Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 310

Number of Answers: 59

Points Needed for Genius: 217

Genius requires between 28 and 50 words. You need at least a 9-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 73% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 69% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 310 was in the 95th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on January 24, 2025.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 59 possible answers rank it in the 91st percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on January 31, 2025.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 9-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on January 5, 2025.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.9.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 190
  • loll 183
  • toot 180
  • naan 167
  • nana 167
  • lilt 134
  • till 134
  • tilt 134
  • tint 133
  • mama 124
  • mamma 124
  • nene 124
  • onto 117
  • toon 117
  • acacia 116
  • acai 116
  • onion 112
  • anal 111
  • boob 109
  • booboo 109
  • anon 107
  • baba 105
  • olio 105
  • papa 103
  • tact 103
  • lull 102
  • lulu 102
  • mitt 102
  • dodo 101
  • poop 101
  • allay 99
  • ally 99
  • call 99
  • calla 99
  • ratatat 99
  • tart 99
  • tartar 99
  • attar 98
  • tattoo 98
  • tatty 97
  • tutu 97
  • ammo 96
  • cocci 96
  • momma 96
  • mono 96
  • moon 96
  • epee 94
  • peep 94
  • loot 92
  • lotto 92

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 96,811 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,441 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • airn
  • airt
  • antiair
  • antiar
  • antiarin
  • antiriot
  • aroint
  • atonia
  • attaint
  • attrit
  • inanition
  • inia
  • inion
  • inro
  • inti
  • intort
  • intrant
  • introit
  • intron
  • irritator
  • jarina
  • jiao
  • naira
  • naoi
  • natation
  • natatoria
  • ninon
  • niton
  • nitration
  • nitrator
  • noniron
  • nonirritant
  • noria
  • raia
  • riant
  • riata
  • ronin
  • ronion
  • tain
  • tian
  • tiro
  • titania
  • titi
  • titian
  • titrant
  • titrator
  • toit
  • trinitarian

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


  1. A negatively charged ion.


  1. A critical or explanatory commentary or analysis
  2. A comment added to a text
  3. The process of writing such comment or commentary
  4. Metadata added to a document or program
  5. Information relating to the genetic structure of sequences of bases


  1. To smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance; also, to spread over, as oil.
  2. To apply oil to or to pour oil upon, etc., as a sacred rite, especially for consecration.
  3. To choose or nominate somebody for a leading or otherwise important position, especially formally or officially, or as an intended successor.
  4. To mark somebody as an official ruler, especially a king or queen, as a part of a religious ceremony.


  1. A person opposed to a concept or principle.
  1. Opposed to something.
  2. That has a torsion angle between 90° and 180°
  1. Alternative form of anti-


  1. A musical piece written typically for a solo voice with orchestral accompaniment in an opera or cantata.


  1. A central room or space in ancient Roman homes, open to the sky in the middle; a similar space in other buildings.
  2. A square hall lit by daylight from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels.
  3. A cavity, entrance, or passage.
  4. Any enclosed sexine and nexine layers, widening toward the interior of the grain.


  1. To gain (an object or desired result).
  2. To reach or come to, by progression or motion; to arrive at (a place, time, state, etc.).
  3. To come or arrive, by motion, growth, bodily exertion, or efforts toward a place, object, state, etc.
  4. To get at the knowledge of.
  5. To reach in excellence or degree.
  6. To reach a person after being behind them.


  1. Wearing or grinding down by friction.
  2. The gradual reduction in a tangible or intangible resource due to causes that are passive and do not involve productive use of the resource.
  3. (human resources) A gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel, as through retirement, resignation, or death.
  4. The loss of participants during an experiment.
  5. Imperfect contrition or remorse.
  6. The wearing of teeth due to their grinding.
  7. The loss of a first or second language or a portion of that language.
  1. To grind or wear down through friction.
  2. To reduce the number of (jobs or workers) by not hiring new employees to fill positions that become vacant (often with out).
  3. To undergo a reduction in number.


