Thursday, January 9, 2025

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 256

Number of Answers: 55

Points Needed for Genius: 179

Genius requires between 26 and 47 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 75% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 68% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 256 was in the 85th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on January 5, 2025.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 55 possible answers rank it in the 85th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on January 4, 2025.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on January 8, 2025.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.5.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 190
  • loll 181
  • toot 176
  • naan 166
  • nana 166
  • lilt 130
  • till 130
  • tilt 130
  • tint 128
  • mama 123
  • mamma 123
  • nene 122
  • acacia 115
  • acai 115
  • onto 115
  • toon 115
  • anal 110
  • onion 110
  • anon 107
  • boob 107
  • booboo 107
  • olio 104
  • papa 103
  • baba 102
  • lull 101
  • lulu 101
  • mitt 101
  • poop 101
  • tact 101
  • dodo 100
  • allay 99
  • ally 99
  • call 99
  • calla 99
  • ratatat 99
  • tart 99
  • tartar 99
  • attar 98
  • tattoo 97
  • tatty 97
  • tutu 97
  • cocci 96
  • mono 96
  • moon 96
  • ammo 95
  • momma 95
  • epee 94
  • peep 94
  • loon 91
  • nanny 91

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 95,610 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,405 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • aahed
  • ahed
  • dadoed
  • daffed
  • deaned
  • dedenda
  • dene
  • denned
  • deodand
  • donne
  • donnee
  • eddo
  • enfeoff
  • enfeoffed
  • faena
  • faffed
  • fane
  • feod
  • feoff
  • feoffed
  • feoffee
  • foehn
  • fonded
  • hade
  • haded
  • haed
  • haen
  • headend
  • hodden
  • hoodooed
  • naffed
  • neoned
  • nonane
  • odea
  • ohed
  • oohed

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. To join or unite (e.g. one thing to another, or as several particulars) so as to increase the number, augment the quantity or enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate.
  2. To sum up; to put together mentally.
  3. To combine elements of (something) into one quantity.
  4. To give by way of increased possession (to someone); to bestow (on).
  5. To append (e,g, a statement); to say further information.
  6. To make an addition; to augment; to increase.
  7. To perform the arithmetical operation of addition.
  8. To summon minions or reinforcements.


  1. Any one of two or more numbers or other terms that are to be added together.
  2. A moiety added to another molecule.
  1. To furnish with an addendum.
  2. To furnish with an addend.


  1. Something to be added; especially text added as an appendix or supplement to a document.
  2. A postscript.
  3. The height by which the tooth of a gear projects beyond (outside for external, or inside for internal) the standard pitch circle or pitch line.


  1. (preferred spelling, with æon) A spirit being emanating from the Godhead.
  2. (Cosmology) Each universe in a series of universes, according to conformal cyclic cosmology.
  1. Eternity.
  2. A period of 1,000,000,000 years.
  3. The longest time period used in geology.
  4. A long period of time.
  5. (usually spelled aeon or æon) A spirit being emanating from the Godhead.


  1. In or to the front; in advance; onward.
  2. In the direction one is facing or moving.
  3. In or for the future.
  4. At an earlier time.
  5. Having progressed more.


  1. An electrode, of a cell or other electrically polarized device, through which a positive current of electricity flows inwards (and thus, electrons flow outwards). It can have either a negative or a positive voltage.
  2. (by extension) The electrode at which chemical oxidation of anions takes place, usually resulting in the erosion of metal from the electrode.
  3. The electrode which collects electrons emitted by the cathode in a vacuum tube or gas-filled tube.
  4. That electrode of a semiconductor device which is connected to the p-type material of a p-n junction.


