Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 2

Maximum Puzzle Score: 170

Number of Answers: 34

Points Needed for Genius: 119

Genius requires between 16 and 30 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangrams, you need 86% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangrams, you only need 63% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 170 was in the 52nd percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on January 14, 2025.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 34 possible answers rank it in the 38th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were fewer answers than this was on January 14, 2025.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on January 14, 2025.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.5.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 190
  • loll 181
  • toot 176
  • naan 167
  • nana 167
  • lilt 132
  • till 132
  • tilt 132
  • tint 129
  • mama 123
  • mamma 123
  • nene 122
  • acacia 115
  • acai 115
  • onto 115
  • toon 115
  • anal 111
  • onion 110
  • anon 107
  • boob 107
  • booboo 107
  • olio 104
  • baba 103
  • papa 103
  • lull 102
  • lulu 102
  • tact 102
  • dodo 101
  • mitt 101
  • poop 101
  • allay 99
  • ally 99
  • call 99
  • calla 99
  • ratatat 99
  • tart 99
  • tartar 99
  • attar 98
  • tattoo 98
  • tatty 97
  • tutu 97
  • cocci 96
  • mono 96
  • moon 96
  • ammo 95
  • momma 95
  • epee 94
  • peep 94
  • loon 91
  • nanny 91

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 95,856 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,409 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • didie
  • dipeptide
  • dipt
  • dite
  • duddie
  • duit
  • eide
  • etui
  • peptid
  • peptize
  • peptized
  • petti
  • pipetted
  • pipped
  • ptui
  • putti
  • puttie
  • teiid
  • titi
  • tittie
  • tittup
  • tittuped
  • tittupped
  • tizz
  • tzitzit
  • zizit
  • zizz
  • zizzed

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. To make (someone) a deputy; to officially empower.
  2. To make or name as a substitute.
  3. To act as a deputy.


  1. To make (someone) a deputy; to officially empower.
  2. To make or name as a substitute.
  3. To act as a deputy.


  1. To stop living; to become dead; to undergo death.
  2. To (stop living and) undergo (a specified death).
  3. To yearn intensely.
  4. To be or become hated or utterly ignored or cut off, as if dead.
  5. To become spiritually dead; to lose hope.
  6. To be mortified or shocked by a situation.
  7. To be so overcome with emotion or laughter as to be incapacitated.
  8. (of a machine) To stop working, to break down.
  9. (of a computer program) To abort, to terminate (as an error condition).
  10. To perish; to cease to exist; to become lost or extinct.
  11. To sink; to faint; to pine; to languish, with weakness, discouragement, love, etc.
  12. (often with "to") To become indifferent; to cease to be subject.
  13. To disappear gradually in another surface, as where mouldings are lost in a sloped or curved face.
  14. To become vapid, flat, or spiritless, as liquor.
  15. (of a stand-up comedian or a joke) To fail to evoke laughter from the audience.
  1. To colour with dye, or as if with dye.


Etymology 1

  1. The food and beverage a person or animal consumes.
  2. A controlled regimen of food and drink, as to gain or lose weight or otherwise influence health.
  3. (by extension) Any habitual intake or consumption.
  1. (of a food or beverage) Containing less fat, salt, sugar, or calories than normal, or claimed to have such.
  2. Having certain traits subtracted.

Etymology 2

  1. To regulate the food of (someone); to put on a diet.
  2. To modify one's food and beverage intake so as to decrease or increase body weight or influence health.
  3. To eat; to take one's meals.
  4. To cause to take food; to feed.

Etymology 3

  1. (usually capitalized as a proper noun) A council or assembly of leaders; a formal deliberative assembly.
  2. A session of exams
  3. The proceedings under a criminal libel.
  4. A clerical or ecclesiastical function in Scotland.


  1. To regulate the food of (someone); to put on a diet.
  2. To modify one's food and beverage intake so as to decrease or increase body weight or influence health.
  3. To eat; to take one's meals.
  4. To cause to take food; to feed.


