Friday, February 14, 2025

Answers to yesterday's Bee

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The official answers for today's puzzle are:

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Number of Pangrams: 1

Maximum Puzzle Score: 175

Number of Answers: 41

Points Needed for Genius: 122

Genius requires between 18 and 36 words. You need at least a 7-letter word to reach genius. If you don't get the pangram, you need 76% of the total points to reach genius. If you get the pangram, you only need 67% of the remaining points to reach genius.

Other days with this pangram:

The button below will reveal a chart with the number of words by each letter. Red bars indicate that there is a pangram(s) starting with that letter.

How does this puzzle compare to other puzzles?

Today's score of 175 was in the 54th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there was a score this high was on February 13, 2025.
The highest score ever was 537 on January 22, 2021.
The lowest score ever was 47 on March 27, 2023.

This puzzle's 41 possible answers rank it in the 56th percentile of all puzzles.
The last time there were more answers than this was on February 13, 2025.
The highest number of answers was 81 on June 8, 2019.
The lowest number of answers was 16 on March 27, 2023.

It takes a 7-letter word for genius.
The last time this happened was on February 12, 2025.

Today's puzzle has an average word length of 5.3.
For all Bees, the average word length has been 5.3.

Haven't I seen these letters before?

Hover over a letter to see its first and most recent appearance in the Bee!

Haven't I seen these words before?

The most common words in the Bee are:

  • noon 191
  • loll 183
  • toot 181
  • naan 167
  • nana 167
  • lilt 134
  • till 134
  • tilt 134
  • tint 133
  • mama 125
  • mamma 125
  • nene 125
  • onto 118
  • toon 118
  • acacia 117
  • acai 117
  • anal 112
  • onion 112
  • boob 109
  • booboo 109
  • anon 108
  • baba 105
  • olio 105
  • papa 103
  • tact 103
  • dodo 102
  • lull 102
  • lulu 102
  • mitt 102
  • poop 101
  • call 100
  • calla 100
  • allay 99
  • ally 99
  • ratatat 99
  • tart 99
  • tartar 99
  • tattoo 99
  • tutu 99
  • attar 98
  • tatty 98
  • ammo 96
  • cocci 96
  • momma 96
  • mono 96
  • moon 96
  • epee 94
  • peep 94
  • loot 92
  • lotto 92

How long are words in the Bee?

There have been 97,223 answers ever accepted in the Bee - with 10,452 unique words.
Below are the distributions of the lengths of these words.

Valid dictionary words not in today's official answers

You may be wondering why these words aren't here*:

  • ceil
  • ceili
  • cilice
  • cine
  • cineol
  • cineole
  • cline
  • cole
  • colicine
  • colone
  • coniine
  • conine
  • connexion
  • cooee
  • coolie
  • eloin
  • enol
  • enolic
  • eocene
  • exilic
  • exine
  • exon
  • exonic
  • ilex
  • ionone
  • leno
  • leone
  • licence
  • licencee
  • locie
  • looie
  • nellie
  • nielli
  • niello
  • nixe
  • nixie
  • ocelli
  • olein
  • oleine
  • xenic

*Because the New York Times considers them obscure or offensive.


Etymology 1

  1. A single-room dwelling for a hermit.
  2. A small monastery or nunnery dependent on a larger religious establishment.
  3. A small room in a monastery or nunnery accommodating one person.
  4. A room in a prison or jail for one or more inmates.
  5. Each of the small hexagonal compartments in a honeycomb.
  6. Any of various chambers in a tissue or organism having specific functions.
  7. The discal cell of the wing of a lepidopteran insect.
  8. Specifically, any of the supposed compartments of the brain, formerly thought to be the source of specific mental capacities, knowledge, or memories.
  9. A section or compartment of a larger structure.
  10. Any small dwelling; a remote nook, a den.
  11. A device which stores electrical power; used either singly or together in batteries; the basic unit of a battery.
  12. The basic unit of a living organism, consisting of a quantity of protoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane, which is able to synthesize proteins and replicate itself.
  13. A small thunderstorm, caused by convection, that forms ahead of a storm front.
  14. The minimal unit of a cellular automaton that can change state and has an associated behavior.
  15. In FreeCell-type games, a space where one card can be placed.
  16. A small group of people forming part of a larger organization, often an outlawed one.
  17. (communication) A short, fixed-length packet as in asynchronous transfer mode.
  18. (communication) A region of radio reception that is a part of a larger radio network.
  19. A three-dimensional facet of a polytope.
  20. The unit in a statistical array (a spreadsheet, for example) where a row and a column intersect.
  21. The space between the ribs of a vaulted roof.
  22. A cella.
  23. An area of an insect wing bounded by veins
  1. To place or enclose in a cell.