  1. (with "the", a demonstrative, or a possessive) Those who have died.
  1. (often with "the") Time when coldness, darkness, or stillness is most intense.
  1. (usually plural) Sterile mining waste, often present as many large rocks stacked inside the workings.
  1. To prevent by disabling; stop.
  2. To make dead; to deaden; to deprive of life, force, or vigour.
  3. To kill.
  1. No longer living.
  2. Figuratively, not alive; lacking life.
  3. (of another person) So hated that they are absolutely ignored.
  4. Doomed; marked for death (literally or as a hyperbole).
  5. Without emotion.
  6. Stationary; static.
  7. Without interest to one of the senses; dull; flat.
  8. Unproductive.
  9. (of a machine, device, or electrical circuit) Completely inactive; currently without power; without a signal.
  10. (of a battery) Unable to emit power, being discharged (flat) or faulty.
  11. Broken or inoperable.
  12. No longer used or required.
  13. Not imparting motion or power by design.
  14. Not in play.
  15. (of a golf ball) Lying so near the hole that the player is certain to hole it in the next stroke.
  16. (1800s) Tagged out.
  17. Full and complete.
  18. Exact.
  19. Experiencing pins and needles (paresthesia).
  20. Constructed so as not to transmit sound; soundless.
  21. Bringing death; deadly.
  22. Cut off from the rights of a citizen; deprived of the power of enjoying the rights of property.
  23. (often with "to") Indifferent to, no longer subject to or ruled by (sin, guilt, pleasure, etc).
  1. (degree) Exactly.
  2. (degree) Very, absolutely, extremely.
  3. Suddenly and completely.
  4. As if dead.


  1. To render less lively; to diminish; to muffle.
  2. To become less lively; to diminish (by itself).
  3. To make soundproof.


  1. To render less lively; to diminish; to muffle.
  2. To become less lively; to diminish (by itself).
  3. To make soundproof.


  1. A fan of the rock band The Grateful Dead.
  1. A person either admitted to a theatrical or musical performance without charge, or paid to attend.
  2. An employee of a transportation company, especially a pilot, traveling as a passenger for logistical reasons, for example to return home or travel to their next assignment.
  3. Anyone traveling for free.
  4. A train or truck moved between cities with no passengers or freight, in order to make it available for service.
  5. A person staying at a lodging, such as a hotel or boarding house, without paying rent; freeloader.
  6. A stupid or boring person; dullard.
  7. A tree or tree branch fixed in the bottom of a river or other navigable body of water, partially submerged or rising nearly the surface, by which boats are sometimes pierced and sunk; snag.
  8. Driftwood.
  9. A zombie.
  1. To admit to a performance without charge.
  2. To travel as a deadhead, or non-paying passenger.
  3. To drive an empty vehicle.
  4. To send (a person or message) for free.
  5. To remove spent or dead blossoms from a plant.


  1. To admit to a performance without charge.
  2. To travel as a deadhead, or non-paying passenger.
  3. To drive an empty vehicle.
  4. To send (a person or message) for free.
  5. To remove spent or dead blossoms from a plant.


  1. A deaf person.
  1. (with "the") Those who are deaf, taken as a group.
  1. To deafen.
  1. Unable to hear, or only partially able to hear.
  2. Unwilling to listen or be persuaded; determinedly inattentive; regardless.
  3. Obscurely heard; stifled; deadened.
  4. Decayed; tasteless; dead.


  1. To make deaf, either temporarily or permanently.
  2. To make soundproof.
  3. (sometimes figurative) To stun, as with noise.


  1. To make deaf, either temporarily or permanently.
  2. To make soundproof.
  3. (sometimes figurative) To stun, as with noise.


Etymology 1

  1. A senior official in a college or university, who may be in charge of a division or faculty (for example, the dean of science) or have some other advisory or disciplinary function (for example, the dean of students).
  2. A dignitary or presiding officer in certain church bodies, especially an ecclesiastical dignitary, subordinate to a bishop, in charge of a chapter of canons.
  3. The senior member of some group of people.
  1. To serve as a dean.
  2. To send (a student) to see the dean of a university.

Etymology 2

  1. (chiefly in place names) A hill.


  1. An action or act; something that is done.
  2. A brave or noteworthy action; a feat or exploit.
  3. Action or fact, as opposed to rhetoric or deliberation.
  4. A legal instrument that is executed under seal or before witnesses.
  1. To transfer real property by deed.