  1. The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced
  2. The form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society; mode of entrance into an organized body; especially, the rite of admission into a secret society or order.
  3. The first step of transcription or of transduction.


  1. One who initiates.
  2. A substance that initiates a chain reaction or polymerization.
  3. A task (in a mainframe computer) that initiates multiple jobs.
  4. A material whose presence in the body eventually leads to cancer.


  1. To or towards the inside of.
  2. To or towards the region of.
  3. Against, especially with force or violence.
  4. Indicates transition into another form or substance.
  5. After the start of.
  6. Interested in or attracted to.
  7. Expressing the operation of multiplication.
  8. Expressing the operation of division, with the denominator given first. Usually with "goes".
  9. Investigating the subject (of).


  1. The rise and fall of the voice in speaking.
  2. The act of sounding the tones of the musical scale.
  3. Singing or playing in good tune or otherwise.
  4. Reciting in a musical prolonged tone; intonating or singing of the opening phrase of a plain-chant, psalm, or canticle by a single voice, as of a priest.
  5. A thundering; thunder.


  1. An introduction.
  2. The opening sequence at beginning of a film, television program, etc.
  3. A small demo produced to promote one's demogroup or for a competition.
  1. To introduce.


  1. The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet.
  2. A jot; a very small, insignificant quantity.


  1. A common, inexpensive metal, silvery grey when untarnished, that rusts, is attracted by magnets, and is used in making steel.
  2. A metallic chemical element having atomic number 26 and symbol Fe.
  3. Any material, not a steel, predominantly made of elemental iron.
  4. A tool or appliance made of metal, which is heated and then used to transfer heat to something else; most often a thick piece of metal fitted with a handle and having a flat, roughly triangular bottom, which is heated and used to press wrinkles from clothing, and now usually containing an electrical heating apparatus.
  5. (usually plural, irons) Shackles.
  6. A firearm, either a long gun or a handgun.
  7. A dark shade of the colour/color silver.
  8. (shortened from iron hoof, rhyming with poof; countable) A male homosexual.
  9. A golf club used for middle-distance shots.
  10. Used as a symbol of great strength or toughness, or to signify a very strong or tough material.
  11. Weight used as resistance for the purpose of strength training.
  12. A safety curtain in a theatre.
  13. Dumb bombs, those without guidance systems.
  1. To pass an iron over (clothing or some other item made of cloth) in order to remove creases.
  2. To shackle with irons; to fetter or handcuff.
  3. To furnish or arm with iron.
  1. Made of the metal iron.
  2. Strong (as of will), inflexible.


  1. Any medication designed to cause irritation
  2. A source of irritation.
  1. Causing irritation or inflammation.
  2. Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating.


  1. The act of irritating or annoying
  2. The state of being irritated
  3. The act of exciting, or the condition of being excited to action, by stimulation; -- as, the condition of an organ of sense, when its nerve is affected by some external body; especially, the act of exciting muscle fibers to contraction, by artificial stimulation; as, the irritation of a motor nerve by electricity; also, the condition of a muscle and nerve, under such stimulation.
  4. A condition of morbid excitability or oversensitiveness of an organ or part of the body; a state in which the application of ordinary stimuli produces pain or excessive or vitiated action.


  1. Someone who looks after the maintenance and cleaning of a public building.
  2. A doorman.


  1. (Muslim demonology) A genie and descendant of the jann, normally invisible to the human eye, but who may also appear in animal or human form, equivalent to demons in Jewish demonology.


  1. (Muslim demonology) A genie and descendant of the jann, normally invisible to the human eye, but who may also appear in animal or human form, equivalent to demons in Jewish demonology.


  1. An intersection of piping or wiring; an interconnect.
  2. An intersection of data in two or more database tables.
  3. The act of joining something, such as a network.
  4. The lowest upper bound, an operation between pairs of elements in a lattice, denoted by the symbol ∨.
  1. To connect or combine into one; to put together.
  2. To come together; to meet.
  3. To come into the company of.
  4. To become a member of.
  5. To produce an intersection of data in two or more database tables.
  6. To unite in marriage.
  7. To enjoin upon; to command.
  8. To accept, or engage in, as a contest.