Etymology 2

  1. A cellular phone.


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. A large stringed instrument of the violin family with four strings, tuned from lowest to highest C-G-D-A, and played with a bow, also possessing an endpin to support the instrument's weight.

Etymology 2

  1. Cellophane


  1. A living organism (originally a plant) produced asexually from a single ancestor, to which it is genetically identical.
  2. A group of identical cells derived from a single cell.http//
  3. A copy or imitation of something already existing, especially when designed to simulate it.
  4. Two people who are exactly alike, as far as looks or behavior.
  1. To create a clone of.


  1. Girl
  2. Young single woman


  1. Any of various breeds of dog originating in Scotland and England as sheepdogs


  1. A commissioned officer in an armed military organization, typically the highest rank before flag officer ranks (generals). It is generally found in armies, air forces or naval infantry (marines).
  1. To act as or like a colonel.


  1. A surface of revolution formed by rotating a segment of a line around another line that intersects the first line.
  2. A solid of revolution formed by rotating a triangle around one of its altitudes.
  3. A space formed by taking the direct product of a given space with a closed interval and identifying all of one end to a point.
  4. Anything shaped like a cone.
  5. The fruit of a conifer.
  6. A cone-shaped flower head of various plants, such as banksias and proteas.
  7. An ice cream cone.
  8. A traffic cone
  9. A unit of volume, applied solely to marijuana and only while it is in a smokable state; roughly 1.5 cubic centimetres, depending on use.
  10. Any of the small cone-shaped structures in the retina.
  11. The bowl piece on a bong.
  12. The process of smoking cannabis in a bong.
  13. A cone-shaped cannabis joint.
  14. A passenger on a cruise ship (so-called by employees after traffic cones, from the need to navigate around them)
  15. An object V together with an arrow going from V to each object of a diagram such that for any arrow A in the diagram, the pair of arrows from V which subtend A also commute with it. (Then V can be said to be the cone’s vertex and the diagram which the cone subtends can be said to be its base.)
  16. A shell of the genus Conus, having a conical form.
  17. A set of formal languages with certain desirable closure properties, in particular those of the regular languages, the context-free languages and the recursively enumerable languages.
  1. To fashion into the shape of a cone.
  2. To form a cone shape.
  3. (frequently followed by "off") To segregate or delineate an area using traffic cones


  1. To surpass someone or something; to be better or do better than someone or something.
  2. To be much better than others.
  3. To exceed, to go beyond


  1. The quality of being excellent; brilliance
  2. Something in which one excels.
  3. An excellent or valuable quality; something at which any someone excels; a virtue.


  1. Executive, executive officer
  1. To execute; to run.


  1. The state of being banished from one's home or country.
  2. Someone who is banished from their home or country.
  1. To send into exile.


  1. A drooping, tapering shape of ice.


  1. A slope.
  1. To bend or move (something) out of a given plane or direction, often the horizontal or vertical.
  2. To slope.
  3. (chiefly in the passive) To tend to do or believe something, or move or be moved in a certain direction, away from a point of view, attitude, etc.


  1. Absence of responsibility for a crime, tort, etc.
  2. Lack of understanding about sensitive subjects such as sexuality and crime.
  3. Lack of ability or intention to harm or damage.
  4. Imbecility; mental deficiency.


  1. Leniency: mercy or forgiveness in the assignment of punishment.


Etymology 1

  1. A 13th-century coin minted in Europe and used in England as a debased form of the sterling silver penny, outlawed under Edward I.
  1. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a lion.

Etymology 2

  1. A kind of Latin verse, generally alternate hexameter and pentameter, rhyming at the middle and end.


  1. The vocabulary of a language.
  2. A dictionary that includes or focuses on lexemes.
  3. A dictionary of Classical Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or Aramaic.
  4. The lexicology of a programming language. (Usually called lexical structure.)
  5. Any dictionary.
  6. The vocabulary used by or known to an individual. (Also called lexical knowledge)
  7. A vocabulary specific to a certain subject.