  1. To transfer real property by deed.


  1. To ward off attacks against; to fight to protect; to guard.
  2. To support by words or writing; to vindicate, talk in favour of.
  3. To make legal defence of; to represent (the accused).
  4. To focus one's energies and talents on preventing opponents from scoring, as opposed to focusing on scoring.
  5. To attempt to retain a title, or attempt to reach the same stage in a competition as one did in the previous edition of that competition.
  6. To call a raise from the big blind.
  7. To ward off, repel (an attack or attacker).
  8. To prevent, to keep (from doing something).
  9. To prohibit, forbid.


  1. To ward off attacks against; to fight to protect; to guard.
  2. To support by words or writing; to vindicate, talk in favour of.
  3. To make legal defence of; to represent (the accused).
  4. To focus one's energies and talents on preventing opponents from scoring, as opposed to focusing on scoring.
  5. To attempt to retain a title, or attempt to reach the same stage in a competition as one did in the previous edition of that competition.
  6. To call a raise from the big blind.
  7. To ward off, repel (an attack or attacker).
  8. To prevent, to keep (from doing something).
  9. To prohibit, forbid.


  1. (clothing) To remove or take off, especially of clothing.
  2. To remove or tip a hat, as in greeting, salutation or as a mark of respect.
  3. To get rid of, to throw off.
  4. To strip; to divest; to undress.


Etymology 1

  1. (auxiliary) A syntactic marker.
  2. To perform; to execute.
  3. To cause, make (someone) (do something).
  4. To suffice.
  5. To be reasonable or acceptable.
  6. (ditransitive) To have (as an effect).
  7. To fare, perform (well or poorly).
  8. (chiefly in questions) To have as one's job.
  9. To perform the tasks or actions associated with (something).
  10. To cook.
  11. To travel in, to tour, to make a circuit of.
  12. To treat in a certain way.
  13. To work for or on, by way of caring for, looking after, preparing, cleaning, keeping in order, etc.
  14. To act or behave in a certain manner; to conduct oneself.
  15. To spend (time) in jail. (See also do time)
  16. To impersonate or depict.
  17. (with 'a' and the name of a person, place, event, etc.) To copy or emulate the actions or behaviour that is associated with the person or thing mentioned.
  18. To kill.
  19. To deal with for good and all; to finish up; to undo; to ruin; to do for.
  20. To punish for a misdemeanor.
  21. To have sex with. (See also do it)
  22. To cheat or swindle.
  23. To convert into a certain form; especially, to translate.
  24. To finish.
  25. To work as a domestic servant (with for).
  26. (auxiliary) Used to form the present progressive of verbs.
  27. To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note.
  28. (ditransitive) To make or provide.
  29. To injure (one's own body part).
  30. To take drugs.
  31. (in the form be doing [somewhere]) To exist with a purpose or for a reason.
  1. (of food) Ready, fully cooked.
  2. Having completed or finished an activity.
  3. Being exhausted or fully spent.
  4. Without hope or prospect of completion or success.
  5. Fashionable, socially acceptable, tasteful.

Etymology 2

  1. A synthetic opioid analgesic, used to wean addicts off heroin or other opiate based narcotics, and in chronic pain management.


  1. Someone who receives a gift from a donor.


  1. (clothing) To put on, to dress in.


  1. To come to an end
  2. To finish, terminate.
  1. (in combination) Having (a specified kind or number of) ends.


  1. The number nine.
  2. Any grouping or system containing nine objects.


Etymology 1

  1. A golf shot that (for the right-handed player) curves intentionally to the right. See slice, hook, draw.
  2. A haircut where the hair is short or shaved on the sides of the head and longer on top. See also high-top fade and low fade.
  3. A fight.
  4. A gradual decrease in the brightness of a shot or the volume of sound or music (as a means of cutting to a new scene or starting a new song).
  5. The act of disappearing from a place so as not to be found; covert departure.
  1. To grow weak; to lose strength; to decay; to perish gradually; to wither, as a plant.
  2. To lose freshness, color, or brightness; to become faint in hue or tint; hence, to be wanting in color.
  3. To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish.
  4. To cause to fade.
  5. To bet against.
  1. Weak; insipid; tasteless.