  1. The point where two components of a structure join, but are still able to rotate.
  2. The point where two components of a structure join rigidly.
  3. Any part of the body where two bones join, in most cases allowing that part of the body to be bent or straightened.
  4. The means of securing together the meeting surfaces of components of a structure.
  5. A cut of meat.
  6. The part or space included between two joints, knots, nodes, or articulations.
  7. A fracture in which the strata are not offset; a geologic joint.
  8. (somewhat derogatory) A place of business, particularly in the food service or hospitality industries.
  9. (with the definite article) Prison.
  10. A marijuana cigarette.
  11. A syringe used to inject an illicit drug.
  12. The penis.
  1. To unite by a joint or joints; to fit together; to prepare so as to fit together
  2. To join; to connect; to unite; to combine.
  3. To provide with a joint or joints; to articulate.
  4. To separate the joints; of; to divide at the joint or joints; to disjoint; to cut up into joints, as meat.
  5. To fit as if by joints; to coalesce as joints do.
  1. Done by two or more people or organisations working together.


  1. The act of recounting or relating in order the particulars of some action, occurrence, or affair; a narrating.
  2. That which is narrated or recounted; an orderly recital of the details and particulars of some transaction or event, or of a series of transactions or events; a story or narrative.
  3. That part of an oration in which the speaker makes his or her statement of facts.


Etymology 1

  1. A historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity and/or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture.
  2. A sovereign state.
  3. An association of students based on its members' birthplace or ethnicity.
  4. A great number; a great deal.

Etymology 2

  1. Damnation.
  1. Extremely, very.


  1. An adult male human.
  2. (collective) All human males collectively: mankind.
  3. A human, a person of either gender, usually an adult. (See usage notes.)
  4. (collective) All humans collectively: mankind, humankind, humanity. (Sometimes capitalized as Man.)
  5. A member of the genus Homo, especially of the species Homo sapiens.
  6. An male person, usually an adult; a (generally adult male) sentient being, whether human, supernatural, elf, alien, etc.
  7. An adult male who has, to an eminent degree, qualities considered masculine, such as strength, integrity, and devotion to family; a mensch.
  8. Manliness; the quality or state of being manly.
  9. A husband.
  10. A lover; a boyfriend.
  11. A male enthusiast or devotee; a male who is very fond of or devoted to a specified kind of thing. (Used as the last element of a compound.)
  12. A person, usually male, who has duties or skills associated with a specified thing. (Used as the last element of a compound.)
  13. A person, usually male, who can fulfill one's requirements with regard to a specified matter.
  14. A male who belongs to a particular group: an employee, a student or alumnus, a representative, etc.
  15. An adult male servant.
  16. A vassal; a subject.
  17. A piece or token used in board games such as chess.
  18. Used to refer to oneself or one's group: I, we; construed in the third person.
  19. A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste.
  20. A friendly term of address usually reserved for other adult males.
  21. A player on whom another is playing, with the intent of limiting their attacking impact.
  1. A person trained in ninjutsu, especially one used for espionage, assassination, and other tasks requiring stealth during Japan's shogunate period.
  2. A person considered similarly skillful to the historical ninja, especially in covert or stealthy operation.
  3. A person considered to look like the historical ninja in some way, including (Mongolia) amateur private miners.
  1. To act or move like a ninja, particularly with regard to a combination of speed, power, and stealth.
  2. To claim an item through abuse of game mechanics.
  1. Of or related to ninjas in their various senses.
  1. To appropriate something (before someone else does).
  2. To displace something, or take precedence over something.
  3. To secure (land, etc.) by the right of preemption.
  4. To make a preemptive bid at bridge.


  1. The univalent NO2 functional group.
  2. Nitroglycerin, especially as medication.
  3. A beer that is nitrogenated to give it a more creamy head.
  4. Nitromethane.
  5. Nitrogen, especially as liquid nitrogen.
  1. Containing the nitro group; such compounds tend to be unstable and often explosive


  1. Film noir.
  2. A production in the style of film noir.
  1. Of or pertaining to film noir, or the atmosphere associated with that genre


Etymology 1

  1. A type of seaweed, a red alga, laver (genus Pyropia, including species P. yezoensis and P. tenera).
  2. The seaweed, chopped and formed into sheets, used in the preparation of sushi.

