Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 88

Number of Answers: 29

Points Needed for Genius: 62

Genius requires between 10 and 27 words. You need at least a 6-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 84% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 65% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 88 was in the 7th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this low was on November 26, 2024.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 29 possible answers rank it in the 23rd percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were fewer answers than this was on January 30, 2025.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 6-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on February 1, 2025.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 4.7.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 191
  • loll 183
  • toot 181
  • naan 167
  • nana 167
  • lilt 134
  • till 134
  • tilt 134
  • tint 133
  • mama 125
  • mamma 125
  • nene 124
  • onto 118
  • toon 118
  • acacia 117
  • acai 117
  • anal 112
  • onion 112
  • boob 109
  • booboo 109
  • anon 108
  • baba 105
  • olio 105
  • papa 103
  • tact 103
  • dodo 102
  • lull 102
  • lulu 102
  • mitt 102
  • poop 101
  • call 100
  • calla 100
  • allay 99
  • ally 99
  • ratatat 99
  • tart 99
  • tartar 99
  • tattoo 99
  • tutu 99
  • attar 98
  • tatty 97
  • ammo 96
  • cocci 96
  • momma 96
  • mono 96
  • moon 96
  • epee 94
  • peep 94
  • loot 92
  • lotto 92

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 97,077 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,449 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • adnoun
  • anatto
  • annatto
  • annona
  • anoa
  • aoudad
  • aunthood
  • dado
  • dahoon
  • dato
  • datto
  • doat
  • dona
  • donna
  • doodah
  • doodoo
  • dout
  • hodad
  • honan
  • honda
  • houdah
  • nano
  • nona
  • nota
  • odah
  • odonata
  • otto
  • outa
  • outadd
  • outhunt
  • outta
  • tanto
  • tauon
  • tondo
  • touton

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


Etymology 1

  1. Straight away; at once.
  2. Soon; in a little while.
  3. At another time; then; again.

Etymology 2

  1. An anonymous person, especially an author.
  2. A work with an unknown author.
  3. A work without a title.
  1. Anonymous


Etymology 1

  1. An automobile.
  2. A setting for automatic operation.
  3. An automatic gearbox / transmission.
  4. A car with an automatic gearbox / transmission.
  1. To travel by automobile.
  1. Capable of operating without external control or intervention.
  2. Done out of habit or without conscious thought.
  3. Necessary, inevitable, prescribed by logic, law, etc.
  4. (of a firearm such as a machine gun) Firing continuously as long as the trigger is pressed until ammunition is exhausted.
  5. (of a handgun) An autoloader; a semi-automatic or self-loading pistol, as opposed to a revolver or other manually actuated handgun, which fires one shot per pull of the trigger; distinct from machine guns.
  6. (of a local variable) Automatically added to and removed from the stack during the course of function calls.
  7. (of a group) Having one or more finite-state automata

Etymology 2

  1. An autorickshaw.


Etymology 1

  1. A large, flightless bird, †Raphus cucullatus, related to the pigeon, that is now extinct (since the 1600s) and was native to Mauritius.
  2. A person or organisation which is very old or has very old-fashioned views or is not willing to change and adapt.

Etymology 2

  1. Fried plantain.


  1. A deep-fried piece of dough or batter, commonly made in a toroidal or ellipsoidal shape, and mixed with various sweeteners and flavors, sometimes filled with jelly, custard or cream.
  2. Anything in the shape of a torus.
  3. (automobile) A peel-out or skid-mark in the shape of donut; a 360-degree skid.
  4. A spare tire, smaller and less durable than a full-sized tire, only intended for temporary use.
  5. A toroidal cushion typically used by hemorrhoid patients.
  6. An idiot.


  1. A thing (used in a vague way to refer to something whose name one cannot recall); especially an unspecified gadget, device, or part.