  1. To lower into a liquid.
  2. To immerse oneself; to become plunged in a liquid; to sink.
  3. (of a value or rate) To decrease slightly.
  4. To lower a light's beam.
  5. To lower (a flag), particularly a national ensign, to a partially hoisted position in order to render or to return a salute. While lowered, the flag is said to be “at the dip.” A flag being carried on a staff may be dipped by leaning it forward at an approximate angle of 45 degrees.
  6. To treat cattle or sheep by immersion in chemical solution.
  7. To use a dip stick to check oil level in an engine.
  8. To consume snuff by placing a pinch behind the lip or under the tongue so that the active chemical constituents of the snuff may be absorbed into the system for their narcotic effect.
  9. To immerse for baptism.
  10. To wet, as if by immersing; to moisten.
  11. To plunge or engage thoroughly in any affair.
  12. To take out, by dipping a dipper, ladle, or other receptacle, into a fluid and removing a part; often with out.
  13. To perform the action of plunging a dipper, ladle. etc. into a liquid or soft substance and removing a part.
  14. To engage as a pledge; to mortgage.
  15. To perform (a bow or curtsey) by inclining the body.
  16. To incline downward from the plane of the horizon.
  17. To perform a dip dance move (often phrased with the leader as the subject noun and the follower as the subject noun being dipped)
  18. To lower the body by bending the knees while keeping the body in an upright position, as in movement to the rhythm of music.
  19. To leave.
  20. To miss out on seeing a sought after bird.
  1. That has been briefly immersed in a liquid.
  2. Of headlights: lowered.
  3. Caught up in debt; mortgaged.


  1. A scatterbrained person, especially a woman.


  1. To make dizzy, to bewilder.


  1. To form an eddy; to move in, or as if in, an eddy; to move in a circle.


  1. A change to the text of a document.
  2. A change in the text of a file, a website or the code of software.
  3. An interruption or change to an improvised scene.
  4. An alteration to the DNA sequence of a chromosome; an act of gene splicing.
  1. To change a text, or a document.
  2. To be the editor of a publication.
  3. To change the contents of a file, website, etc.
  4. To alter the DNA sequence of a chromosome; to perform gene splicing.
  5. To alter a film by cutting and splicing frames.
  6. To cut short or otherwise alter an improvised scene.
  7. To lend itself to editing in a certain way.


  1. To change a text, or a document.
  2. To be the editor of a publication.
  3. To change the contents of a file, website, etc.
  4. To alter the DNA sequence of a chromosome; to perform gene splicing.
  5. To alter a film by cutting and splicing frames.
  6. To cut short or otherwise alter an improvised scene.
  7. To lend itself to editing in a certain way.
  1. Having been altered from the original version.


  1. Any of a class of organic compounds consisting of various numbers of amino acids in which the amine of one is reacted with the carboxylic acid of the next to form an amide bond.
  2. The peptide bond itself.


Etymology 1

  1. (usually in the plural) A little schoolboy.
  2. A kind of pigeon.
  1. (of size) Petite: small, little.
  2. Petty, in its various senses:

Etymology 2

  1. The size of type between minion and bourgeois, standardized as 8-point.


  1. (especially of a woman) fairly short and of slim build.
  2. (clothing) of small size.
  3. Small, little; insignificant; petty.


Etymology 1

  1. Having two or more colors, especially black and white.
  2. Decorated or colored in blotches.

Etymology 2

  1. To spill or mix printing type.

Etymology 3

  1. To hit in the face with a pie, either for comic effect or as a means of protest (see also pieing).
  2. To go around (a corner) in a guarded manner.
  3. (of printing types) To reduce to confusion; to jumble.


  1. Meanings relating to a wind instrument.
  2. Meanings relating to a hollow conduit.
  3. Meanings relating to a container.
  4. Meanings relating to something resembling a tube.
  5. Meanings relating to computing.
  6. Meanings relating to a smoking implement.
  1. To play (music) on a pipe instrument, such as a bagpipe or a flute.
  2. To shout loudly and at high pitch.
  3. To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle.
  4. Of a metal ingot: to become hollow in the process of solidifying.
  5. To convey or transport (something) by means of pipes.
  6. To install or configure with pipes.
  7. To dab moisture away from.
  8. To lead or conduct as if by pipes, especially by wired transmission.
  9. To directly feed (the output of one program) as input to another program, indicated by the pipe character (pipe) at the command line.
  10. To create or decorate with piping (icing).
  11. To order or signal by a note pattern on a boatswain's pipe.
  12. (of a male) To have sexual intercourse with a female.
  13. To see.


  1. To play (music) on a pipe instrument, such as a bagpipe or a flute.
  2. To shout loudly and at high pitch.
  3. To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle.
  4. Of a metal ingot: to become hollow in the process of solidifying.
  5. To convey or transport (something) by means of pipes.
  6. To install or configure with pipes.
  7. To dab moisture away from.
  8. To lead or conduct as if by pipes, especially by wired transmission.
  9. To directly feed (the output of one program) as input to another program, indicated by the pipe character (pipe) at the command line.
  10. To create or decorate with piping (icing).
  11. To order or signal by a note pattern on a boatswain's pipe.
  12. (of a male) To have sexual intercourse with a female.
  13. To see.
  1. Shaped like a pipe; tubular.


  1. A small tube, often with an enlargement or bulb in the middle, and usually graduated, used for transferring or delivering measured quantities of a liquid.
  1. To transfer or measure the volume of a liquid using a pipette.