Etymology 2

  1. An improvised rail vehicle from Cambodia; a bamboo train.


  1. The act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks, signs, figures, or characters.
  2. A system of characters, symbols, or abbreviated expressions used in an art or science or in mathematics or logic to express technical facts or quantities.
  3. A specific note or piece of information written in such a notation.


  1. Mental apprehension of whatever may be known, thought, or imagined; idea, concept.
  2. A sentiment; an opinion.
  3. Sense; mind.
  4. An invention; an ingenious device; a knickknack.
  5. Any small article used in sewing and haberdashery, either for attachment to garments or as a tool, such as a button, zipper, or thimble.
  6. Inclination; intention; disposition.


  1. A monocotyledonous plant (Allium cepa), allied to garlic, used as vegetable and spice.
  2. The bulb of such a plant.
  3. The genus as a whole.
  4. A ball.
  5. A person from Bermuda or of Bermudian descent.


  1. A formal, often ceremonial speech.
  2. A lengthy speech or argument in a private setting.
  3. A specific form of short, solemn prayer said by the president of the liturgical celebration on behalf of the people.
  1. To deliver an oration; to speak.


  1. A musical composition, often based on a religious theme; similar to opera but with no costume, scenery or acting.


  1. Condensed water falling from a cloud.
  2. Any matter moving or falling, usually through air, and especially if liquid or otherwise figuratively identifiable with raindrops.
  3. An instance of particles or larger pieces of matter moving or falling through air.
  1. To have rain fall from the sky.
  2. To fall as or like rain.
  3. To issue (something) in large quantities.
  4. To reign.


  1. A condiment used as a dip or sauce in the cuisine of southern Asia, made from seasoned yogurt.


  1. The wife of a rajah.
  2. A Hindu princess or female ruler in India.


  1. A number representing a comparison between two named things.
  2. The relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient).
  3. Short for ratio decidendi.
  4. The amount of comments to a post or other expression on social media relative to the number of likes.
  1. (social media) To respond to a post or message on social media in a greater number than the number of likes the post receives.


  1. A portion of some limited resource allocated to a person or group.
  1. To supply with a ration; to limit (someone) to a specific allowance of something.
  2. To portion out (especially during a shortage of supply); to limit access to.
  3. To restrict (an activity etc.)


  1. The wine (mostly red) of that region


  1. Wanton or unrestrained behavior; uproar; tumult.
  2. The tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by an unlawful assembly of three or more persons in the execution of some private object.
  3. A wide and unconstrained variety.
  4. Excessive and expensive feasting; wild and loose festivity; revelry.
  1. To create or take part in a riot; to raise an uproar or sedition.
  2. To act in an unrestrained or wanton manner; to indulge in excess of feasting, luxury, etc.
  3. To cause to riot; to throw into a tumult.
  4. To annoy.


  1. The act of turning around a centre or an axis.
  2. A single complete cycle around a centre or an axis.
  3. A regular variation in a sequence, such as to even-out wear, or people taking turns in a task; a duty roster.
  4. An operation on a metric space that is a continuous isometry and fixes at least one point.
  5. The set of starting pitchers of a team.
  6. The step during takeoff when the pilot commands the vehicle to lift the nose wheel off the ground during the takeoff roll. (see also: V2)
  7. Repeated play on a radio station, etc.


  1. A kind of unleavened flatbread commonly consumed in South Asia and the Caribbean.


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food
  2. A mark of disgrace, especially on one's character; blemish
  3. Tincture; hue; colour
  4. Infection; corruption; deprivation
  5. A marker indicating that a variable is unsafe and should be subjected to additional security checks.
  1. To contaminate or corrupt (something) with an external agent, either physically or morally.
  2. To spoil (food) by contamination.
  3. To be infected or corrupted; to be touched by something corrupting.
  4. To be affected with incipient putrefaction.
  5. To mark (a variable) as unsafe, so that operations involving it are subject to additional security checks.
  6. To invalidate (a share capital account) by transferring profits into it.