  1. (auxiliary) A syntactic marker.
  2. To perform; to execute.
  3. To cause, make (someone) (do something).
  4. To suffice.
  5. To be reasonable or acceptable.
  6. (ditransitive) To have (as an effect).
  7. To fare, perform (well or poorly).
  8. (chiefly in questions) To have as one's job.
  9. To perform the tasks or actions associated with (something).
  10. To cook.
  11. To travel in, to tour, to make a circuit of.
  12. To treat in a certain way.
  13. To work for or on, by way of caring for, looking after, preparing, cleaning, keeping in order, etc.
  14. To act or behave in a certain manner; to conduct oneself.
  15. To spend (time) in jail. (See also do time)
  16. To impersonate or depict.
  17. (with 'a' and the name of a person, place, event, etc.) To copy or emulate the actions or behaviour that is associated with the person or thing mentioned.
  18. To kill.
  19. To deal with for good and all; to finish up; to undo; to ruin; to do for.
  20. To punish for a misdemeanor.
  21. To have sex with. (See also do it)
  22. To cheat or swindle.
  23. To convert into a certain form; especially, to translate.
  24. To finish.
  25. To work as a domestic servant (with for).
  26. (auxiliary) Used to form the present progressive of verbs.
  27. To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note.
  28. (ditransitive) To make or provide.
  29. To injure (one's own body part).
  30. To take drugs.
  31. (in the form be doing [somewhere]) To exist with a purpose or for a reason.


  1. An utterance of the word dunno.


  1. A worksheet, leaflet, or pamphlet that is given out (usually by hand) for a certain use.
  2. A gift to the poor or needy.
  3. A gift, something obtained without effort.


Etymology 1

  1. A covering for the head attached to a larger garment such as a jacket or cloak.
  2. A distinctively coloured fold of material, representing a university degree.
  3. An enclosure that protects something, especially from above.
  4. A soft top of a convertible car or carriage.
  5. The hinged cover over the engine of a motor vehicle: known as a bonnet in other countries.
  6. A metal covering that leads to a vent to suck away smoke or fumes.
  1. To cover something with a hood.

Etymology 2

  1. Gangster, thug.

Etymology 3

  1. Neighborhood.
  1. Relating to inner-city everyday life, both positive and negative aspects; especially people’s attachment to and love for their neighborhoods.

Etymology 4

  1. Person wearing a hoodie.


  1. A practitioner of voodoo.
  2. Supernatural bad luck, or something or someone believed to bring bad luck.
  3. A tall thin spire of rock that protrudes from the bottom of arid basins and badlands.
  1. To jinx; to bring bad luck or misfortune to.


  1. A derisive cry or shout.
  2. The cry of an owl.
  3. A fun event or person. (See hootenanny)
  4. A small particle.
  1. To cry out or shout in contempt.
  2. To make the cry of an owl, a hoo.
  3. To assail with contemptuous cries or shouts; to follow with derisive shouts.
  4. To sound the horn of a vehicle


Etymology 1

  1. A dog, particularly a breed with a good sense of smell developed for hunting other animals.
  2. Any canine animal.
  3. (by extension) Someone who seeks something.
  4. (by extension) A male who constantly seeks the company of desirable women.
  5. A despicable person.
  6. A houndfish.

Etymology 2

  1. To persistently harass.
  2. To urge on against; to set (dogs) upon in hunting.

Etymology 3

  1. (in the plural) Projections at the masthead, serving as a support for the trestletrees and top to rest on.
  2. A side bar used to strengthen portions of the running gear of a vehicle.


Etymology 1

  1. The ninth hour of the day counted from sunrise; around three o'clock in the afternoon.
  2. Time of day when the sun is in its zenith; twelve o'clock in the day, midday.
  3. The corresponding time in the middle of the night; midnight.
  4. The highest point; culmination.
  1. To relax or sleep around midday

Etymology 2

  1. The letter ن in the Arabic script.


  1. (grammar, narrow sense) A word that can be used to refer to a person, animal, place, thing, phenomenon, substance, quality, or idea; one of the basic parts of speech in many languages, including English.
  2. (grammar, now rare, broad sense) Either a word that can be used to refer to a person, animal, place, thing, phenomenon, substance, quality or idea, or a word that modifies or describes a previous word or its referent; a substantive or adjective, sometimes also including other parts of speech such as numeral or pronoun.
  1. To convert a word to a noun.


  1. A solemn pledge or promise, appealing to a deity, a ruler, or another entity (not necessarily present) to attest to the truth of a statement or sincerity of one's desire to fulfill a contract or promise.
  2. A statement or promise which is strengthened (affirmed) by such a pledge.
  3. A light, irreverent or insulting appeal to a deity or other entity.
  4. A curse, a curse word.
  1. To pledge.


  1. (of a function) Assuming each of the values in its codomain; having its range equal to its codomain.
  1. Upon; on top of.
  2. Aware of.
  3. Being an onto function with a codomain of (see below).