Etymology 2

  1. Strong; bold; doughty.


  1. To grow weak; to lose strength; to decay; to perish gradually; to wither, as a plant.
  2. To lose freshness, color, or brightness; to become faint in hue or tint; hence, to be wanting in color.
  3. To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish.
  4. To cause to fade.
  5. To bet against.
  1. (sometimes figurative) That has lost some of its former colour or intensity.
  2. High on drugs; stoned


  1. To blow air on (something) by means of a fan (hand-held, mechanical or electrical) or otherwise.
  2. To slap (a behind, especially).
  3. (usually to fan out) To move or spread in multiple directions from one point, in the shape of a hand-held fan.
  4. To dispel by waving a hand-held fan.
  5. To perform a maneuver that involves flicking the top rear of an old-style gun.
  6. (metaphoric) To invigorate, like flames when fanned.
  7. To winnow grain.


Etymology 1

  1. Food given to (especially herbivorous) animals.
  2. Something supplied continuously.
  3. The part of a machine that supplies the material to be operated upon.
  4. The forward motion of the material fed into a machine.
  5. A meal.
  6. A gathering to eat, especially in quantity.
  7. Encapsulated online content, such as news or a blog, that can be subscribed to.
  1. (ditransitive) To give (someone or something) food to eat.
  2. To eat (usually of animals).
  3. To give (someone or something) to (someone or something else) as food.
  4. To give to a machine to be processed.
  5. To satisfy, gratify, or minister to (a sense, taste, desire, etc.).
  6. To supply with something.
  7. To graze; to cause to be cropped by feeding, as herbage by cattle.
  8. To pass to.
  9. (of a phonological rule) To create the environment where another phonological rule can apply; to be applied before another rule.
  10. (of a syntactic rule) To create the syntactic environment in which another syntactic rule is applied; to be applied before another syntactic rule.

Etymology 2

  1. To reward for services performed, or to be performed; to recompense; to hire or keep in hire; hence, to bribe.


Etymology 1

  1. Self-support; taking care of one's own well-being.
  1. To take care of oneself; to take responsibility for one's own well-being.
  2. (except as "fend for oneself") To defend, to take care of (typically construed with for); to block or push away (typically construed with off).

Etymology 2

  1. An enemy; fiend; the Devil.


  1. To take care of oneself; to take responsibility for one's own well-being.
  2. (except as "fend for oneself") To defend, to take care of (typically construed with for); to block or push away (typically construed with off).


  1. To give, pass, or transmit with the hand, literally or figuratively.
  2. To lead, guide, or assist with the hand; to conduct.
  3. To manage.
  4. To seize; to lay hands on.
  5. To pledge by the hand; to handfast.
  6. (said of a sail) To furl.
  7. To cooperate.
  1. (in combination) Having a certain kind or number of hands.
  2. (in combination) Having a peculiar or characteristic hand or way of treating others.
  3. With hands joined; hand in hand.


Etymology 1

  1. The part of the body of an animal or human which contains the brain, mouth and main sense organs.
  2. The topmost, foremost, or leading part.
  3. (social, metonymy) A leader or expert.
  4. A significant or important part.
  5. Headway; progress.
  6. Topic; subject.
  7. Denouement; crisis.
  8. (fluid dynamics) Pressure and energy.
  9. Fellatio or cunnilingus; oral sex.
  10. The glans penis.
  11. A heavy or habitual user of illicit drugs.
  12. Power; armed force.
  1. To be in command of. (See also head up.)
  2. To come at the beginning of; to commence.
  3. To strike with the head; as in soccer, to head the ball
  4. To move in a specified direction.
  5. To remove the head from a fish.
  6. To originate; to spring; to have its course, as a river.
  7. To form a head.
  8. To form a head to; to fit or furnish with a head.
  9. To cut off the top of; to lop off.
  10. To behead; to decapitate.
  11. To go in front of.
  12. To get in the front of, so as to hinder or stop; to oppose.
  13. (by extension) To check or restrain.
  14. To set on the head.
  1. Of, relating to, or intended for the head.