  1. A small parasitic wingless insect of the order Psocodea.
  2. (not usually used in plural form) A contemptible person; one who is deceitful or causes harm.


Etymology 1

  1. A tendon.
  2. A right to take possession of a debtor’s property as security until a debt or duty is discharged.

Etymology 2

  1. (possibly obsolete) The spleen.


Etymology 1

  1. A path through two or more points (compare ‘segment’); a continuous mark, including as made by a pen; any path, curved or straight.
  2. A rope, cord, string, or thread, of any thickness.
  3. A hose or pipe, of any size.
  4. Direction, path.
  5. The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another, a telephone or internet cable between two points: a telephone or network connection.
  6. A clothesline.
  7. A letter, a written form of communication.
  8. A connected series of public conveyances, as a roadbed or railway track; and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.
  9. A trench or rampart, or the non-physical demarcation of the extent of the territory occupied by specified forces.
  10. The exterior limit of a figure or territory: a boundary, contour, or outline; a demarcation.
  11. A long tape or ribbon marked with units for measuring; a tape measure.
  12. A measuring line or cord.
  13. That which was measured by a line, such as a field or any piece of land set apart; hence, allotted place of abode.
  14. A threadlike crease or wrinkle marking the face, hand, or body; hence, a characteristic mark.
  15. Lineament; feature; figure (of one's body).
  16. A more-or-less straight sequence of people, objects, etc., either arranged as a queue or column and often waiting to be processed or dealt with, or arranged abreast of one another in a row (and contrasted with a column), as in a military formation.
  17. The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry, artillery etc.
  18. A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person; a family or race; compare lineage.
  19. A small amount of text. Specifically:
  20. Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy; method of argument; department of industry, trade, or intellectual activity.
  21. The official, stated position (or set of positions) of an individual or group, particularly a political or religious faction.
  22. A set of products or services sold by a business, or by extension, the business itself.
  23. A number of shares taken by a jobber.
  24. A measure of length:
  25. A maxwell, a unit of magnetic flux.
  26. (1800s, with "the") The batter’s box.
  27. The position in which the fencers hold their swords.
  28. Proper relative position or adjustment (of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working).
  29. A small path-shaped portion or serving of a powdery illegal drug, especially cocaine.
  30. Instruction; doctrine.
  31. Population of cells derived from a single cell and containing the same genetic makeup.
  32. (perfusion line) a set composed of a spike, a drip chamber, a clamp, a Y-injection site, a three-way stopcock and a catheter.
  33. A group of forwards that play together.
  34. A vascular catheter.
  1. To place (objects) into a line (usually used with "up"); to form into a line; to align.
  2. To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense; to strengthen by adding; to fortify.
  3. To form a line along.
  4. To mark with a line or lines, to cover with lines.
  5. To represent by lines; to delineate; to portray.
  6. To read or repeat line by line.
  7. To hit a line drive; to hit a line drive which is caught for an out. Compare fly and ground.
  8. To track (wild bees) to their nest by following their line of flight.
  9. To measure.

Etymology 2

  1. Flax; linen, particularly the longer fiber of flax.
  1. To cover the inner surface of (something), originally especially with linen.
  2. To reinforce (the back of a book) with glue and glued scrap material such as fabric or paper.
  3. To fill or supply (something), as a purse with money.

Etymology 3

  1. (of a dog) To copulate with, to impregnate.


  1. Thread or cloth made from flax fiber.
  2. Domestic textiles, such as tablecloths, bedding, towels, underclothes, etc., that are made of linen or linen-like fabrics of cotton or other fibers; linens.
  3. A light beige colour, like that of linen cloth undyed.
  1. Made from linen cloth or thread.
  2. Having the colour linen, light beige.


  1. Solitary; having no companion.
  2. Isolated or lonely; lacking companionship.
  3. Sole; being the only one of a type.
  4. Situated by itself or by oneself, with no neighbours.
  5. Unfrequented by human beings; solitary.
  6. Single; unmarried, or in widowhood.