Etymology 2

  1. A thrust with a lance, which fails of its intended effect.
  2. An injury done to a lance in an encounter, without its being broken; also, a breaking of a lance in an encounter in a dishonorable or unscientific manner.
  1. To damage, as a lance, without breaking it; also, to break, as a lance, but usually in an unknightly or unscientific manner.
  2. To hit or touch lightly, in tilting.
  3. To thrust ineffectually with a lance.

Etymology 3

  1. The perineum.


  1. Tannic acid or any of its derivatives.


  1. The act or process of damnation or reprobation; hell.
  2. Someone or something that causes trouble; troublemaker.
  1. Bothersome; devilish.
  2. Generic intensifier.
  1. Very; extremely.
  1. Used to express anger, irritation, disappointment, annoyance, contempt, etc.


  1. The papal crown.
  2. An ornamental coronet.


  1. A slight coloring.
  2. A pale or faint tinge of any color; especially, a variation of a color obtained by adding white (contrast shade)
  3. A color considered with reference to other very similar colors.
  4. A shaded effect in engraving, produced by the juxtaposition of many fine parallel lines.
  1. To shade, to color.


  1. Something or someone of very large stature, greatness, or godliness.


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. A topological space which is a product of two circles.
  2. The standard representation of such a space in 3-dimensional Euclidean space: a shape consisting of a ring with a circular cross-section: the shape of an inner tube or hollow doughnut.
  3. (in combination, n-torus, 4-torus, etc.) The product of the specified number of circles.
  4. A molding which projects at the base of a column and above the plinth.
  5. The end of the peduncle or flower stalk to which the floral parts (or in the Asteraceae, the florets of a flower head) are attached; receptacle, thalamus.
  6. A rounded ridge, especially one on the occipital bone.

Etymology 2

  1. One who executes a technique against the training partner, or uke.


  1. A traditional Japanese gate at Shinto shrines, symbolically marking the transition from the profane to the sacred.


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. Elongated portion.
  2. Connected sequence of people or things.
  1. To practice an ability.
  2. To teach and form (someone) by practice; to educate (someone).
  3. To improve one's fitness.
  4. To proceed in sequence.
  5. To move (a gun) laterally so that it points in a different direction.
  6. To encourage (a plant or branch) to grow in a particular direction or shape, usually by pruning and bending.
  7. To trace (a lode or any mineral appearance) to its head.
  8. To create a trainer for; to apply cheats to (a game).
  9. To draw along; to trail; to drag.
  10. To draw by persuasion, artifice, or the like; to attract by stratagem; to entice; to allure.

Etymology 2

  1. Treachery; deceit.
  2. A trick or stratagem.
  3. A trap for animals; a snare.
  4. A lure; a decoy.


  1. An identifying characteristic, habit or trend.
  2. An uninstantiable collection of methods that provides functionality to a class by using the class’s own interface.


  1. Someone who violates an allegiance and betrays their country; someone guilty of treason; one who, in breach of trust, delivers their country to an enemy, or yields up any fort or place entrusted to his defense, or surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished
  2. Someone who takes arms and levies war against their country; or one who aids an enemy in conquering his country.
  3. Hence, one who betrays any confidence or trust.
  1. To act the traitor toward; to betray; to deceive.
  1. Traitorous


  1. A small, informal Italian-style restaurant.


  1. A group of three people or things.
  2. A group of three musicians.
  3. A piece of music written for three musicians.
  4. A passage in the middle of a minuet, frequently in a different key.
  5. Any cocktail made with a spirit, a liqueur, and a creamy ingredient.


Etymology 1

  1. The atomic nucleus of a tritium atom, consisting of a proton and two neutrons

Etymology 2

  1. Any of several marine gastropods of the family Ranellidae, which have a pointed spiral shell.