  1. A small tube, often with an enlargement or bulb in the middle, and usually graduated, used for transferring or delivering measured quantities of a liquid.
  1. To transfer or measure the volume of a liquid using a pipette.


  1. Any of various small passerine birds, mainly from the genus Anthus, that are often drab, ground feeding insectivores of open country.


  1. To feel pity for (someone or something).
  2. To make (someone) feel pity; to provoke the sympathy or compassion of.


  1. To make pits in; to mark with little hollows.
  2. To put (an animal) into a pit for fighting.
  3. To bring (something) into opposition with something else.
  4. To return to the pits during a race for refuelling, tyre changes, repairs etc.
  1. To remove the stone from a stone fruit or the shell from a drupe.
  1. Having a surface marked by pits; pockmarked or alveolate
  2. (of fruit) Having had the pits removed
  3. (of a maintenance area) Provided with one or more inspection pits.


  1. To fix or fill using putty.


  1. Lukewarm; neither warm nor cool.
  2. Uninterested; exhibiting little passion or eagerness.


Etymology 1

  1. The periodic change of the sea level, particularly when caused by the gravitational influence of the sun and the moon.
  2. A stream, current or flood.
  3. (chronology, except in liturgy) Time, notably anniversary, period or season linked to an ecclesiastical feast.
  4. A time.
  5. A point or period of time identified or described by a qualifier (found in compounds).
  6. The period of twelve hours.
  7. Something which changes like the tides of the sea.
  8. Tendency or direction of causes, influences, or events; course; current.
  9. Violent confluence
  1. To cause to float with the tide; to drive or carry with the tide or stream.
  2. To pour a tide or flood.
  3. To work into or out of a river or harbor by drifting with the tide and anchoring when it becomes adverse.

Etymology 2

  1. To happen, occur.


  1. To cause to float with the tide; to drive or carry with the tide or stream.
  2. To pour a tide or flood.
  3. To work into or out of a river or harbor by drifting with the tide and anchoring when it becomes adverse.
  1. To happen, occur.
  1. Affected by the tide; having a tide.


  1. To make tidy; to neaten.


  1. To twist (a string, rope, or the like) around itself securely.
  2. To form (a knot or the like) in a string or the like.
  3. To attach or fasten (one thing to another) by string or the like.
  4. To secure (something) by string or the like.
  5. To have the same score or position as another in a competition or ordering.
  6. To have the same score or position as (another) in a competition or ordering.
  7. To unite (musical notes) with a line or slur in the notation.
  8. To believe; to credit.
  9. In the Perl programming language, to extend (a variable) so that standard operations performed upon it invoke custom functionality instead.
  1. Closely connected or associated.
  2. Restricted.
  3. Conditional on other agreements being upheld.
  4. That resulted in a tie.
  5. Provided for use by an employer for as long as one is employed, often with restrictions on the conditions of use.
  6. Having walls that are connected in a few places by a single stone overlapping from one wall to another.


  1. Alternative form of teepee


  1. To provide with a tip; to cover the tip of.
  1. (To cause) to become knocked over, fall down or overturn.
  2. (To cause) to be, or come to be, in a tilted or sloping position; (to cause) to become unbalanced.
  3. To drink.
  4. To dump (refuse).
  5. To pour a libation or a liquid from a container, particularly from a forty of malt liquor.
  6. To deflect with one′s fingers, especially one′s fingertips.
  1. To hit quickly and lightly; to tap.
  1. To give a small gratuity to, especially to an employee of someone who provides a service.
  2. To give, pass.
  1. To give a piece of private information to; to inform (someone) of a clue, secret knowledge, etc.


  1. A shoulder covering, typically the fur of a fox, with long ends that dangle in front.
  2. A stole worn by Anglican ministers or other clergymen.
  3. A length of twisted hair or gut in a fishing line.
  4. A handful of straw bound together at one end, used for thatching.
  5. In fly fishing, the part of the leader that attaches to the fly.
  6. A bird's ruffle.
  7. One of the patagia, or pieces at the side of the pronotum of a moth.


  1. A passage in which all members of an orchestra are playing
  1. All together; with all playing at once.
  1. All together. Indicates that the remainder of a group should join in playing after a solo or other passage with a reduced number of voices.


  1. To close with a zip fastener.
  2. To close as if with a zip fastener.
  3. To compress (one or more computer files) into a single and often smaller file, especially one in the ZIP format.
  4. To subject to the convolution mapping function.
  5. (followed by a preposition) To move rapidly (in a specified direction or to a specified place) with a high-pitched sound.
  6. (followed by a preposition) To move in haste (in a specified direction or to a specified place).
  7. To make (something) move quickly
  8. To travel on a zipline.


  1. A type of penne pasta in the form of long smooth hollow tubes.