Etymology 2

  1. Foremost in rank or importance.
  2. Placed at the top or the front.
  3. Coming from in front.


Etymology 1

  1. Of a sheet of paper: having the sender's name, address, etc. pre-printed at the top.
  2. (in combination) Having a head with specified characteristics.
  3. (in combination) Heading in a certain direction.

Etymology 2

  1. To be in command of. (See also head up.)
  2. To come at the beginning of; to commence.
  3. To strike with the head; as in soccer, to head the ball
  4. To move in a specified direction.
  5. To remove the head from a fish.
  6. To originate; to spring; to have its course, as a river.
  7. To form a head.
  8. To form a head to; to fit or furnish with a head.
  9. To cut off the top of; to lop off.
  10. To behead; to decapitate.
  11. To go in front of.
  12. To get in the front of, so as to hinder or stop; to oppose.
  13. (by extension) To check or restrain.
  14. To set on the head.


  1. Careful attention.
  1. To guard, protect.
  2. To mind; to regard with care; to take notice of; to attend to; to observe.
  3. To pay attention, care.


  1. To guard, protect.
  2. To mind; to regard with care; to take notice of; to attend to; to observe.
  3. To pay attention, care.


  1. A shrub, Lawsonia inermis, having fragrant reddish flowers
  2. A reddish plant substance, prepared from the dried leaves of this plant, used for temporary tattoos and hair coloring. Hair colorings range from bright red to earth brown to near black.
  3. A rich reddish-brown colour.
  1. To dye or tattoo with henna.
  1. Of a rich reddish-brown colour.


  1. To dye or tattoo with henna.
  1. Dyed with henna


  1. To care, be anxious, long.
  1. To cut, dig, scrape, turn, arrange, or clean, with this tool.
  2. To clear from weeds, or to loosen or arrange the earth about, with a hoe.


Etymology 1

  1. A sharpening stone composed of extra-fine grit used for removing the burr or curl from the blade of a razor or some other edge tool.
  2. A machine tool used in the manufacture of precision bores.
  1. To sharpen with a hone; to whet.
  2. To use a hone to produce a precision bore.
  3. To refine or master (a skill).
  4. To make more acute, intense, or effective.

Etymology 2

  1. A kind of swelling in the cheek.

Etymology 3

  1. To grumble.
  2. To pine, lament, or long.


  1. To sharpen with a hone; to whet.
  2. To use a hone to produce a precision bore.
  3. To refine or master (a skill).
  4. To make more acute, intense, or effective.
  1. To grumble.
  2. To pine, lament, or long.
  1. Made sharp.
  2. Made more accurate or precise.


  1. To cover something with a hood.
  1. Wearing a hood.
  2. Covered with a hood.
  3. Shaped like a hood.
  4. (of an animal) Having a crest or similar elastic skin in the neck area.
  5. (of clothing) Fitted with a hood.
  6. (of eyes) Having thick, drooping eyelids.


  1. To trample with hooves.
  2. To walk.
  3. To dance, especially as a professional.
  4. (football (soccer)) To kick, especially to kick a football a long way downfield with little accuracy.
  1. Having a hoof or hooves.


Etymology 1

  1. A requirement for something; something needed.
  2. Lack of means of subsistence; poverty; indigence; destitution.

Etymology 2

  1. To have an absolute requirement for.
  2. To want strongly; to feel that one must have something.
  3. (modal verb) To be obliged or required (to do something).
  4. To be required; to be necessary.
  5. To be necessary (to someone).


  1. To have an absolute requirement for.
  2. To want strongly; to feel that one must have something.
  3. (modal verb) To be obliged or required (to do something).
  4. To be required; to be necessary.
  5. To be necessary (to someone).
  1. Necessary; being required.