  1. To excel; go beyond in performance; surpass.


Etymology 1

  1. An image made in the skin with ink and a needle.
  2. A method of decorating the skin by inserting colored substances under the surface with a sharp instrument (usually a solenoid-driven needle).
  1. To apply a tattoo to (someone or something).
  2. To hit the ball hard, as if to figuratively leave a tattoo on the ball.

Etymology 2

  1. A signal played five minutes before taps (lights out).
  2. A signal by drum or bugle ordering soldiers to return to their quarters.
  3. A military display or pageant.
  1. To tap rhythmically on, to drum.

Etymology 3

  1. A breed of pony from India; a pony of that breed.


No Definition Found.


  1. An amphibian, a kind of frog (order Anura) with shorter hindlegs and a drier, wartier skin, many in family Bufonidae.
  2. A contemptible or unpleasant person.
  3. An ugly person.
  1. To expel (a user) permanently from a MUD or similar system, so that their account is deleted.


Etymology 1

  1. A cartoon, especially an animated television show.
  2. A player's avatar or visible character in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

Etymology 2

  1. A southeast Asian and Australian tree (Toona ciliata or Toona australis) of the mahogany family with fragrant dark red wood and flowers that yield a dye.
  2. The wood of this tree.

Etymology 3

  1. A town.

Etymology 4

  1. A melody.
  2. A song, or short musical composition.
  3. The act of tuning or maintenance.
  4. The state or condition of being correctly tuned.
  5. Temper; frame of mind.
  6. A sound; a note; a tone.
  7. Order; harmony; concord.


Etymology 1

  1. The noise of a horn or whistle.
  2. (by extension) A fart; flatus.
  3. Cocaine.
  4. A portion of cocaine that a person snorts.
  5. A spree of drunkness.
  6. (pronounced /tʊt/) Rubbish; tat.
  7. A message on the social networking software Mastodon.
  1. To stand out, or be prominent.
  2. To peep; to look narrowly.
  3. To see; to spy.
  4. To flatulate.
  5. To make the sound of a horn or whistle.
  6. To cause a horn or whistle to make its sound.
  7. To go on a drinking binge.
  8. To snort (a recreational drug).
  9. To post a message on a Mastodon instance (a self-hosted version of the networking software).

Etymology 2

  1. A toilet.


  1. A hard, calcareous structure present in the mouth of many vertebrate animals, generally used for eating.
  2. A sharp projection on the blade of a saw or similar implement.
  3. A projection on the edge of a gear that meshes with similar projections on adjacent gears, or on the circumference of a cog that engages with a chain.
  4. A projection or point in other parts of the body resembling the tooth of a vertebrate animal.
  5. A pointed projection from the margin of a leaf.
  6. The rough surface of some kinds of cel or other films that allows better adhesion of artwork.
  7. Liking, fondness (compare toothsome).
  8. An irreducible component of a comb that intersects the handle in exactly one point, that point being distinct from the unique point of intersection for any other tooth of the comb.
  1. To provide or furnish with teeth.
  2. To indent; to jag.
  3. To lock into each other, like gear wheels.


Etymology 1

  1. Someone advertising for customers in an aggressive way.
  2. A person, at a racecourse, who offers supposedly inside information on which horse is likely to win.
  3. A spy for a smuggler, thief, or similar.
  4. An informer in the Irish Republican Army.
  1. To flaunt, to publicize/publicise; to boast or brag; to promote.
  2. To look upon or watch.
  3. To spy out information about (a horse, a racing stable, etc.).
  4. To give a tip on (a racehorse) to a person, with the expectation of sharing in any winnings.
  5. To spy out the movements of racehorses at their trials, or to get by stealth or other improper means the secrets of the stable, for betting purposes.
  6. To act as a tout; to give a tip on a racehorse.
  7. To look for, try to obtain; used with for.

Etymology 2

  1. In the game of solo, a proposal to win all eight tricks.


  1. A Japanese wheat noodle


  1. An operation that reverses a previous action.
  1. To reverse the effects of an action.
  2. To unfasten.
  3. To impoverish or ruin, as in reputation; to cause the downfall of.


  1. To remove the hood from.


  1. Up to, indicating a motion towards a thing and then stopping at it.
  2. To, indicating an indirect object.
  1. Up to the time or degree that; until.


No Definition Found.