  1. The Canadian dollar (both the coin and the monetary unit).


  1. The Hawaiian goose, Branta sandvicensis, which was designated the state bird of Hawaii in 1957.


  1. A neoconservative.


  1. The chemical element (symbol Ne) with an atomic number of 10. The lightest of the noble gases, it is a colourless, odorless inert gas.
  2. A form or sample of the element.
  3. Neon signs or lights, collectively.
  4. A neon tetra fish.
  1. (of a color) That resembles a neon light; extremely bright; fluorescent


Etymology 1

  1. Niceness.
  1. Pleasant, satisfactory.
  2. Of a person: friendly, attractive.
  3. Respectable; virtuous.
  4. (with and) Shows that the given adjective is desirable, or acts as a mild intensifier; pleasantly, quite.
  5. Silly, ignorant; foolish.
  6. Particular in one's conduct; scrupulous, painstaking; choosy.
  7. Particular as regards rules or qualities; strict.
  8. Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment; subtle.
  9. Easily injured; delicate; dainty.
  10. Doubtful, as to the outcome; risky.
  1. Nicely.
  1. Used to signify a job well done.
  2. Used to signify approval.

Etymology 2

  1. To run a process with a specified (usually lower) priority.


  1. A daughter of one’s sibling, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; either the daughter of one's brother ("fraternal niece"), or of one's sister ("sororal niece").


  1. The digit or figure 9.
  2. A playing card with nine pips.
  3. A nine-millimeter semi-automatic pistol.
  4. (usually in the plural) A statistical unit of proportion (of reliability, purity, etc.).
  5. A baseball club, team, or lineup (composed of nine players).
  1. A numerical value equal to 9; the number following eight and preceding ten.
  2. Describing a group or set with nine elements.


  1. Christmas
  2. A kind of hymn, or canticle, of mediaeval origin, sung in honor of the birth of Christ; a Christmas carol.


Etymology 1

  1. The one or single occasion; the present reason or purpose (now only in for the nonce).
  2. A nonce word.
  3. A value constructed so as to be unique to a particular message in a stream, in order to prevent replay attacks.
  1. One-off; produced or created for a single occasion or use. Denoting something occurring once.

Etymology 2

  1. (prisons) A sex offender, especially one who is guilty of sexual offences against children.
  2. (prisons) A police informer, one who betrays a criminal enterprise
  3. A stupid or worthless person.


Etymology 1

  1. A person without religious affiliation.
  1. To no extent, in no way.
  2. Not at all, not very.
  3. No, not.
  1. Not any of a given number or group.

Etymology 2

  1. Those without any religious affiliation: atheists and others outside any organized religion.
  1. A light meal usually eaten around midday, notably when not as main meal of the day.
  2. A break in play between the first and second sessions.
  3. (Minnesota) Any small meal, especially one eaten at a social gathering.
  1. The middle of the afternoon, normally between 2 and 4 pm.
  1. (often capitalized) The notional first-quarter day of a Roman month, occurring on the 7th day of the four original 31-day months (March, May, Quintilis or July, and October) and on the 5th day of all other months.
  2. (sometimes capitalized) The ninth hour after dawn (about 3 pm).
  3. The divine office appointed to the hour.
  1. The ninth hour of the day counted from sunrise; around three o'clock in the afternoon.
  2. Time of day when the sun is in its zenith; twelve o'clock in the day, midday.
  3. The corresponding time in the middle of the night; midnight.
  4. The highest point; culmination.
  1. The letter ن in the Arabic script.


No Definition Found.


Etymology 1

  1. The various fats and oils that go into the making of margarine.

Etymology 2

  1. Margarine


  1. An aerial maneuver in which one catches air by leaping off the ground with the skateboard and into the air.
  1. To perform an ollie.


  1. (frequency) One and only one time.
  2. (temporal location) Formerly; during some period in the past.
  3. Multiplied by one: indicating that a number is multiplied by one.
  4. As soon as.
  5. At a future time.
  1. As soon as; when; after.


  1. To bring (a system, etc.) online; to promote to an active or running state.
  1. Of a system: connected (generally electrically) to a larger network.
  2. Available over, or delivered from, the Internet.
  3. Connected to the Internet.
  4. Available on a computer system, even if not networked.
  5. Of a system: active, particularly building facilities (such as power) or a factory or power plant.
  1. While online; while in a running or active state, or connected to the Internet.


  1. An adult castrated male of cattle (B. taurus).
  2. Any bovine animal (genus Bos). A neat, a beef.
  1. Of, relating to, or resembling an ox; oxlike


  1. The chemical element (symbol Xe) with an atomic number of 54. It is a colorless, odorless, unreactive noble gas, used notably in camera flash technology.


  1. A navel that is formed of a hollow in the abdomen (as opposed to one that protrudes from the abdomen).
  2. A vagina with inner labia minora