  1. The Hawaiian goose, Branta sandvicensis, which was designated the state bird of Hawaii in 1957.


  1. The chemical element (symbol Ne) with an atomic number of 10. The lightest of the noble gases, it is a colourless, odorless inert gas.
  2. A form or sample of the element.
  3. Neon signs or lights, collectively.
  4. A neon tetra fish.
  1. (of a color) That resembles a neon light; extremely bright; fluorescent


  1. To incline the head up and down, as to indicate agreement.
  2. To briefly incline the head downwards as a cursory greeting.
  3. To sway, move up and down.
  4. To gradually fall asleep.
  5. To signify by a nod.
  6. To make a mistake by being temporarily inattentive or tired
  7. To head; to strike the ball with one's head.
  8. To allude to something.
  9. To fall asleep while under the influence of opiates.


  1. A knot, knob, protuberance or swelling.
  2. The point where the orbit of a planet, as viewed from the Sun, intersects the ecliptic. The ascending and descending nodes refer respectively to the points where the planet moves from South to North and N to S; their respective symbols are ☊ and ☋.
  3. A leaf node.
  4. A computer or other device attached to a network.
  5. The point at which the lines of a funicular machine meet from different angular directions; — called also knot.
  6. The point at which a curve crosses itself, being a double point of the curve. See crunode and acnode.
  7. A similar point on a surface, where there is more than one tangent-plane.
  8. A vertex or a leaf in a graph of a network, or other element in a data structure.
  9. A hard concretion or incrustation which forms upon bones attacked with rheumatism, gout, or syphilis; sometimes also, a swelling in the neighborhood of a joint.
  10. A point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude.
  11. The knot, intrigue, or plot of a dramatic work.
  12. A hole in the gnomon of a sundial, through which passes the ray of light which marks the hour of the day, the parallels of the Sun's declination, his place in the ecliptic, etc.
  13. The word of interest in a KWIC, surrounded by left and right cotexts.


Etymology 1

  1. A person without religious affiliation.
  1. To no extent, in no way.
  2. Not at all, not very.
  3. No, not.
  1. Not any of a given number or group.

Etymology 2

  1. Those without any religious affiliation: atheists and others outside any organized religion.
  1. A light meal usually eaten around midday, notably when not as main meal of the day.
  2. A break in play between the first and second sessions.
  3. (Minnesota) Any small meal, especially one eaten at a social gathering.
  1. The middle of the afternoon, normally between 2 and 4 pm.
  1. (often capitalized) The notional first-quarter day of a Roman month, occurring on the 7th day of the four original 31-day months (March, May, Quintilis or July, and October) and on the 5th day of all other months.
  2. (sometimes capitalized) The ninth hour after dawn (about 3 pm).
  3. The divine office appointed to the hour.
  1. The ninth hour of the day counted from sunrise; around three o'clock in the afternoon.
  2. Time of day when the sun is in its zenith; twelve o'clock in the day, midday.
  3. The corresponding time in the middle of the night; midnight.
  4. The highest point; culmination.
  1. The letter ن in the Arabic script.


  1. An ancient Greek or Roman building used for performances of music and poetry.
  2. A theatre or concert hall.


  1. To kill.
  2. To switch off.


  1. To hurt the feelings of; to displease; to make angry; to insult.
  2. To feel or become offended; to take insult.
  3. To physically harm, pain.
  4. To annoy, cause discomfort or resent.
  5. To sin, transgress divine law or moral rules.
  6. To transgress or violate a law or moral requirement.
  7. To cause to stumble; to cause to sin or to fall.


  1. To hurt the feelings of; to displease; to make angry; to insult.
  2. To feel or become offended; to take insult.
  3. To physically harm, pain.
  4. To annoy, cause discomfort or resent.
  5. To sin, transgress divine law or moral rules.
  6. To transgress or violate a law or moral requirement.
  7. To cause to stumble; to cause to sin or to fall.


  1. In a casual or curt style, without preparation or thought; Impromptu, offhand.