A portion of grain taken by a miller as a compensation for grinding.
  1. To impose a fee for the use of.
  2. To levy a toll on (someone or something).
  3. To take as a toll.
  4. To pay a toll or tallage.

Etymology 2

  1. The act or sound of tolling
  1. To ring (a bell) slowly and repeatedly.
  2. To summon by ringing a bell.
  3. To announce by tolling.

Etymology 3

  1. To draw; pull; tug; drag.
  2. To tear in pieces.
  3. To draw; entice; invite; allure.
  4. To lure with bait; tole (especially, fish and animals).

Etymology 4

  1. To take away; to vacate; to annul.
  2. To suspend.


Etymology 1

  1. Of or relating to tones or tonality.
  2. Of or relating to the general character, mood, or trend of something.
  3. Employing tones that have a predictable relationship to some tonic.
  4. Employing differences in pitch (tones) to distinguish differences in the meaning of otherwise similar words (words which would otherwise be homophonic).

Etymology 2

  1. An animal companion which accompanies a person from birth to death.


Etymology 1

  1. An instrument or tool used for manipulating things in a fire without touching them with the hands.
  1. To use tongs.
  2. To grab, manipulate or transport something using tongs.

Etymology 2

  1. A Chinese secret society or gang.

Etymology 3

  1. The flexible muscular organ in the mouth that is used to move food around, for tasting and that is moved into various positions to modify the flow of air from the lungs in order to produce different sounds in speech.
  2. This organ, as taken from animals used for food (especially cows).−
  3. (metonym) A language.
  4. Speakers of a language, collectively.
  5. Voice (the distinctive sound of a person's speech); accent (distinctive manner of pronouncing a language).
  6. Manner of speaking, often habitually.
  7. (metonym) A person speaking in a specified manner (most often plural).
  8. The power of articulate utterance; speech generally.
  9. Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
  10. Discourse; fluency of speech or expression.
  11. Honourable discourse; eulogy.
  12. (often in the plural) Glossolalia.
  13. In a shoe, the flap of material that goes between the laces and the foot (so called because it resembles a tongue in the mouth).
  14. Any large or long physical protrusion on an automotive or machine part or any other part that fits into a long groove on another part.
  15. A projection, or slender appendage or fixture.
  16. A long, narrow strip of land, projecting from the mainland into a sea or lake.
  17. The pole of a vehicle; especially, the pole of an ox cart, to the end of which the oxen are yoked.
  18. The clapper of a bell.
  19. An individual point of flame from a fire.
  20. A small sole (type of fish).
  21. A short piece of rope spliced into the upper part of standing backstays, etc.; also, the upper main piece of a mast composed of several pieces.
  22. A reed.
  23. A division of formation; A layer or member of a formation that pinches out in one direction.


  1. A mechanical device intended to make a task easier.
  2. Equipment used in a profession, e.g., tools of the trade.
  3. Something to perform an operation; an instrument; a means.
  4. A piece of software used to develop software or hardware, or to perform low-level operations.
  5. A person or group which is used or controlled, usually unwittingly, by another person or group.
  6. Penis.
  7. (by extension) An obnoxious or uptight person.
  1. To work on or shape with tools, e.g., hand-tooled leather.
  2. To equip with tools.
  3. To work very hard.
  4. To put down another person (possibly in a subtle, hidden way), and in that way to use him or her to meet a goal.
  5. To intentionally attack the ball so that it deflects off a blocker out of bounds.
  6. To drive (a coach or other vehicle).
  7. To carry or convey in a coach or other vehicle.
  8. To travel in a vehicle; to ride or drive.


Etymology 1

  1. A cartoon, especially an animated television show.
  2. A player's avatar or visible character in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

Etymology 2

  1. A southeast Asian and Australian tree (Toona ciliata or Toona australis) of the mahogany family with fragrant dark red wood and flowers that yield a dye.
  2. The wood of this tree.

Etymology 3

  1. A town.

Etymology 4

  1. A melody.
  2. A song, or short musical composition.
  3. The act of tuning or maintenance.
  4. The state or condition of being correctly tuned.
  5. Temper; frame of mind.
  6. A sound; a note; a tone.
  7. Order; harmony; concord.


Etymology 1

  1. The noise of a horn or whistle.
  2. (by extension) A fart; flatus.
  3. Cocaine.
  4. A portion of cocaine that a person snorts.
  5. A spree of drunkness.
  6. (pronounced /tʊt/) Rubbish; tat.
  7. A message on the social networking software Mastodon.
  1. To stand out, or be prominent.
  2. To peep; to look narrowly.
  3. To see; to spy.
  4. To flatulate.
  5. To make the sound of a horn or whistle.
  6. To cause a horn or whistle to make its sound.
  7. To go on a drinking binge.
  8. To snort (a recreational drug).
  9. To post a message on a Mastodon instance (a self-hosted version of the networking software).

Etymology 2

  1. A toilet.


  1. An amount obtained by the addition of smaller amounts.
  2. Sum.
  1. To add up; to calculate the sum of.
  2. To equal a total of; to amount to.
  3. To demolish; to wreck completely. (from total loss)
  4. To amount to; to add up to.
  1. Entire; relating to the whole of something.
  2. (used as an intensifier) Complete; absolute.


No Definition Found.